Knights of the Saber in Dromaria | World Anvil

Knights of the Saber

Formed by the people for the people. The Knights of the Saber began with the intention of representing the great capital of Ania, founded by proud loyalists to the Crown. They are now a long standing guild and one of the forerunners of the current era. The Knights have since become an official part of the royal court, sponsored by the Dominion Royal Bank.    



Rory Dahlword

Chaotic Good, Male Human
  Knights Commander Rory Dahlword, the youngest brother of Grandmaster Marcus Trenton Dahlword III, rules the Knights of the Saber. Elevated to leadership following his brother's appointment as Grandmaster of the Civil Legion by King Ender Ramus, Rory's ascension, unanimously supported by his peers, reflects the high regard in which he is held within the ranks. Known for his tenacity and commitment to the Tritos Dominion, Rory has quickly distinguished himself.   Under his command, the focus of the guild has shifted. Once involved in the internal affairs of the royal court, they now prioritize the pursuit and elimination of defectors, turncoats, and traitors, particularly those undermining the neighboring states of Frijring and Serawa. This shift stems from Rory's strategic goal of reasserting the Dominion's influence over these regions. His bold decision to integrate more Shatterstaves into the Knights' ranks is a tactical move aimed at reining in the fledgling nations.   Rory's leadership is driven by an intense love for his country, a passion that informs every decision he makes. He upholds the principle of clarity in judgment, ensuring that anger never clouds his tactical choices. At the heart of his command is the belief that the Knights of the Saber are not just a military unit but a brotherhood united in their cause for Ania. However, he openly carries a strong sense of betrayal from the seceded nations, a sentiment that often intensifies in the face of opposition.


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Those without magic should not be subjugated by those who have access to it.
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Protect your own.
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Training and hard work will allow anyone to succeed.

Interests & Jobs

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Threats to the Nation. If something has the potential to threaten the great nation of the Tritos Dominion, the crown will fund the expedition to stop it.
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Persecution of Magical Use. The crown takes special interest in criminal acts of magic users in all forms.


Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend.   Starting Gear: Barding (light), Bit and Bridle, Feed (7 days), Mastiff, Military Saddle, Portable Ram, Tinderbox, Warhorse, and choose one Martial Weapon   Monthly Stipend: 50 gp, feed (7 days), rations (7 days), and mending of armor and weaponry

Downtime Benefits

You have the full backing of the great city of Ania during your downtime, as long as you remain active.   • When crafting the guild provides a second crafter of the appropriate type to aid you in the process.
• When training, in addition to your Intelligence also add your proficiency modifier.
• When working, if you roll above a 21 on your ability check, you receive double the amount of gold.
Knights of the Saber

Knights of the Saber Symbol

Guild Symbol

Base of Operations

Sanctum Access Permit Icon
Bounty Execution Writ Symbol
Authority of Detainment Symbol
Arcane Conveyance Authority Symbol
Use of Force Seal Symbol
Knowledge Acquisition Pass Symbol
Confiscation and Inspection Rights Symbol
Artifact Reclamation License Symbol

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