Rory Dahlword in Dromaria | World Anvil

Rory Dahlword

Knights Commander Rory Dahlword, the youngest brother of Grandmaster Marcus Trenton Dahlword III, rules the Knights of the Saber. Elevated to leadership following his brother's appointment as Grandmaster of the Civil Legion by King Ender Ramus, Rory's ascension, unanimously supported by his peers, reflects the high regard in which he is held within the ranks. Known for his tenacity and commitment to the Tritos Dominion, Rory has quickly distinguished himself.   Under his command, the focus of the guild has shifted. Once involved in the internal affairs of the royal court, they now prioritize the pursuit and elimination of defectors, turncoats, and traitors, particularly those undermining the neighboring states of Frijring and Serawa. This shift stems from Rory's strategic goal of reasserting the Dominion's influence over these regions. His bold decision to integrate more Shatterstaves into the Knights' ranks is a tactical move aimed at reining in the fledgling nations.   Rory's leadership is driven by an intense love for his country, a passion that informs every decision he makes. He upholds the principle of clarity in judgement, ensuring that anger never clouds his tactical choices. At the heart of his command is the belief that the Knights of the Saber are not just a military unit but a brotherhood united in their cause for Ania. However, he openly carries a strong sense of betrayal from the seceded nations, a sentiment that often intensifies in the face of opposition.

Roleplaying Rory Dahlword

Personality Trait. "My love of country has no limits, and I will do whatever it takes to ensure its survival."
Ideal. "Never let anger cloud your judgement, every decision should be made with a clear mind."
Bond. "The Knights of the Saber are a brotherhood, and together we ride for Ania!"
Flaw. "I wear my prejudices like a badge of honor and they are made even stronger in the face of conflicting opinions."
7th day of Ruby

Skin Tone
Sun-kissed pink

Ice blue
Short curly black
188 lbs

Current Residence
Cryptok Castle

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