The Book of Boom
Adventure Briefing
To the Players.
The Voyagers, a group of archeologists from the town of Rastein, need help to secure a newly discovered ruin deep in the mountains. Gwendela Sunborn, a Malkari scholar, has enlisted you to escort her assembled team to the site and ensure their safety. The temple holds immense historical significance, related to the god Bako and the sun.
Level Range: 5-6
Tags: Escort, Ruins, Bandits Location: Rastein, Slatetop Mountains
Connected Elements: The Voyagers, Cold Crook Excavation
Monsters: Oni, Hobgoblin Captain, Hobgoblin Warlord, Mage
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Tags: Escort, Ruins, Bandits Location: Rastein, Slatetop Mountains
Connected Elements: The Voyagers, Cold Crook Excavation
Monsters: Oni, Hobgoblin Captain, Hobgoblin Warlord, Mage
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Gwendela Sunborn
Malkari, Female Gwendela is the key figure driving the mission. She is a scholar with a passion for explosives and uncovering her people’s history. She relies on others to handle survival. Stat Block. Gwendela has the Mage stat block. She fights only if cornered, focusing on area-of-effect spells.
The Voyagers
The characters must complete 3 challenges over as many days to escort the Voyagers. The DCs range between 12-16, depending on the danger or severity. The journey through the mountains begins with 5 Voyagers and Gwendela.
- Terrain. Narrow ledges, large gaps, & unstable paths.
- Acrobatics, Athletics, & Survival
- Wildlife. Saber-tooth tigers, cave bears, & eagles.
- Animal Handling, Intimidation, & Stealth
- Environment. Snowstorms, cold temps, & rockslides.
- Nature, Perception, & Survival
- 1-3: A Voyager is lost
- 4-6: Delays. DC 14 CON save VS Exhaustion
Read Aloud. The temple’s sandstone walls are ancient. Smoke curls outside, and the sound of metal clangs within.
- 2 Voyagers: Basic support
- 3 Voyagers: Advantage on History/Religion checks
- 4 Voyagers: Identify traps & symbols without checks
- 5 Voyagers: How to unlock the innermost chamber
The Cold Crooks
The Cold Crook Excavation Crew consists of mercenaries and opportunists drawn by the promise of wealth. They primarily operate from the nearby desert of the Stein. Gah Rant. The leader of the crew is a disguised Oni. He goes by Grant. The Cold Crooks believe he is a human wizard. Gurt the Mage. Gurt is a goblin support wizard sent by upper management. She is willing to surrender or turn if threatened. She will be scared to find out Grant is an Oni. The Book of Boom. Gah Rant has found the book and has attuned to it. The power coursing through him has increased.
The Temple of Dunedori
Outer Courtyard. 1x Hobgoblin Captain and 1x Hobgoblin Warlord. Excess noise warns those in the inner chambers.
Read Aloud. Hieroglyphics mark floor tiles and walls. Rubble is scattered everywhere, with signs of recent damage.
- History Check. DC 13 to identify the symbols.
Read Aloud. A stone door is carved with an inscription: Light, Life, and Warmth. There are scorch marks nearby.
- Light. Reflect light onto the slot.
- Life. Burn a seed or plant, then place it in the slot.
- Warmth. Ignite the final slot by putting fire directly to it.
Reference Page
Payment. 200 gp each up front. Percentage based on future findings paid monthly through scrips. GM Note. Choose an amount you wish to give whenever you want a payment. Extra Payment. Gwen will promise up to triple. Use Charisma-based checks. Temple Loot. The Book of Boom. The rest are historical artifacts or are still buried. Payment reflects this. Raider Loot. Hobgoblin loot, 2d10 gold per raider, a scroll of Leomund’s Secret Chest, and the spell’s component chests.
Book of Boom
Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) This spellbook is bound in obsidian, its slate pages emblazoned with runes. It radiates destructive potential and grants devastating power to its attuned user, though at personal risk. Spellbook Access. Any wizard can copy the spell Detonation from this book into their spellbook by following the normal rules for copying spells. This process does not require attunement. Detonation. While attuned, you can cast the spell Detonation as a bonus action. Self-Immolation. Each time you cast Detonation beyond the first time, you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. DC = 10 + the number of times you’ve cast Detonation today. Failure you suffer the following consequences:- Spend one Hit Die.
- Take fire damage equal to the result of your missing Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier.
1 Action
1 Action
20 ft.
20 ft.
V, S, M*
V, S, M*
You create precise explosive detonations beneath creatures, objects, or structures you can see. Each target you choose that is on a solid surface within the area must make a Dexterity saving throw or it takes 4d8 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. If a creature failed its saving throw, its speed is reduced by half until the end of its next turn.
*- (caltrops and a tinderbox)
Market Supplies
Rastein Marketplace. A small market that provides limited resources. Examples of available supplies: Llamas, mules, climbing kits, cold-weather clothing, rope, lanterns, 1d4 healing potions, rations (only enough to last the expedition)
Gwendela Sunborn

Roleplaying Gwendela
Personality Trait. “Find fun by getting your hands dirty.”
Ideal. “Legacy. Where you come from reveals the path.”
Bond. “I want to do something Mama would be proud of.”
Flaw. “I can’t pass on a chance to blow something up.”
Gah Rant
Gah Rant is a lieutenant in the hierarchy of the Cold Crooks. Those above him know his Oni nature. He is obsessed with wealth and cares little for his crew. If hurt, he will try to escape using Gaseous Form and destroy the area around him.
Brown Mold
Brown mold feeds on warmth, drawing heat from anything around it. A patch of brown mold typically covers a 10-foot square, and the temperature within 30 feet of it is always frigid. When a creature moves to within 5 feet of the mold for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 22 ( 4d10 ) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Brown mold is immune to fire, and any source of fire brought within 5 feet of a patch causes it to instantly expand outward in the direction of the fire, covering a 10-foot-square area (with the source of the fire at the center of that area). A patch of brown mold exposed to an effect that deals cold damage is instantly destroyed.
Outer Courtyard
Outer Courtyard - GM Key
Inner Chamber
Inner Chamber - GM Key
Innermost Chamber