Book of Boom - Item

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This spellbook is bound in obsidian, its slate pages emblazoned with runes. It radiates destructive potential and grants devastating power to its attuned user, though at personal risk.   Spellbook Access. Any wizard can copy the spell Detonation from this book into their spellbook by following the normal rules for copying spells. This process does not require attunement.   Detonation. While attuned, you can cast the spell Detonation as a bonus action.   Self-Immolation. Each time you cast Detonation beyond the first time, you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. DC = 10 + the number of times you’ve cast Detonation today. Failure you suffer the following consequences:  
  • Spend one Hit Die.
  • Take fire damage equal to the result of your missing Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier.
  Destructive Precision. While attuned, your spells deal double damage to objects and structures.
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The Book of Boom

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