Penelope Fischer

The Naïlo family has run the remote elven city of Lainathia for three generations. When their youngest Penelope was born, her parents quickly recognized that she was an arcane prodigy. Brimming with power, Penelope underwent testing from the Intemporal Flock, a group dedicated to understanding people’s past lives. It was soon discovered that the youth was an Anointed, born with the blood of the goddess Vale flowing through her.   Raised in a life of privilege, Penelope began to understand the outside world when she was sent to the nation of Undai to unlock her potential. She trained under the dragons outside Tao and learned to embrace evocation and the elements. From there she traveled to the nation of Thorn, where she joined the Odelian Order and rose to the rank of Archivist.   As her education progressed Penelope continued her travels, sent by the Order to the Tritos Dominion on a mission for the Arcane Collective. While her reputation was growing, so too were the seeds of the Demon War. In the village of Shelter Lake, Penelope encountered a woman who would later be revealed as the demonic empress Lilith the Cruel. Lilith and Penelope would become friends until the succubus’ inevitable betrayal sparked the start of the conflict.   Throughout the war, Penelope’s life became embroiled in heroics, moving about Dromaria fighting demons at every turn. During this time she would meet her future husband, Marcel Fischer, a paladin of Lothor. Together, along with many other heroes, the two would go on to defeat the Demon Lord Lucca and liberate the nation of Thorn. In the aftermath, Penelope became a legend to the people and was raised to the position of Educator.   Currently, Penelope works as a liaison between the Arcane Collective and the rest of the Odelian Order. She regularly runs recruitment campaigns, traveling and speaking to potential candidates. Because of her relationship with Marcel, now Hierophant of the Lothoren Church in New Blarek, Penelope has been able to leverage the church’s aid in the recovery of the city.

Roleplaying Penelope Fischer

Personality Trait. "I am devoted to helping the people of Thorn however I can, even if it means ruffling the occasional feather."
Ideal. "Aspiration. With every precious life a new hope is born into the world for a brighter future."
Bond. "Guard what is most important and then do what you can for everything else."
Flaw. "I have not acknowledged the trauma I endured from the Demon War and it secretly haunts me."
1st day of Emerald

Skin Tone
Light copper

Dark amber
Long platinum
163 lbs

Current Residence
New Blarek
Leader Of
Odelian Order
"Penelope Naïlo is an exemplary leader with impeccable character. She may not be from the territories, but her blood went into reclaiming this land and rebuilding this city. If any of us are fit for the Upper Shelf it is the benevolent Anointed of Vale."  
~ Dolle-Brassi Creed
"The Masquerade"

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