Basilica of the Bloodied Claw

Located in the city of Dondarian and run by Brother Obediah Cristos, the Basilica of the Bloodied Claw is a church dedicated to the ancestor Dromadaes and his teachings. The building is a pointed-style domed cathedral with dark red marbled columns in the front. Elegantly carved depictions of battles with dragons and historic draconic moments adorn the columns and tapestries within.   Held sacred by locals and outsiders alike, the Basilica is a place of worship for many in Dondarian and surrounding towns. In recognition of its importance, the Baron has provided generous funding to keep up with maintenance costs. Although services have been known to be held sporadically due to recent events, the Basilica remains an important part of daily life within Dondarian.   Although sanctioned by the Baron, many of the Civil Legion troops stationed here have a strong dislike for the church and its inhabitants. Views on The Covenant and what it represents have become controversial as of late.
Dondarian   Operated By
Brother Obediah Cristos   Associated Faiths
The Covenant, Dromadaes

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