The Night Before Nobbletot
Adventure Briefing

Rimpsmeat and the Gobble Goat
Level Range: 2-3
Tags: Holiday, Superstition, Goats Connected Elements: Nobbletot, Rimpsmeat & the Gobble Goat
Monsters: Satyr, Giant Goat
Locations: Tintown
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Tags: Holiday, Superstition, Goats Connected Elements: Nobbletot, Rimpsmeat & the Gobble Goat
Monsters: Satyr, Giant Goat
Locations: Tintown
Download PDF: Ko-fi, DriveThru RPG
The Situation
Roheet. A charmed satyr. Roheet seeks Rimpsmeat by offering the children. He’s holed up at the local brewery, The Hop Shop, and wields Pipes of Sleeping. Satyr Lore. A DC 12 History or Arcana check reveals that satyrs are hedonistic fey living near places of revelry. Drunken Traps. Roheet has set traps around the brewery to keep out the locals. He was quite drunk when he made them and when he activated them. Their potency is questionable.
The Kids
Read Aloud.
The children have gathered at Chateau Charmont in the orchards, clutching trinkets as payment for help. A few whisper a rhyme in unison:
"The meat man’s tune will twist your head,
the sound of joy will break its thread."
the sound of joy will break its thread."
- The origin of the rhyme is unknown.
- Parents are in an unnatural sleep and can’t be woken.
- Adults forget Nobbletot. "Please remember!"
- Two houses have clues the children noticed before running to safety. They will take the characters there.
- They woke to music and discovered the missing dolls.
Steve Johanson’s House
Read Aloud.
The house is quiet, with the family asleep where they fell. The bedroom shows signs of intrusion.
Steve’s Dream. Steve struggles to recall his dream but remembers grabbing something as James, his doll, was taken.
- Persuasion or Insight. Helps him remember.
- Investigation. Broken piece of a flute under his bed.
- History or Arcana. Part of a magical instrument. An Identify spell reveals the pipe’s full nature.
Maggie Rodger’s House
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The house is silent except for the groaning windmill outside. The garden is in disarray, and inside, the parents sleep deeply in their chairs. The air smells of alcohol.
Giant Goats. The garden is trampled, with large hoofprints scattered throughout. A DC 12 Nature or Investigation reveals they belong to 2x oversized goats.
The Brewery. The wine rack is looted, and empty bottles labeled “Hop Shop Hopsap” lie near the back door. A DC 12 History or Investigation check links this to the brewery.
Laughing Clue. On the kitchen table is an old jack-in-the-box with a faded label reading "Puns of Fun." Detect Magic reveals a faint aura of enchantment. DC 12 Tinker’s Tools (Dex) makes it play a jaunty tune, forcing a laugh and waking Mr. Rodgers.
Magic Properties. Once per day, the jack-in-the-box can cast Hideous Laughter save DC 13.
Mr. Rodgers. He insists Nobbletot is nonsense and blames the mess on the characters insisting they leave immediately.In the Hop Shop
Read Aloud.
The Hop Shop is a sprawling brewery, its air thick with the smells of hops, ale, and sour drink. Barrels and brewing vats are in disarray, the space chaotic and cluttered.
Roheet is positioned in the manager’s office, overlooking the floor with half cover. Uses his Pipes of Sleeping and shortbow. He has placed scattered traps throughout. Use them as desired, based on player movement. Base DC 13.
- Honey Bomb. STR save or Restrained. Action to escape.
- Burst Pipes. Releases gas; CON save or disadvantage on saving throws for 1 minute.
- Ale Slick Floor. Difficult terrain; DEX save or fall prone.
- Singing Stein. Inspires 1d6 to Roheet’s attack or save.
Kid’s Trinkets. A ribbon bow, chipped marble, wooden bird, red button, candy cane, star-shaped candy, crayon drawing, mismatched coins, dried flowers, bead bracelet, melted chocolate, shiny rock, small bell, seashell, tangled yo-yo, & an old silver coin with strange markings. Jack in the Box. Made at the joke shop “Puns of Fun” in the capital city of Ania. Once per day, the jack-in-the-box can be used to cast Hideous Laughter save DC 13. Pipes of Sleeping. If Roheet is defeated or freed.
Pipes of Sleeping
Wondrous item (flute), rare (requires attunement) This magical flute is carved from an Otherwyld wood and enchanted to produce a haunting melody that lulls creatures into a deep slumber. Choose a creature within 30 feet that can hear the melody. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or fall asleep. The target can attempt this saving throw up to three times: immediately upon hearing the melody, at the end of its next turn, and the end of the following turn. A creature immune to being charmed is unaffected. First Failed Save. The target falls unconscious. The condition ends if the target takes damage, is shaken awake, or laughs. Second Failed Save. If the target fails a second saving throw, it remains asleep. The unconscious condition can only end if the target takes damage or laughs. Third Failed Save. If the target fails a third saving throw, it falls into a deep magical slumber for 8 hours. During this time, the creature can only be woken if it takes damage or laughs. A sleeping creature can laugh if it hears a joke or humorous event, DC 15 Charisma (Performance). The pipes have three charges and regain all expended uses at dawn. Fey creatures attuned to the pipes can expend a spell slot of any level to use them, instead of expending a charge.Nobbletot
Nobbletot is an Otherwyld Otherwyld tradition intended to instill discipline into misbehaving youths. As stories go, a creature known as Rimpsmeat comes to take bad children from their parents, leaving payments of toys and sweets behind. To keep Rimpsmeat at bay, the children craft dolls to trick the creature. Kids take the holiday far more seriously than others, as fear of Rimpsmeat seems to fade when entering adulthood. Rimpsmeat is said to be a small otherwylder, with exaggerated physical features, wearing bright yellow clothing, and carrying a silvered pitchfork, that leaves behind the smell of sugar and cooked meat. It relies on a massive, overweight companion called the Gobble Goat for transportation, feeding its prizes to the goat before moving on to the next home. Some say that the children become the kids of the Gobble Goat, eventually turning into goats themselves; the only tracks left behind are those of massive cloven hooves. Important Items: Hand-crafted dolls, cursed sweets & toys Rituals: Decoy dolls, feeding the goat Celebrated Locales: Belwin, Gnome's Landing, Heavy Gnome or Goblin Populations, The Otherwyld
Tintown - Hop Shop