The Hop Shop Building / Landmark in Dromaria | World Anvil

The Hop Shop

Found in the city of Tintown, The Hop Shop is a combination pub and brewery famous throughout the Tritos Dominion for its signature Dragons Blood Ale. There is a large silo behind the main building where all of the ale is made. Inside the shop proper, is a crisscross of copper pipes running across every surface.   Brewmaster Rufus Proudhops owns and operates the establishment. He ensures that every pint of Dragon’s Blood Ale the Hop Shop produces lives up to his impossible standards of excellence. Inside, patrons can find a nicely decorated dining area and bar with friendly staff waiting to serve them their favorite drink.   Rufus encourages all who visit to come in for a beer, stay for some conversation, and leave with a smile on their face. His generous attitude towards newcomers has made him quite popular amongst adventurers.
Tintown   Owner
Rufus Proudhops

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