Opening the Vault
We built a website packed with resources about Dromaria, starting with the Southern Tritos Dominion. The region is the first one developed in full as part of our campaign guide, Dromaria: The Covenant. This section gives you everything you need to explore and run D&D games in the world. Beyond that, every village, town, city, natural feature, and landmark has trials stashed away, ready to play.
From the Village Vault (FtVV) is a series of one-page, one-shots inspired by Dromaria’s locations. Some are crafted for specific places, while others work well in any setting. These FtVVs are part of Dromaria’s official content, but we encourage GMs to adapt them to fit their style.
Entries in the Vault are created for ease of use, and organized with reference tags, level ranges, monster stats, NPCs, maps, and custom tokens for Dromarian creatures. These adventures are designed to work in any world, with Dromaria-specific materials on the attached reference sheet and available on our website for quick access.
From the Village Vaults are here to help GMs who are pressed for time, stuck in a mental block, or looking for fresh ideas. The website already offers plenty of free content for running games, so modules from the Vault are intended as easy options to get things rolling. Despite the one-page format, entries in the Vault contain plenty of new monsters and magic items. Creating dynamic traps, combats, and social situations, we want to avoid pure hack and slash where possible.
We are starting with a range of adventures across the campaign guide. As the world grows here on the website, so too will the FtVVs for those locations. When you step into any new place, we want adventures set and ready to go for you right there. Following the links provided, you will have every detail ready to run wherever your characters decide to go.
FtVVs are available for $1 on our Ko-Fi and Drive-Thru RPG. Patreon subscribers get access to a new release every Friday and the entire backlog of content. As more are released, we hope to create bundles for different locations at discounted prices.
Starting with Ignition, when you purchase an entry, it includes a password for website access.
What's in the Vault?
The Occuli and Spectracles are examples of what you can expect inside.
From Ghosts of the Greenwood: Spectracles
Wondrous item, uncommon
Spectracles are custom-made glasses designed to see ghosts. As an action you may activate the spectracles, gaining the benefits of the See Invisibility spell for 1 minute. The glasses may be used once per day and recharge at dawn.
There are currently five From the Village Vaults available here on the site for free. As more locations become available online, new free unlocks are sure to follow.
A Peek Inside the Vault
In the heart of Lolien, unrest has taken a deadly turn. A rogue druid named Pazago, a disciple of Rodgort, the god of destruction and fire, has begun to spread chaos. Disguised as woodland animals, he’s been setting fires at key locations across town. The local Lawmaster, suspicious of foul play, asks the characters to investigate before Lolien’s cherished landmarks turn to ash.
The adventure unfolds over a single day as the characters chase Pazago’s trail through Lolien. Pazago’s attacks are swift and strategic, meant to instill fear. With fires erupting and strange clues left behind, it’s up to the characters to act fast, rescue civilians, and uncover Pazago’s motivations.
As tensions rise, the investigation takes them to the temple, where hidden fire-infused gemstones threaten to release elementals. Finally, at the Arda Elowen, Pazago stands ready for his final act, transforming into a flame-infused T-Rex to burn Lolien’s spirit to the ground. Can the characters stop him before the town loses its sacred tree and its hope?
This adventure is designed for characters of levels 4–6 and connects directly to Lolien, the Gentle Rains Inn, the Temple of Music and Song, and the Arda Elowen. Tags for this adventure: Chaos, Rebellion, Fire.