Aiding the Hammer
Adventure Briefing
There is a festival happening in a nearby town. Due to a recent surge in Otherwyld (fey) activity, the characters have been hired to escort the shipment of fireworks. Invisible pixies, an ambush, and dangerous weather will test their skills. To the Characters. You begin outside the city of Dondarian at an outdoor market. The mission: escort a cart for an upcoming festival. The trip will take about four days, ending in the town of Shelter Lake. Deliver the goods to Elder Kierie Bastinade for 50 gold each. The local baron has provided a wagon and driver.Level Range: 1-2
Tags: Escort, Danger, Introductory
Connected Adventures: The Red Keep Adventure
Locations: Dondarian, The Emerald Wood, Shelter Lake
Monsters: Commoner, Kobold, Magma Mephit, Pixie, Sprite
Free PDF: Ko-fi, DriveThru RPG
Tags: Escort, Danger, Introductory
Connected Adventures: The Red Keep Adventure
Locations: Dondarian, The Emerald Wood, Shelter Lake
Monsters: Commoner, Kobold, Magma Mephit, Pixie, Sprite
Free PDF: Ko-fi, DriveThru RPG
The Caravan
A market located outside the city of Dondarian. The characters have a driver, horse, and wagon waiting for them near the road.
Read Aloud. Outside the city walls, you are among a colorful array of traveling merchants called the Caravan. There is a din of people and an earthy aroma of animals.
Jewel. Chaotic Neutral, Female Ember Doesn’t have much to say. Rides atop a draft horse named Plod. In a conflict, Jewel will unhitch Plod and run. There is 1x inventory list and 16x bundles of fireworks wrapped in a tarp.
The Stowaway
A fugitive has stowed away under the cart. Her goal is to escape into the woods when far enough and the cart has stopped. Reena Shorebound. Chaotic Good, Female Elvenari
Fears being arrested for tax evasion and wants to escape through the Emerald Wood. Use a Commoner stat block with a Dagger.
- Difficulty. Investigation or Perception Checks
Consequences. If the characters or guards don’t notice Reena, she will steal a bundle and flee when far enough away. If she is discovered, the guards may become suspicious.
A Touch of the Otherwyld
Invisible pixies, who love pranks, begin to follow once outside town. Antics only escalate if ignored and they hate violence.
- Difficulty. Invisibility, DC 16 Passive Perception or DC 13 Perception. Any performance amuses them, reducing pranks.
Consequences:- If ignored, the pixies grow bold. At camp or while there is a distraction, roll 1d6 . They steal and hide that many bundles in inconvenient places or to place suspicion.
- If attacked, the pixies vanish for good and an invisible sprite named Thistle begins stalking the characters.
Tinn & Rah
A kobold and a magma mephit are hoping to create a tribute.
Read Aloud. With shaking hands, a rusty-scaled kobold levels a small bow, yelling obscenities in draconic.
There is a dragon nearby and Tinn wants to impress them. Rah. Neutral Evil, Elemental Magma Mephit
Wants to burn and can’t wait to burst!
- Difficulty. Creatures with the Scent feature may sense them early. Perception checks or they will ambush. Attack at dusk with a DC 15 Stealth. If the wagon takes fire damage roll 1d6. On a 1, a firework bundle ignites.
Encounter. 1x Kobold and 1x Magma Mephit. If they ambush, the mephit will begin near the wagon. The kobold will harass from a distance and cheer on its mephit friend. Add additional kobolds or an extra mephit to increase danger.
The Storm
A sudden storm breaks and threatens to ruin the fireworks. The rains and winds are severe, but will not last more than an hour.
Read Aloud. The weather makes a sudden shift, breezes becoming gusts as the gentle patter of rain can be heard. Within moments it is a heavy downpour.
- Difficulty. Survival checks and improvised skills.
- Good cover from rain is difficult to find.
- Wind picks up the tarp.
- Jewel is dismounted / Plod gets Frightened.
Fellow Traveler
A traveling salesman wants to resupply in Dondarian. He knows what the group has and is willing to make a tempting offer.
Read Aloud. A covered wagon led by an old mule and an even older man rolls down the road, slowing to greet you as they pass. He eyes you and your cart with interest.
He knows of the shipment, including the inventory sheet. He is willing to alter the document but has little skill. Miguel is a coward at heart and will flee if threatened or harassed. He will offer 100 gold for each bundle of fireworks, up to 300 gold total.
- Difficulty. Insight Check. Elder Kierie will check the inventory sheet carefully and adjust the reward accordingly.
Reference Page
Based on the group’s success, Elder Kierie Bastinade will offer different rewards. No matter what, as long as some dry fireworks are delivered and she does not suspect the group was involved in any foul play, Kierie will pay the mission pay. Elder Kierie has a +3 to her Investigation and Insight checks to notice altered documents or lying. If all or most of the fireworks are delivered in perfect condition Kierie will provide the party with a bundle for themselves and a free room at the Hanging Trout inn for the upcoming festivities. If the majority of the fireworks are missing or damaged, Kierie will provide a tongue-lashing and nothing else.Jewel
C/N Female, Ember Driver
Jewel is a professional wagon driver who spends most of her life on the road. She has proficiency in Land Vehicles and a +5 in Animal Handling. Quiet and observant, she avoids danger and thinks adventuring is reckless, though she’d never say it aloud.
Roleplaying Jewel
Personality Trait. “ I like when it's just me and my horse.”
Ideal. “Self-sufficient. If you can do it alone, you’ve made it.”
Bond. “Do what you say you’re gonna do.”
Flaw. “I have an inkling for gambling.”
N/G Male, Draft Horse
A loyal and hardworking horse, Plod is a reliable companion. If Speak with Animals is used, Plod reveals himself to be slightly smarter than the average horse and understands Common well. Roleplaying Plod
Personality Trait. “For a scratch or an apple, I’ll give ya a ride.”
Ideal. “Walking. It’s great to use my legs.”
Bond. “Having a rider makes it more interesting.”
Flaw. “I am brave, but I don’t always understand the danger.”
GM Advice
This adventure is designed as an introductory game with low stakes and mild consequences. It introduces players to the concept of roleplaying, skill checks, and persistent encounters without overwhelming them. For more experienced groups, consider increasing the number of creatures or add malevolent fey with harsher consequences. Vibe. Oregon Trail with a touch of the Otherwyld. A journey of odd challenges that teeter between fun and danger. Befriending the Fey. If characters attempt to befriend the pixies or sprite, they may succeed. These creatures are curious and good-natured and may assist if treated kindly. Continuing the Quest. This From the Village Vault leads into The Red Keep Adventure, a free full-length 5E Dungeons & Dragons campaign for levels 3-6.
Caravan Market Stock
Apple Tarts (1 sp), Caricature Self Portrait (30 sp), Forgery Kit (15 gp), Copper Pots or Kettles (1 sp), Douser (5 gp), Flapjack (20 gp), Machine Made Quilts (5 sp), Handmade Quilts (3 gp)
If a bundle is set off unintentionally roll 1d6 . 1-2. The target explodes with a dazzling display of colors. Each creature within 30 feet must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1 minute.
3-4. Thick black smoke spreads out from the target in a 30-foot radius, moving around corners. The area of the smoke is heavily obscured. The smoke persists for 1 minute or until a strong wind disperses it.
5. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage.
6. Another firework bundle goes off. Roll again.
Extra Pixie Pranks
The pixies love harmless fun, but some of their tricks are unintentionally dangerous. Every so often, roll 1d6 : 1. Vanishing Supplies. A small object disappears. Hours later, it is stuffed inside a different bag or on the road ahead.
2. Dye Job. Characters wake up to find new and unusual hair colors. This lasts 1d4 days.
3. Plod the Philosopher. For 24 hours, Plod the draft horse speaks Sylvan but only ponders existential horse questions. “What is a road? Are we not all pulling a cart through life?”
4. Floating Gear. Random items become weightless for 1d6 hours. Weapons hover and backpacks drift if not held down.
5. Sticky Situation. Character’s hands become absurdly sticky for 1 hour. Anything they touch clings to their hands unless they succeed on a DC 12 Strength check to pry it off.
6. Dangerous Distraction. A pixie loosens the harness on the cart or redirects Plod slightly off-course, causing an unexpected jolt. If the characters fail to notice, the cart tilts dangerously. DC 13 Dexterity save to avoid a crash.
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