The Temple of Music and Song

This cathedral is located in the city of Lolien and is dedicated to the goddess Serithell, patron of music and song. It is a grand building with several floors and two towers that stretch far above the tree tops of the Emerald Wood. The temple has a large courtyard in the center with an impressive fountain while the interior is filled with musical instruments and a constant flow of songs. It was originally constructed during the reign of King Caraconne Tritos and finished in 5,970 DA on the anniversary of his 300th year of reign.   The priests here lead daily services, teaching their followers how to use song and music as a form of expression. People from Lolien come here to offer prayers in the worship of Serithell, as well as to join concerts held by some of the best bards and musicians in this part of Dromaria.   The temple once served as a form of embassy for elves visiting from Leng, but recently has seen few visitors.

King Tritos Day Celebration

In past years, on the 3rd day of Bloodstone, the temple celebrates King Tritos's reign, reveling in his honor. People from all over the region come to pay tribute to their former monarch and enjoy days of entertainment. The festivities usually include feasting, dancing, and contests, but always include music.   Since the inception of Fort Tritos and the presence of the Civil Legion in Lolien the celebration has not been held.
Lolien   Founded
5,970 DA   Associated Faiths

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