Council of the Dragon in Dromaria | World Anvil

Council of the Dragon

Emperor’s Peak may have been attacked, but the dragons are far from gone. Founded by the great nation of Don Shou, the Council of the Dragon is a righteous guild seeking to protect the world. Due to their affiliation with the great dragons, there is often an association of danger and nobility around their members.    



Scalelord Unta

Lawful Good, Dragonborn   Scalelord Unta, a green dragonborn, is extremely devoted to the Covenant and the dragons of Emperor's Peak. As the honored leader of the Council of the Dragon guild, Unta is a skilled diplomat, known for being personable, friendly, and thoroughly understanding of both dragon and mortal affairs. Unta harbors a profound love for the arcane, sometimes verging on obsession. Currently, the Council of Dragons is immersed in investigating Denma'roo in Frijring, and Unta has been there personally to oversee. Not even the fall of Emperor's Peak has been sufficient to divert Scalelord Unta and his guild from their current findings.


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Stop magic that is being used for corruption.
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Preserve unique magics and find their true purpose.
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Respect dragonkind in their hunt for truth and understanding.

Interests & Jobs

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Arcane Anomalies. The guild specializes in seeking out oddities and anomalies of arcane nature.
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Magical Items. An intense interest in acquiring and crafting magic items.


Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend.   Starting Gear: Component Pouch, Floating Shelf, Helpful Hand, Potion of Healing, Self-Writing Quill, and your choice of Alchemist’s Supplies, Carpenter’s Tools, Jeweler’s Tools, or Tinker’s Tools   Monthly Stipend: 150 gp and any paper, parchment, or ink required

Downtime Benefits

Due to the vast reach of the guild you have access to resources others wouldn’t.   • During downtime you are able to gather magical formulas for crafting. (See Formula Table)
• The guild covers 25% of the cost needed for crafting magic items.
• When crafting a magic item you do not need to roll for complications.
Council of the Dragon

Council of the Dragon Guild Symbol

Guild Symbol

Base of Operations
Emperor's Peak

Sanctum Access Permit Icon
Arcane Investigation Charter Icon
Authority of Detainment Symbol
Use of Force Seal Symbol
Knowledge Acquisition Pass Symbol
Confiscation and Inspection Rights Symbol
Artifact Reclamation License Symbol
Formula Table
The Council of the Dragon references crafting magic items and using formulas as found in the 5ed Player's Handbook and Xanathar's Guide to Everything.

Council of the Dragon art by Olivia Richard.

Articles under Council of the Dragon

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