Tenebrus'mah Geographic Location in Dromaria | World Anvil


Initially a key destination for early settlers branching out from Kalatearman, Tenebrus'mah has evolved into a land clouded in uncertainty, its ancient pyramids and elusive past leaving more questions than answers. Once a haven for elvenari and an array of distinctive wildlife, its present state is largely unknown.  


Positioned between the Blackwood and the Urspring Jungle, Tenebrus'mah is bordered by the Drakefire Ocean to the north and ends with a sequence of lakes transitioning into the Basidio Thicket in the south. Flourishing green landscapes are crisscrossed by meandering rivers. Dominating the scenery are two monumental pyramids, said to be the final resting places for the gods Damyomhikir and Benikio. The land today is a mix of unexplored ruins and untamed nature, far removed from the safety it once provided.

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