Introducing the Team

Love of Dromaria
To get an idea of what the World of Dromaria means to us, check out the Preface of our book, Dromaria: The Covenant.
The content on this site is currently under playtest and will change over time. Feedback is welcome.
Written by: Chuck

Written by: Drew

Collaborative Credits
- Co-authors on "Kindred" comic book series, Prologue: Shadows Over Tao and Issue One: The Verdict of Amarantha Cull
- Co-authors on Dromaria: The Covenant (Dromaria Campaign Guide)
- Creators of "From the Village Vault," a series of one-shot adventures
- Weekly article contributors on
- Bowling champions, 2006, Dettore's Town Lanes Mixed Doubles
Stonehome Team
Kari Docekal
Artist, product designer, and art director. Kari is the go-to person for anything creative and a druid at heart. She is currently playing a forest Ember named Toadie in our playtest game on Saturdays. She redesigned the layout for Renown: The Card Game and contributed new card art.

Kyle Sheldon
Another lifelong gamer, Kyle serves as our CFO and is the creative force behind the vast majority of Dromaria’s elven origins, culture, and personality. Adapted from his own homebrew campaign, his world was brought into Dromaria’s Sunrun system, now the ancestral home of the Eshanan elves.

Mitch Hamrick
Co-founder of Stonehome Games and co-creator of Renown: The Card Game, Mitch has been a part of Dromaria since the beginning. He’s been essential in shaping the lore of Polurn, the afterlife, and Polaris, and has created influential characters like Devrem Wolfborne and Zelgadis Markov.

Artists & Contributors
A special thank you to the talented artists and contributors who have helped bring Dromaria to life.
Kati Drinkwine. Comic artist for "Kindred." Her work is phenomenal; follow her on Instagram @absintthe_arts. Check for open commissions while you can.
Yury Nikifarau. Monster and wildlife artist for Dromaria: The Covenant. Catch his daily streams on YouTube and Twitch.
Ben (aka roflumajag). Concept artist and collaborator, known for his work on creatures like the Occuli. He’s also working on his own project, Dusk World, which we’ll feature when ready.
Steve Chambers. Brought the territory of Bohdan to life with village layouts, NPCs, societal structures, and inspired creations like the ashwagons, burners, and the Gearhead Expressway.
A shoutout to our current playtesters, Matt, Sara, Kari, and Bud. Every Saturday, they step into The Red Keep Adventure. Currently entering their fourth session and nearing level 4 after a brutal dungeon crawl.Moot Group
To Kyle, Dave, Nate, Mitch, and Bryan. Thanks for your continued support. We love you all.
©2025 Dromaria & Stonehome Games | All Rights Reserved
Dromaria, their respective logos, and all Stonehome Games titles and characters are property of Stonehome Games LLC. in the U.S.A. and other countries.
No part of the material on this website may be used as data for ‘training’ any large language model or as part of any machine learning or neural network architecture.
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Website powered by World Anvil
Dromaria, their respective logos, and all Stonehome Games titles and characters are property of Stonehome Games LLC. in the U.S.A. and other countries.
No part of the material on this website may be used as data for ‘training’ any large language model or as part of any machine learning or neural network architecture.
Credits • Map License • Privacy Policy
Website powered by World Anvil