“In the fullness of time, the people shall witness a god, a being of wonder and awe, born of their collective will and aspiration. Yet a shadow shall stir within its radiance, and the darkness will slowly take root. The god shall falter, its light fading into obscurity, leaving a world lost and forlorn. A new divinity shall emerge from the land itself, born of the very essence of creation. It shall be a being of purity, a flame untainted by the wake of its predecessor. It shall walk a path of unknown steps to craft the will of the future and guide toward a new tomorrow. With its guiding light, the world shall be reborn, and the prophecies of old shall be revealed in a manner that defies comprehension. The being shall lead the people out of the darkness and towards a new era of hope and promise, where the righteous shall reign, and the evil shall be vanquished.”~ Narwel
The Grand Prophecy
Your Dromaria
I have a place that lives in my head. A whole world jammed up in there has needed sorting out for quite a while. Maybe, by some weird mystical means someone finds this same world, with this same history, and can access it too. Who knows? Stuff is weird. But it'll likely go wherever thoughts go after they flit away if I don’t write it down. I need to get this world out there for both my head and heart's sake because I am rather fond of it, and I think you'll be too. My name is Drew, and the book (or website) you are looking at is Dromaria: the Covenant, one part of a growing series of worlds and adventures. It may be a piece of a larger narrative, but it is the most important and dear to me. Everything that surrounds the world, other planets, mysterious creatures from beyond the void, and travel beyond the stars, those things are out there, but for now, we focus on the beginning. Dromaria began long ago and has evolved into a place filled with lore, history, and truth. And dragons, a whole lot of giant spiky fire-breathing monsters. You could say the soul of the world is dragons, and their presence is fundamental to how it works. Within this book, you will find everything you need to begin exploration. This is meant to help those of you who wear the mantle of game master or a place of wonder and peril for you adventure seekers. We wish to help you navigate the rocky shores of discovery, having everything you need at your fingertips. Within, you will find comprehensive guides, descriptions, lore, and tips on diving into creating your version of Dromaria. And that is what I most encourage you to do. You will find the lore as it is. How you change it and what Dromaria becomes is up to you and those who will join along the way. I encourage joy, laughter, and terrifying dangers in equal parts. Thank you for walking this path with me. Here's to all the ones ahead.
Your Game Master,
Drew Whitney
Drew Whitney
Since the age of 17, I have been a man living between two worlds. One world is a tangible and tactile place. A world where the senses reign supreme, friends and loved ones link arms with pain and misery, and the passage of time can feel like grains of sand slipping through your fingers. The other world is a magical place ruled by dragons and tyrants, a place where mortals can become gods before eventually passing on and leaving their legacy for others to discover. A place where monsters and war are commonplace, a land where the ordinary are willing to stand up and fight for truth and life. A world where the echoes of time are heard and heeded, a place where adventure and intrigue could be discovered lurking around every corner. This fantasy land is called Dromaria, and while I cannot claim to have created it, I have been lucky enough to help shape and populate it for the last 23 years, from designing some of Dromaria’s most dire monstrosities and ancient evils to molding some of the world's most iconic races and heroes. While I wasn't alone in this endeavor, I am extremely grateful for being gifted with something that helped me grow so much as a creator and a person. The next steps were merely logical. Find a way to present this world to the public so they may discover it, shape it, and grow just as I had done. When Drew presented me with the opportunity to work beside him once more, as we had done so many times before, I never hesitated. Let this website be my love letter to Dromaria, Dungeons and Dragons, my wife, my friends, and the family who always supported my nerdy habits. It is my sincere hope that you find your rightful place in Dromaria just as I have done and leave your marks behind, creating a place outside of reality that is all your own.
Steward of Dromaria,
Chuck Edens
Chuck Edens
©2025 Dromaria & Stonehome Games | All Rights Reserved
Dromaria, their respective logos, and all Stonehome Games titles and characters are property of Stonehome Games LLC. in the U.S.A. and other countries.
No part of the material on this website may be used as data for ‘training’ any large language model or as part of any machine learning or neural network architecture.
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Dromaria, their respective logos, and all Stonehome Games titles and characters are property of Stonehome Games LLC. in the U.S.A. and other countries.
No part of the material on this website may be used as data for ‘training’ any large language model or as part of any machine learning or neural network architecture.
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Website powered by World Anvil