Watson Krokoan

Watson hails from a small family in the Tritos Dominion. Raised in the Stein, the young Malkari was embroiled in a life of relic hunters and artificers. He had little desire for the life his parents led, and sought any way out. As fate would have it, they would return from a journey with a spellbook that would change his life. The old tome was from a wizard dating back to the Age of Horror, and Watson took to it like a mudrake to meat.   The longer he worked at the spells the harder it became, and Watson set off to Blarek to uncover the remaining secrets. Shortly after joining the Odelian Order, the Demon War began and Watson was forced into hiding. Only an academic at the time, he spent three years in the caves beneath the fallen capital leading a group of refugees. While they struggled to survive, thanks to Watson’s efforts they were not discovered. By the time the war was over he had mastered the tome and had begun to teach some of the more advanced students in their small community.   When it was time to reclaim Blarek, Watson waited until the counter offensive was well underway, the young academic’s assistance coming at a pivotal point in the conflict. In the aftermath, Watson was recognized for his heroics, and was credited by the students for their survival. The ambitious Malkari has since become an Educator of the Odelian Order, given the title “The Platinum Palm.” Watson has been charged as master of coin and is responsible for much of the Odelian Order’s funds, securing them, and controlling distribution.

Roleplaying Watson Krokoan

Personality Trait. "People dawdle on lofty ideals when there is plenty of cold, hard reality to go around."
Ideal. "Priorities. Time is money and I have little enough of both to squander."
Bond. "The needs of the city must come first. A nation cannot be supported by a fractured foundation."
Flaw. "I have a penchant for showing cowardice when under duress."
5th day of Bloodstone

Skin Tone
Old tanned

Long salt and pepper
234 lbs

The Stein
Current Residence
New Blarek
Leader Of
Odelian Order
"I wasn’t placed in control of the coin because I know how to spend it, it's because I understand the cost of wasting it."  
~ Watson Krokoan
"The Platinum Palm"

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