Odelian Order Subclass

Students of the Odelian Order are trained to intertwine the arcane into everyday matters. More than scholars or teachers, Odelian Order wizards encompass all facets of life in the nation of Thorn, from farming and construction to transportation and regional defenses. Magic is not merely a subject of study, but an improvement to quality of being, finding new and interesting ways to make living and working better for everyone in the territory. Because of this, those born in the region have at least some degree of arcane education and background. While not all choose to further these pursuits, others continue to become Educators, granting them a title of renown that may be called upon in times of need.   Odelian Order wizards who specialize in construction are adept at demolishing buildings and altering weights between objects with arcane runes to easier erect homes, while those who specialize in farming have a magical connection to nature as well as the ability to summon a magical guardian to maintain safety in fields and pastures. Regardless of the path an Odelian Order student decides to take, their years of unique training have made them adept at more than traditional spells.   Education Discipline
At 2nd level when you become a wizard of the Odelian Order you gain a benefit based on your choice of discipline. You begin your training by acquiring texts and resources on your field of study.   Construction
You have learned the art of demolition. When you cast a spell that has an area of effect that includes objects or structures, you may choose whether or not to include the objects and structures in the effect. Your spells deal double damage to objects and structures, if a spell already does double damage to objects or structures it deals four times as much damage instead.   Education
Those who follow this path can easily absorb information, ready to teach on any subject at a moment’s notice. Given 1 minute with a written text or other repository of information you may instantly transfer the most relevant portions to your memory, allowing you to recall it for 24 hours.   Farming
You have been taught to heighten the fundamentals of farming. You learn the Harvest Guard cantrip and learn the Speak with Animals spell.   Military
You can take 10 minutes of concentration and deploy an arcane surveyor to scout an area up to 1 mile. The surveyor reveals geographic features and structures up to 1 mile beneath the surface. You understand the details of the terrain but do not get information on creatures within it. You may not use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.   Transportation
You can store and transport many objects easily. As an action, you may touch a storage container no larger than 3 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet and turn it into an extradimensional space for 24 hours. The container may store up to 10 cubic feet of materials. You may not use this ability again until you finish a long rest.   In addition, you gain proficiency in your choice of Air, Land, or Water Vehicles.   Advanced Disciplines
At 6th level, you gain a benefit based on the discipline of your choice. You can choose the same discipline you selected at 2nd level or a different one.
Odelian Order Features
2nd Education Discipline
6th Advanced Discipline
10th Educator Title
14th Master's Discipline

Lucas Vindex
"The Bloodhound"
  Not every member of the Odelian Order or citizen of Thorn shares the same point of view. Lucas Vindex, a former Educator once known as “The Bloodhound,” has become an outcast of his homeland. During his time in the Order, Lucas served as a leader and exceptionally skilled bounty hunter. As an ambassador he enacted change across Thorn, revitalizing the nation’s relationship with Graetis. Sadly, after the events of the Demon War, Lucas fled, fearing persecution due to his tiefling curse.   Playing a wizard of the Odelian Order does not mean you are forced into one specific set of ideals. As a character, Lucas is an example of someone who walks the line. He is a man who understands his convictions, willing to follow his country’s laws until they begin to affect others in negative ways. Trained in education, Lucas has spent his life working to teach others, seeking to inspire future generations.   Since his self-imposed exile, Lucas has adopted a new way of life, taking in tiefling children who have been abandoned or lost post-war. Choosing whether or not to be an active participant in changing the realm for the better, or to quietly do his part, Lucas represents both aspects of this ideal. Making a small difference in someone’s life can be just as important as leading a nation.
You have learned to alter the mass and weight of materials. As an action, you can mark an inanimate object up to 5 feet in width and length with an arcane rune. While the object has the rune it weighs 5 lbs. You may have up to 3 objects marked and can remove a rune as a bonus action.   Education
You excel at teaching others skills, whether you are trained in them or not. Given 10 minutes you and another friendly creature gain proficiency in a skill or tool of your choice for 1 hour. If it is a tool or skill you are already proficient in the target gains expertise. You may not use this ability again until you finish a long rest.   Farming
You can provide exceptional food whenever needed. You learn the Create Food and Water spell and can cast it once per day without expending a spell slot. The first time each day anyone eats or drinks from your Create Food and Water spells they regain 2d8 hit points and are cleansed of any poison as well as the poisoned condition.   Military
You have learned deadly tactics to prepare for the battlefield. You gain your choice of the Elemental Adept, Spell Sniper, or War Caster feat.   Transportation
You have learned the limits of teleportation and how to exploit them. When you teleport any distance you may take an additional creature with you.   In addition, you gain proficiency in your choice of Air, Land, or Water Vehicles.   Educator Title
At 10th level, you have ascended to the esteemed ranks of the Odelian Order and earned the prestigious title of Educator. This title not only signifies your mastery of magical arts but also grants you a personalized name that embodies your persona. Collaborate with your Game Master to choose a fitting name that resonates with your character's identity.   As an Educator, you can harness the power of your title to impact others. You may use one of the following abilities once per long rest:  
  • You may cast a spell from your spellbook without expending a spell slot. The spell must have a cast time of an action.
  • As a bonus action, target a creature you can see that is concentrating on a spell. You may take the spell from them and begin concentrating yourself as if you had cast the spell. If you do not, the spell ends immediately.
  • As a reaction choose a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier. Those creatures are immune to damage from spells until the start of your next turn.
Example Titles:   “The Masquerade” Dolle-Brassi Creed
“The Oracle of Dust” Asher Clag
“The Unholy Punisher” Morana Amna
  Master's Discipline
At 14th level, you gain a benefit based on the discipline of your choice. You can choose the same discipline you selected previously or a different one.   Construction
Building and moving objects is your specialty. You learn the Arcane Hand and Animate Objects spells and may cast them as rituals. If you cast them as a ritual they last for 1 hour.   Education
The mind and its workings are open to you. As a reaction, when you or a creature within 30 feet of you would make an Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw you may make the roll automatically succeed. You must choose to do so before the roll. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.   Farming
You can summon a large spectral scarecrow, known as a Conjured Keeper, in an unoccupied space within 30 feet that you can see. The keeper will follow you or roam within a designated distance of up to 1 mile.   The keeper is friendly to you and any creatures you designate and obeys your commands. See this creature’s game statistics in the Conjured Keeper stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in several places. You can change the keeper’s command as an action. You may dismiss a keeper at will and it remains until you do so or it reaches 0 hp. You may only have one Conjured Keeper at a time and cannot summon a new one until 24 hours have passed since its dismissal.   In combat, the keeper shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. The only action it takes on its turn is its most recent command. The only commands the keeper can follow are alarm, defend, and frighten. If you are incapacitated, the keeper follows its last command.  
  Conjured Keeper
Large Elemental
Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 5 + five times your wizard level
Speed Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)

14 (+2)
10 (-)
14 (+2)
13 (+1)
15 (+2)
11 (-)
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Prone, Restrained
Senses Blindsight 30 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12
Languages Understands common but can't speak
Proficiency Bonus Equal to yours

Command Actions   Defend. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, range 5 ft., one target the keeper can see. Hit: 4d8 bludgeoning damage.   Frighten. Each creature that is not designated within 30 feet of the conjured keeper and aware of it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the conjured keeper’s frighten for the next 24 hours.   Alarm. The keeper warns against incoming danger. If left with this command and any creatures not designated by you enter into the keeper’s sight, it will emit an alarm. The alarm can be silent, known only to you, or it can be loud enough to be heard up to 120 feet away. Creatures who can hear the alarm must make a Constitution saving throw or be deafened.
You have grown remarkably powerful on a battlefield. Spells that deal damage add +2 damage for each die rolled.   Transportation
You have learned to move without effort. Whenever you move, you may choose to teleport the distance you would have otherwise traveled.   In addition, you gain proficiency in your choice of Air, Land, or Water Vehicles.

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