Justicar's Fortune

Justicar's Fortune is a towering fortified keep just north of the Abadaya Badlands in the southern Tritos Dominion. Once the home of the entirety of Ania's wealth, this building has now been repurposed to house gold used for investment capital.   The depository is guarded by a specialized group of knights called the Sentinels of Prosperity, who fiercely defend its fortune from would-be thieves. Admission to the premises is only granted if you can provide satisfactory justification for your presence, including all documentation. Even if your reasons are legitimate, the soldiers will leave no one alone inside.   The sprawling fortress has withstood countless assaults throughout time, and many who have survived their attempts describe breaching it as impossible. Through the watchful eye of the Sentinels, all looters are swiftly routed and denied access to this old-fashioned structure's treasures.

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