Jackal vs. Jackal

Adventure Briefing

Two Arcanaloth siblings are fighting for control in the city of Bastor, using politics and magical trickery to outmaneuver each other. Madam Grey (Prohias) has successfully run the city’s affairs for a decade, quietly keeping power. After a recent hurricane, she summoned her brother for help. Instead, he disguised himself as Reverend Antonio (Antt’Ohnio) and embedded himself in the local church, turning faith into a weapon against her. Characters receive a quest from one sibling to investigate the other, unaware they are fiends.   The Invitations: Upon waking, two letters have been delivered to the characters, both requesting their presence.
Level Range: 8-9
Tags: Demon, Rivalry, Shapeshifting   Location: Bastor, Church of the Eastern Trinity, Port Authority of Bastor
Connected Elements: Demon War, Halis Gathlariel
Monsters: Arcanaloth, Black Pudding, Cult Fanatic, Priest, Mezzoloth

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The Demons

  Prohias (N/E Female, Arcanaloth Fiend)
She is disguised as Madam Grey, a middle-aged human with silver-streaked hair, layered robes, and a composed confidence. Her true form is red-furred with golden eyes and a smooth, fox-like face. Prohias is always watching, learning, and ready to use what she knows. She engages with characters by taking an interest in their backstories, asking questions, and revealing small insights they may not have considered. She wears a Robe of Useful Items and has Mindblank cast on herself.   Antt’Ohnio (N/E Male, Arcanaloth Fiend)
Antt’Ohnio presents as Reverend Antonio, a highborn elven pilgrim hailing from overseas. He has used this lie to gain the Head Priest’s trust and embed himself in the Church of the Eastern Trinity. Antt’Ohnio’s true form is a black-and-tan dog faced demon with red eyes and a continual scowl. He escalates conflicts into grand confrontations for the sake of fun. He carries a set of Marvelous Pigments and has Mindblank cast on himself.

Port Authority of Bastor: Invite

The twins Alma and Aerin Estuary rule over the Port Authority but rely on Madam Grey to manage daily operations. Their offices remain in the building but are locked and dusty.  
Read Aloud. Salt and ink cling to the air as dockhands maneuver heavy crates under creaking timbers of the port.
  Madam Grey’s Quest. Some kind of evil has infiltrated the Church of the Eastern Trinity. The Head Priest is acting out of sorts and is suddenly leading a witch hunt against innocents. Investigate, uncover what is happening, and be rewarded.   Provided Info
  • This began after a new group of pilgrims arrived.
  • Two innocent people have been accused by the church of heresy and sent to military lockup for questioning.
  • They have begun targeting her and she is innocent.
  If exposed, Prohias admits she is a fiend, proving her goodly actions with records. She will reveal Antt’Ohnio’s demonic nature. Insight reveals she is as honest as a demon can be. If attacked she will instead side with her brother, working as a pair.

Port Authority of Bastor: Investigation

Despite the building’s importance, there is no security. Curtains are closed and doors locked, DC 15 Thieves’ Tools. Antt’Ohnio has used Marvelous Pigments to create a false circle in a locked side office. He is invisible and behind a painted wall.  
    Arcana. The paint is magical but the runes don’t function.
    Investigation. Traces of the paint are still wet.
    Religion. The design resembles stagecraft, not magic.
Encounter. Antt’Ohnio secretly summons 2x Mezzoloth who then claim to work for the Madam. They fight to injure and ensure witnesses. Antt’Ohnio watches for 1x round and leaves.

Church of the Eastern Trinity: Invite

Reverend Antonio is using Halis Gathlariel's authority to stir paranoia while disguised fiendish allies manipulate the parish.  
Read Aloud. A pipe organ plays a haunting melody across the holy building filled with pews. Priests mill about.
  Reverend Antonio’s Quest. There is corruption in the Port Authority. The church has detected demons slipping out of Bastor under the cover of trade, and it all ties back to Madam Grey. Uncover a suspected summoning circle and bring proof.   Provided Info
  • Two Shadow Demons were caught at night. They were eliminated by the local military after being handed over.
  • Madam Grey has authority. This must be done secretly.
  • He provides a Wand of Detect Evil and Good (cursed).

Church of the Eastern Trinity: Investigation

The church believes it is fighting corruption, but in truth, it has unknowingly formed a cult. Followers are deceived innocents.   Head Priest Halis Gathlariel (L/G Male, Elf Priest)
He is certain Antonio’s arrival was divine grace. Halis defends the church’s actions. However, he is constantly befuddled, having been affected by the spell Modify Memory.  
    Insight. Halis’ certainty is unnatural and his details are flighty.
    Investigation. The pipe organ has had recent arcane additions.
    Religion. Yugoloth runes have been worked into iconography.
Encounter. Halis (Priest, w/Faithful Hound) & 4x Cult Fanatics. If pressed, Halis summons his Faithful Hound and the clergy protects him, trying to drive the characters away, not kill them. If Halis falls, doubt creeps in, and their resolve wavers. Antt’Ohnio watches invisible from somewhere within.   Antt’Ohnio Encounter. He will not confront characters unless it is at the church. 1x Arcanaloth & 2x Black Pudding (colorful and made from the Marvelous Paints). On Initiative 20, the Pipe Organ of Haunting activates as a lair action. Each creature that hears it must make a DC 15 WIS saving throw or be frightened of Antt’Ohnio for 1 minute. May repeat this save at the end of their turn. Success grants immunity for 24 hours. If Prohias sides with her brother, remove 1x Black Pudding.

Reference Page


Demon Loot. Prohias wears a Robe of Useful Items and Antt’Ohnio carries Marvelous Pigments.   Prohias Reward. 500 gold each and Renown with the kingdom. Future jobs and contracts for the city with benefits.  
    Prohias’ Contract. If she is exposed as a fiend, Prohias offers a magically binding contract in exchange for her continued presence in Bastor. The contract agrees to never again perform fiendish summonings and report all activity to the characters or suggested authorities. Signed in blood.
  Antt’Ohnio’s Reward. He promises whatever makes the characters happy but leaves the city without doing so.   The City. If either demon is slain, and authorities are shown proof, characters earn a bounty for their effort, GM choice.

Wand of Detect Evil and Good (False Revelation)

Uncommon, wand (requires attunement by a Spellcaster)   This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge to cast Detect Evil and Good with no concentration.   Regaining Charges. The wand regains 1d6+1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll 1d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.   Cursed Item. This curse does not always deceive, making it difficult to detect. Legend Lore reveals the wand’s purpose.

False Revelation. The wand functions normally most of the time. However, when the wielder is highly suspicious or when revealing the truth would alter events, it creates false readings.  
  • It omits a true presence or creates what fits expectations.
  • It subtly reinforces existing fears or biases.
  • If used for repeated castings, it is accurate to the first cast.

Pipe Organ of Haunting

Wondrous, uncommon   You must be proficient with instruments to use this pipe organ. It has 6 charges. You can use an action to play it and expend 1 charge to create an eerie, spellbinding tune. Each creature within 60 feet of you that hears you play must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute. If you wish, all creatures in the area that aren't hostile toward you automatically succeed on the saving throw. A creature that fails the saving throw can repeat it at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to the effect of this pipe organ for 24 hours. The organ regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn.

GM Advice

The goal is to create doubt. Characters should never know one of them is a demon until the truth is undeniable. The adventure’s tone is Spy vs. Spy meets Looney Tunes but with demonic undertones. Prohias is Bugs Bunny, Antt’Ohnio is Daffy Duck, but both are highly intelligent manipulators. Memorable reveals will come from discovery, not exposition.


Arcanaloths are sly, jackal-headed beings with humanoid bodies, but they can employ magic to take any humanoid form. They do so to gain the trust of creatures with whom they negotiate, replacing jackal snarls with winsome smiles.   Regardless of its chosen form, an arcanaloth appears well groomed, clothing itself in fine robes. Highly intelligent spellcasters who hunger for knowledge and power, arcanaloths command units of lesser yugoloths and maintain the contracts, records, and accounts of their kind.   Arcanaloths speak and write all languages, making them cunning diplomats and negotiators. An arcanaloth properly paid can broker treaties or alliances with subtlety and finesse, just as an arcanaloth who changes sides can easily turn the best-laid peace talks into all-out war. What the fiend demands in exchange for its time and talent is information, as well as powerful magic items that it can trade for even more information.

Prohias “Madam Grey”

Prohias subtly steers characters toward investigating Antt’Ohnio without making direct accusations. She uses her Robe of Useful Items to conjure absurdly convenient solutions when needed, always maintaining an air of competence and control.   Roleplaying Prohias
Personality Trait. “I can help you help yourself.”
Ideal. “Business. Propriety and agreements matter.”
Bond. “I’ve grown to genuinely love my life here.”
Flaw. “When things don’t go my way I revert to my evil side.”

Antt’Ohnio “Reverend Antonio”

Antt’Ohnio thrives on conflict but ensures he always has an escape plan. He uses Marvelous Pigments to create traps and illusions, ensuring his escapes are as dramatic as his accusations.   Roleplaying Antt’Ohnio
Personality Trait. “Why bother if you can’t enjoy it?”
Ideal. “Conflict. Opposing sides means they need a broker.”
Bond. “I don’t think I like the mortal plane.”
Flaw. “I buy into my mortal persona far too much.”

Halis Gathlariel

An older elf with sharp features who speaks with conviction.   Roleplaying Halis Gathlariel
Personality Trait. “Faith is meant to unite us.”
Ideal. “Resolute. Those who are least willing to listen are the ones who need to hear my message the most.”
Bond. “Spreading wisdom is my Calling, a mission I hold dear.”
Flaw. “My zealotry makes me overbearing, stifling others.”


Church of the Eastern Trinity Map

Church of the Eastern Trinity

Port Authority of Bastor

Port Authority of Bastor

Written by Chuck & Drew

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