Bulette Storm

Adventure Briefing

To the Characters. Reagan Cassidy, a retiring foreman, hired dwarven demolitionists to safely collapse the unstable Copper Mines. The dwarves brought “trained” bulettes to assist, but something went wrong. Sinkholes are appearing across the Settlements and the dwarves are now trapped somewhere within the mines. Reagan has hired you to save who you can and stop the bulettes before it's too late.

Level Range: 6-8
Tags: Mines, Bulettes, Rescue   Location: The Copper Settlements
Connected Elements: Reagan Cassidy, Darkstone Clan, The Copper Mines
Monsters: Bulette, Ghost, Poltergeist, Rust Monster

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Inspired by Magpie's youtube video.

What’s Really Going On

Spirits of Miners. Angry spirits have awakened in response to the destruction, attacking and driving the bulettes into a frenzy.   Surviving Dwarves. Two of the original eight remain alive, trapped in a partially collapsed section deep within the mine.   Bulette. There are 5x bulettes. They attack individually and stay until fed or badly injured. The dwarves trained the bulettes using Thunder Rods. After taking thunder damage, a bulette has disadvantage until the end of their next turn.

The Mine

Light & Visibility. Torches provide low light. Deeper it is dark.   Sinkholes. Bulettes burrowing near the surface cause sinkholes. Characters who step on a weakened area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or fall into a lower tunnel. Use the tunnel map for characters who fall.   Buried & Suffocation. If a creature is buried by debris, it becomes restrained and begins suffocating. DC 13 Athletics clears enough rubble to free a buried creature.   Toxic Gas (Sulfide). When a bulette burrows, it may release built-up gas, 50% chance. Creatures within 15 ft. make a DC 15 CON save or gain the poisoned condition for 1 minute.   Falling Rocks. When attacking from above, rocks fall in a 10 ft. radius, DC 15 DEX save or 3d6 bludgeoning damage.

Inside - Beyond the Entrance

Rust Monsters (x6) are running from a rampaging bulette. If unprovoked, they head for the exit. However, exposed metal will draw their attention enough to stop.   After 3 rounds, a bulette emerges, dragging a dead dwarf behind it by a chain. The dwarf carries an inert Thunder Rod. DC 13 Arcana to reveal its function.

Foreman’s Office

Campbell & Algar. Ghosts of past miners are furious. They will pacify only if promised to remove the living dwarves' presence.  
    Combat. 2x Ghosts and 4x Poltergeists are present.
  The poltergeists no longer remember who they were. They focus on flinging minecarts. Creatures in a minecart’s path must succeed on a DC 15 DEX save or take 3d8 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. Minecarts may draw bulettes.   Find the Right Path. Characters may roll Survival, Nature, and Perception checks, DC 13. Failure results in an ambush, environmental hazard, or additional time spent in dangerous areas by taking the wrong path and having to backtrack.

Crane Room

The entrance is blocked by debris. Clearing it requires 3x DC 13 Athletics checks. Failing by 5 or more triggers a small collapse, dealing 2d6 bludgeoning damage. Disturbing the rubble may alert any nearby bulettes. 1x bulette is already in the crane room.   Kurgan & Devaney. Exhausted and injured. AC 10, 10 HP each. The dwarves are cornered, hiding in the small storage area. Their Thunder Rods are no longer charged.   The Crane. The old crane can be operated with a DC 10 Land Vehicles INT check. It is capable of lifting a bulette’s worth of weight or dropping 3d6 bludgeoning damage worth of debris.


Sections of the tunnels have shifted or collapsed making it difficult to return to the surface. Characters may roll Survival, Nature, and Perception checks, DC 13. Each failure results in an ambush, environmental hazard, or additional time spent in dangerous areas.   The Injured Dwarves. Must be carried or helped to walk. The dwarves can move at half speed but require a successful DC 10 Medicine check once per hour to avoid 1d4 damage.   Remaining Bulettes. Use signs (clawed walls, disturbed rubble) to hint at their locations. A bulette may burrow into the path, emerge when resting, or when dealing with another hazard.   Passing Again. Campbell & Algar, may take issue with the dwarves leaving alive. If the characters previously promised to remove the dwarves, DC 15 CHA to prevent an attack.

Reference Page


Copper Mines. There is a total of 500 gp worth of ore still inside. Weighs 25-50 lbs ea. and takes up 5 cubic ft.   Reagan Cassidy. Will negotiate pay up to 500 gp each. Funded by the Crown. Bonus pay may include his Figurine of Wondrous Power companion (your choice of rare animal).   Surviving Darkstones. The Darkstone dwarves will offer their Thunder Rods, safety when in the city of Kul' Karit, and enough gemstone or dust for necessary spell components, up to 2,000 gp in value. This must be collected and delivered from home. Available to send via Slatetop.   The Copper Settlements. News spreads quickly in the Settlements. Success or failure will affect the character's renown by a full rank in a relevant organization.

Thunder Rod

Wondrous Item, uncommon, Pathway® (air)   This handheld device emits controlled bursts of thunderous energy. It can hold up to 5 charges and requires a single air Pathway® charge to function.   While holding the Thunder Rod, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to release a pulse of thunderous energy at a point you can see within 30 feet. Each creature in a 10-foot radius centered on that point must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6 thunder damage and has disadvantage on the next attack roll or ability check it makes before the end of its next turn. On a success the creature takes half damage and suffers no additional effects.


Wondrous, common   Small, handheld devices that serve as elemental power sources. They come in variants for air, earth, electricity, fire, or water and are essential for operating public utilities in modern towns.   Full details can be found here: Here

Adventure Advice

Level Range. A well-skilled/optimized group could complete this adventure earlier. Bulettes are high AC and HP creatures and will be more difficult for the less combat-focused.   Building Fear. Players do not know the bulettes attack as individuals. Build tension by having others nearby.   Separation. Sinkholes and collapsing tunnels allow for temporarily separating characters, creating additional hazards.

Suffocation Rules

When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, it can survive for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can't regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again.

The Darkstone Dwarves

The Darkstone Clan comes from the northern portion of the Tritos Dominion, in the sovereign nation of Kul' Karit. They are lifelong miners, working in the hills and long rivers.   The eight that came here were experimenting with new methods, hoping to revolutionize the industry. The foreman, Raven Deveraux died when they first encountered the ghosts.   Follow Up. Collect the bodies of their fallen comrades. Return and deal with whatever remains in the mines.   The undead presence has increased due to the dwarven nature of the quest. Ghosts now possess bulettes or the bodies of the dwarves.

Roleplaying Kurgan Vitor

Dwarf, Male, 89 years old   Personality Trait. “Things could always be worse.”
Ideal. “Leadership. If you take charge, others will follow.”
Bond. “Hard work will always pay off.”
Flaw. “Imposter syndrome lives rent-free in my brain."  
“Maybe from now on, we stick to the tried and true methods.”

Roleplaying Devany Kildare

Dwarf, Female, 101 years old   Personality Trait. “I’m surrounded by idiots.”
Ideal. “Innovation. Progress needs to happen.”
Bond. “Everyone deserves a second chance.”
Flaw. “It takes me three times to learn a lesson.”  
“It could have revolutionized the Mining industry.”



Copper Mines - Beyond the Entrance Battle Map

Beyond the Entrance

Copper Mines - Foreman's Office Battle Map

Foreman's Office

Copper Mines - Crane Room Battle Map

Crane Room

Copper Mines - Tunnel Battle Map


Written by Chuck & Drew

Articles under Bulette Storm

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