Veterans of the Illusion in Dromaria | World Anvil

Veterans of the Illusion

Not well-funded; nor the most qualified, or interested, the Veterans of the Illusion stand for little and care about even less. Among their guild hall outside of the famous Library of Asundeai, you will find performers, vagabonds and those simply filled with wanderlust.    



Jackson McKnight

Neutral Good, Male Halfling   Jackson is a proud and perpetually optimistic leader. His professional journey began as a bard studying in Graetis before he unexpectedly stumbled into his current position. His outgoing and personable nature has elevated Jackson to the forefront of the Veterans of the Illusion.   While he is a hardworking and charismatic halfling, Jackson's true ambition lies in elevating the Veterans to a more distinguished status within the Guilds of Tor. Presently, they struggle with insufficient funding and a lackluster reputation, hindering their ability to attract notable figures. Consequently, Jackson has been compelled to gather a team of lackadaisical, underpaid, past-their-prime, and unmotivated adventurers. Despite these challenging circumstances, he remains unwaveringly positive, eagerly accepting any guild assignment that pays, hopeful that each new venture will set the Veterans on a trajectory toward triumph.


Anvil Bullet Point
Do enough to get by.
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Fight only when necessary. Avoid conflict through other means.
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A lie told often enough becomes the truth.

Interests & Jobs

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Does it Pay? Life is expensive, do this and get paid.
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Affordable. Many jobs are not taken by other guilds due to low pay and member safety. The Veterans will do it anyway.


Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend.   Starting Gear: Bit and Bridle, Pony, Portable Scholar, Potion of Healing, Riding Saddle, Sealing Wax, Signet Ring, and your choice of one Musical Instrument   Monthly Stipend: Lodging fees and additional lodging for an apprentice

Downtime Benefits

The Veterans can’t provide much, but they do their best to help.   • When relaxing you do not have to maintain a specific lifestyle to gain the benefits.
• When gambling you may roll a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check instead of one of the other checks.
• When gambling during your downtime you do not need to roll for complications.
Veterans of the Illusion

Veterans of the Illusion Guild Symbol

Guild Symbol

Base of Operations

Arcane Investigation Charter Icon
Necrocleansing License Symbol
Beast Hunter Permit
Artifact Reclamation License Symbol
Arcane Conveyance Authority Symbol

Veterans of the Illusion art by Olivia Richard.

Articles under Veterans of the Illusion

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