Jagger's Shipyard in Dromaria | World Anvil

Jagger's Shipyard

Situated in Bastor, near the southern region of Port Hadim, Jagger's Shipyard is a sprawling maritime workshop that has become an integral part of the city's foundation. The expansive area it occupies is filled with the relentless sounds of hammers, saws, and skilled labor. This bustling hub has been around for generations, and is now owned and operated by a gnomish man named Jagger. The shipyard serves not only as a showcase for the shipwright's exceptional skills, but also as a significant source of employment for the local populace.   Jagger is known for his blunt demeanor and lascivious conduct, but no one can deny his craftsmanship. A master of his trade, he molds wood into vessels as if shaping clay, delivering work that sets industry standards for both speed and quality. Although ship repair has been his primary focus, Jagger has recently expanded his portfolio. He has completed a ship of his own design, which he's eager to sell.
4,718 DA   Location
Bastor   Operated By

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