Desert Fever

Adventure Briefing

Professor Duggerdune and her assistant Bimple recently uncovered a Song Stone of the god Nethul (blight, disease, plague). The relic spoke of a miracle health tonic. Fascinated, Bimple attempted to recreate the lost formula.   He has since spiked the village’s animal feed, expecting positive results. Instead, the livestock began getting sick. Fearing the truth will ruin his reputation, Bimple confessed privately to his mentor, leading to a desperate cover-up. As the sickness spreads, the duo will do anything to avoid blame.   The adventure begins at the Tritos Relic inn, while the characters are having breakfast, enjoying a performance.
Level Range: 7-8
Tags: Mystery, Poison, Beasts   Location: Rastein, Tritos Relic
Connected Elements: Llamazing Lyle's, Malkari, Nethul, Song Stone
Monsters: Commoner, Grit-miter

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The Tritos Relic

The atmosphere is lively but unremarkable, providing the characters a chance to interact with the village prior to events. Animals are already getting sick, but the town doesn’t know it yet. The Professor and assistant are here to establish an alibi.  
    All NPCs use Commoner stats.
Read Aloud. A man leans into a familiar tune, plucking at a well-worn lute. Forks clink on plates as people wake up.
  The Guilty
Professor Riia Duggerdune. Female, Malkari Archaeologist.
Avoids the company of others but her job forces her into social settings. Riia will buy a round for everyone after the combat.   Bimple Nogglenock. Male, Gnome Assistant.
An overeager fool who is focused on praise rather than what's right. He is desperate to learn and will do anything to impress his mentor.   Other Suspects
Muddy Rivers. Male, Human Bard.
Works for the drink and is deep in debt. Paranoid that his bookie has followed him here. Muddy is a stage name because he is hiding his identity.   Borbo. Female, Malkari Bouncer.
Borbo sees criminals in every shadow. She has a strong dislike for the llamas of the area, believing they are bad for the environment and annoying.   Galaveil the Red. Androgynous, Upiryrial Potion Seller.
A traveling performer who has fallen on hard times, becoming a snake-oil salesman. Their cure-all is berry flavored Anti-toxin.

Animal Attack

The morning is disrupted by a commotion in the street. Anyone stepping outside immediately draws the creature’s attention.   Encounter: 2x Grit-miters, increase if necessary
    Complications. If characters have mounts they are at risk.
    • Nature. Grit-miters are peaceful creatures raised as pets.
    • Medicine. Mounts are sick. Only grit-miters are angry.
    • Investigation. Riia’s llamas are a safe distance nearby.

Town Meeting

Called an hour after the attack, once it becomes clear that something is wrong with the animals. The Lawmaster gathers the townsfolk in a central location, demanding immediate action. At any given time, the town has about 500 people in it, and most attend. The gathering is tense.  
    Galaveil the Red is not present.
Lawmaster Maldo Dune Male, Malkari Lawmaster.
A logical man. “Common sense goes a long way and is in short supply.”
  More Suspects
Ormond Lyle. Male, Malkari Rancher.
Runs the llama ranch, Llamazing Lyle's. Furious about the sickness and has an argument with Borbo. “I oughta send you poison muffins and see how you like it!”   Jimothy Johns. Male, Halfling Employee.
A nervous, anxious fella who works at the warehouse, handling distribution. He sent out the poisoned feed. He also brought the food and drink.

Desperate Cover-up

Riia has poisoned the wine in an attempt to make people suspicious of Jimothy. She and Bimple drink to seem innocent.   The Poison. DC 13 CON save. Failure: become Poisoned for 1 hour and vomit uncontrollably every 1d6 minutes.  
    • Insight. Jimothy doesn’t drink. Nerves not guilt.
    • Perception. Riia delayed her sip, watching the crowd first.
    • Arcana. Bimple uses anti-toxin on himself after vomiting.
After the Meeting
  • Investigation. The barrels in storage are fine.
  • Survival. Powdery residue clings to the lip of the bottles.
  • Insight. The Lawmaster is convinced Jimothy is guilty since he handled the food and drink. The bias blinds him.
Wrong Person is Accused or Arrested:
  • Jimothy is humiliated. He will seek revenge when free.
  • Galaveil tries to run. Will confess to fraud but not guilt.
  • Other NPCs will be cleared and reduce character Renown.
  • Riia and Bimple leave for a new dig shortly after.
Successful Deduction:
  • Riia will blame Bimple making him take the fall.
  • Bimple will confess and shares where the Song Stone is.

Reference Page


Lawmaster & Rastein. For capturing a criminal, a Crown Bounty of 300 gold and increased Renown if correct.   Confiscate Riia and Bimple’s Stuff. Alchemist’s Supplies, Arcane Focus, Explorer’s Pack, Bimple’s Tonic, & 102 gold   Bimple’s Tonic. (Accidental Poison) A sweet yellowish liquid. A beast that consumes it must make a DC 14 CON saving throw. On a failure, they are Poisoned for 24 hours, suffering bouts of vomiting. If the creature has an 18 or higher Constitution or Poison Resistance, they are not Poisoned but instead become irrationally aggressive for 1 hour.

Song Stone - Nethul’s Cure

Wondrous, rare (attunement, special)   A Song Stone is a fist-sized gem, typically blue or green in color. They possess an electric static quality, sometimes emitting shocks when touched.   To activate the Song Stone you must use an action and speak its command word. Upon activation, the stone projects a holographic recording, allowing the viewer to see and hear any recorded messages. These recordings can last up to three hours.   To record a new message, a different command word is used, but only if the stone currently holds no recording. Erasing the existing content requires attunement to the Song Stone.   History. The technology to make Song Stones has been credited to the goddess Serithell (art, elves, music), and has long been forgotten. The stones that still exist contain historical records, teachings, and messages from the Ancestors. Because of their rarity and value, most are held in secure locations.   Nethul’s Cure. This Song Stone is ancient, containing fragments of a recorded message detailing a health tonic. However, the recording is incomplete. With further study, the missing information can be uncovered, revealing the magic item formula for Restorative Ointment.   Activation. The command word is Remedy. Upon activation, the Song Stone reveals a holographic recording of a sallow robed figure discussing theories on disease and vitality.   The Incomplete Formula. The recording cuts off abruptly, leaving gaps in the process. With a series of skill checks (DC 16 Arcana, DC 16 Religion, and DC 16 Medicine), the missing steps can be reconstructed.

GM Advice

Almost every NPC has something to hide. Their behavior, personal stakes, and unrelated misdeeds create misdirection, forcing the characters to draw conclusions. Everyone has a reason to be nervous and no one should seem totally innocent.   Let the players speculate. Present odd behaviors, missing details, and half-truths, but don’t confirm or deny anything outright. Encourage paranoia. The more the characters dig, the more they should feel like the whole town is hiding something even if the reality is much simpler.  
    Vibe. Whodunit Poirot mystery. Characters are the detectives.
    Increased Combat. Instead of being Commoners, consider using an Assassin and an Acolyte for Riia and Bimple stats.

  Grit-miter Roll Initiative
Medium Beast, Neutral
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 35 ft., Burrow 35 ft.

18 (+4)
15 (+2)
22 (+6)
6 (-2)
10 (-)
4 (-3)
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages -
Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 2
Reflective Chiton. When a creature moves within 10 feet of a grit-miter while in bright light, it must make DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1 minute. At the end of each of the creature's turns it may repeat the saving throw. On a success, the effect ends.   Actions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ( 2d6+4 ) piercing damage.   Crush. The grit-miter slams its full body down on a creature. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d10 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Covered in reflective chitin, the grit-miter is a lengthy creature resembling a person-sized centipede. They thrive in warm, arid climates, often found within the sands of Dromaria's deserts. Though predominantly peaceful and prone to fleeing rather than fighting, its diet consists of smaller desert dwellers such as insects, scorpions, and snakes. The grit-miter lays its eggs in elevated, rocky areas to shield them from predators, particularly birds. While they don't tend to the eggs, their demeanor shifts to fierce territoriality and aggression when their young hatch.

Malkari communities have harnessed their understanding of grit-miter behavior for their benefit. The creature's eggs serve as a plentiful food source, and the Malkari have taken steps to protect these valuable assets from threats, thus ensuring the species' survival. Over generations, some grit-miters have grown trusting of the desert inhabitants, delivering their eggs to cities for safeguarding and forming loyal bonds with their chosen caretakers.

Grit-miters are likely to escape confrontations by burrowing into the sand. However, when defending their young or a trusted companion, they stand their ground, leveraging their reflective chitin to absorb attention. They will bite or use their crushing attack until they are certain the ones they protect are safe.


Tritos Relic Floor One

Tritos Relic Floor One

Tritos Relic Floor Two

Tritos Relic Floor Two

Llamazing Lyle's Map

Llamazing Lyle's

Bako Murti M

Bako Murti

Written by Chuck & Drew
Background Art used through Public Domain.
Maps made in Dungeon Alchemist.

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