Aletha Matieus in Dromaria | World Anvil

Aletha Matieus

Aletha Matieus is a name that resonates through the streets of Staffons as a figure of intrigue and debauchery. Originally a vivacious individual known for her outgoing personality, Aletha's life was a whirlwind of excitement across the northern regions of the Tritos Dominion. Her reputation as a patron of vice was well-established, with her presence regularly gracing gambling dens, brothels, and other establishments of indulgence.   Approximately 20 years ago, Aletha took control of a guild called Iron Paradox and subsequently changed everything about it. Initially acquired for its resources, under her leadership, the new guild, Tainted Morals, underwent a radical transformation, rebranding itself as an organization that was willing to undertake any job, irrespective of its nature. Aletha's approach to leadership was unapologetically pragmatic, and Tainted Moral's reputation grew.   Sadly, Aletha's life took a fatal turn one fateful night during a back alley brawl. As she lay dying, a doppelganger seized the opportunity to delve into her mind, absorbing her memories. In an instant, Aletha Matieus ceased to be, replaced seamlessly by the being who adopted her identity entirely. This entity, now living as Aletha, continues her legacy, maintaining her charismatic and ruthless demeanor.   The doppelganger, while embodying Aletha's persona, operates with a distinct perspective. It upholds her reputation and style, navigating the guild's activities and maintaining its repute in the criminal underworld. To the outside world, Aletha Matieus is still the notorious leader of Tainted Morals, but beneath the surface lies a creature with its own intentions, forever masquerading as the woman it once replaced.

Roleplaying Aletha Matieus

Personality Trait. "I find that the less savory jobs are the most lucrative and enjoyable."
Ideal. "Take your pleasure when and where you can, you never know when the next moment will be the last one."
Bond. "Commanding Tainted Morals is my burden for a lifetime of sin."
Flaw. "My charming façade disguises my cold, unfeeling heart.""
29th day of Emerald

Skin Tone

Blue, pixie cut
102 lbs

Current Residence

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