Joint Depature

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As it was still early in the morning and neither of them wanted to meet up with a god without proper self-care Raja took her best clothes out of the drawer and vanished under the shower, but not without throwing an impish face back to Dross. Looking after her, he couldn't help himself but admiring the beauty of this courageous petite woman. She was even rocking the wild bedroom look without losing any edge. His head mixed with thoughts about his new companion and the meaning behind the letter, he nearly failed to notice one particular detail. Dross looked down to his left hand . . .something wasn't right there. It felt a bit tingly but moreso he was able to make out the room behind the hand if he concentrated hard enough. As if his hand was slightly transparent . . .and suddenly not anymore. A pulse of weirdness Dross filed away as some kind of an aftereffect on what Chóros claimed to have done . . .or just his vivid imagination trying to find some strangeness to follow. Losing interest in his apparent condition, he started to groom his fur to give his look the final touch. Twenty years. It has been so long since he last was in Scamall? He never cared that much about the city around his small apartment at the edge of the Mistbelt, where he was able to look over to the so-called Cloudbelt, the place where all the successful Purists were living. They have done it. Managed to grow in importance for Scamall finally able to escape the filth subverting the Mistbelt. A place where it is not mandatory to have a tool of self-protection always at hand. But still, even the higher stand of Scamall had to suffer from the industry they were profiting from. So, all in all, their lives just sugarcoated in prestige. But that life was nothing he aimed towards, not the Cloudbelt nor the Inner Sanctum. Dross stood up from the kitchen table and wandered over to the large window in the living room. Placing his paw against the glass he tried to grasp his goal, the goal that was looking right back at him. With a wide dumb smile, he gazed upon Konesans, or how the silent watchers were calling it: "The divine archives". Their patron god and leader of the church of Knowledge, Terminus' realm. An artificial moon, that was said to be in direct connection with the mind of the omnipotent. It was Dross' goal to achieve with the notes, maps and studies from his expedition to be raised into the prestigious rank of an enlightened watcher, to be one of them, those who had access to the collected knowledge of the world without any restrictions. Losing himself in his daydreams Dross failed to notice the slender figure silently closing in on him. He let out a surprised hiss as Raja jumped on his back from behind just to rub her cheeks in his neck:

"I can't await searching for clues in the lair of our church. Speaking to Terminus himself, the Terminus!", Raja noticed the smile of a fool on Dross' face, "What's the matter big guy, why so dreamy? Thinking about the future?", she paused, a wide grin appeared, "You were thinking about me, weren't you? Hehe."

Repulsing herself again from his back, she performed a perfect somersault landing on her feet without tumbling. She turned herself slowly to show Dross the outfit she chose:

"What do you think of this beaut, Mister Dross? I saved up quite a bit of my savings for this outfit. Planning on wearing it on my future expedition. A practical looker, don't you think?"

Dross inspected her outfit closely, trying to ignore her curves and only judge on the look and practicability. A combination out of dark-brown leather and a soft, yet sturdy silk. Perfect for the tropical jungle that was Squa'osa. Long arms and legs, solid footwear and airy gloves. The only thing that was putting him off with the outfit was her choice of a protective top, or better the lack of it. She wore a shoulderless sleeved top, that was by no means protective. Raja noticed him looking at her pale shoulders and laughed:

"No worries, maestro. I just exchanged the top to have a bit more air available. It is just hot outside and not muggy, so I wanted to give my chest a bit more freedom. Just imagine a fitting jacket with many pockets, and you have the whole deal. Pretty nifty, don't you think? And it compliments my hair."

"Nifty indeed."

Dross was trying to keep his voice under control but failed horribly. She was rocking the look and looked like a piece out of his dreams come to life. He shook his head energetically to get his thoughts straight and conceal the tint of red under his fur. He coughed meaningfully:

"With you prepared, we should pack up now and move over to the Cathedral.", Dross looked at his manuscript scattered around everywhere, "You don't have by any means a shoulder bag available, where I can safely store my book into?"

"One empty camera satchel coming right up!"

Raja flung around and plunged right into the drawer, searching for the piece in question. While she was at it, gathered Dross his manuscripts together until arriving at the kitchen table. Looking at the Piece of Heaven, which was still lying on his diary, he instinctively decided to wear it as a pendant instead of packing it away. It felt strangely right, feeling the amulet now hanging from his shoulders. As if his neck was always its place and always will be. It oddly felt as its presence was empowering him as well, but that might have been only his imagination. A loud 'found it!' caused him to switch back to Raja, who was now closing in with an old, torn camera satchel:

"Has seen better days, but will do the job just fine, don't you think?"

"It is perfect! I can see the history you were having taking photos while wearing it. The saddest gadget of exploration is that that looks like it has never been used. Thank you very much."

Dross saw that Raja couldn't help herself but starting to blush from this compliment. Having no answer on hand, she instead punched Dross slightly in his belly with surprising power. He was impressed by her, trying to catch his breath. This girl got power, as well as mobility. All that combined with a stunning look and a nimble brain. He let out a toneless whistle, and he felt oddly lucky for a moment. Meeting such a girl was a blessing! Packing his manuscripts in the satchel and holstering it, Dross was finally ready to leave. Raja was already waiting at the apartment's door, tapping her feet in anticipation:

"Follow me, big guy. I know a shortcut to the cathedral.", she looked to the side trying to hide the salvia running from the corner of her mouth, "Ok, no shortcut, but the best bakery of this district is on the way, and I could kill for a good sandwich. Care to join me in this quest for a meal?"

"I see no reason in denying such an offer, I am starving as well.", Dross snickered in amusement stepping over to the door, "Food first, then answers. Let's go!"

Dross opened the door and walked outside. Stopping at the stairs down to the streets he paused for a moment to enjoy the now fresh mountain breeze running through the district. The smog of the morning got carried away and beyond the platform, Scamall was sitting on. The constant upwards draft caused by the reverse mountain slowly oscillating down 100 meters just to return to its former position the next morning was the cause for the toxic morning phenomenon.  One advantage of living in a city 7000 meters over the country, the air of the day was to die for. Raja pressed herself in his side, enjoying the moment as well. Adventure awaited them, and Dross was eager to follow the call. He reached out his paw and caressed Rajas' hair while purring softly. Her pushing her head eagerly into his pads was all he needed at the moment. They went down the stairs hand in hand and jumped both down the last steps. Then Raja let go of him and weaselled away just to come back fast-paced:

"Food is calling, old man. Hurry, or you will have to carry me!"

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Nov 11, 2020 02:39 by Morgan Biscup

I will admit that I am a little confused. Last chapter you commented on the pollution stifling the air, but in this chapter the fresh air is to die for (and does not seem to be said sarcastically). It does not seem like it could be both?   (I am enjoying your story so far! This but just jarred me out of it a bit.)

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Nov 11, 2020 07:09 by Soulwing

It is more like an early morning spore burst, when the industry of Scamall awakes once again. A phenomenon that causes the polluted air not to be blown away by the mountain flows but pressed downwards on the plateau. I should clarify that somewhere.

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.
Nov 11, 2020 07:37 by Soulwing

Expanded a bit on that and on the fact that Scamall is Not stable flying at the 7000 Meter mark but in motion. Thank you ^^

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.