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Terminus gave Unimata a friendly final stroke and shushed her then away from his lap. He stood up and rose up to his true height in all its excellence. Terminus looked around, and satisfaction filled his currently silent mind, devoid of Protinus and Exordia . . .He hadn't forgotten their coming date yet; it will be a great one. He was sure of it. But for now, the pleasure had to wait. He took a glance at his devotees, who were looking up to him in awe. Terminus had a few announcements prepared, he was eager to share, but first, it was his solemn duty to show their sheep, what their immediate future will hold:

"Raja Hiss! You were a promising silent watcher but brought to your higher-ups only misfortune. They couldn't handle you and asked me, Terminus, if I could take you as my apprentice so that you may serve directly under my help and protection. I will be from now on your benefactor and expedition leader. "

"As you wish, master."

Terminus was now switching his focus towards Dross, the survivor of Sepernius, the discoverer of Chóros whereabouts and fresh born Eternal:

"Dross Hegraven! You've done well surviving the frigid south and brought back more knowledge than I could have ever dreamt to expect. For this feat alone, I would have been more than honoured to take you in as one of my enlightened watchers. But fate will have other plans with you. At least for now."

Terminus took out the piece of Heaven and hovered it in front of Dross; let it dangle down from two of his phalanxes. He encouraged Dross with a friendly sign to take the pendant. Reluctantly Dros accepted it, but was visibly surprised as nothing happened; he was able to hold the piece of Chóros. Terminus chuckled silently and continued:

"The piece of Heaven had chosen you, Dross Hegraven; my grandfather has chosen you. And as a freshly born demigod, you should be now able to withstand his presence with ease. You have learned much in the last days, brother. Learned much about the Eternals past and quite a few bits about the erased time. I can't let you go away with that knowledge without leadership. So I instead offer you a special rank within our rows. Be the very first enlightened watcher staying on Prius. If you accept and stay on Prius, and not level in the foreseeable future into the knowledge pool, which doors are now open for you, I have a big proposition for you."

"And what would that be, master? Brother?"

"I would like you to take mentorship over my newest protégée, Raja Hiss.", Terminus felt the excitement crackling in the air around them, "You will be the mentor and teacher of hers and accompany Raja in her coming expedition to the Squa'osa archipelago. Also, I will give you a sign of enlightenment, to identify you as one of mine. If you happen to drop your facade and have to reveal your new form, show them the sign and they will assume you are one of the Sudo-Eternals in my service. Nobody has and need to know, that you are a true Eternal."

Terminus looked now straight across the room, locking in at a point far, far away:

"The expedition to Squa'osa will serve three important purposes!

First: Raja Hiss? You will be the leader of the expedition; explore and research this strange place, just as you promised me to do. I await big from my newest protégée-

Second: Regarding Zabrit. We have made researches regarding a recent incident, where a member of the underworld, a sorcerer, who was calling himself 'Showrunner', was able to, somehow, ignore Justitia's Zabrit laced body and beheaded her. No worries, such thing is only a minor annoyance for us Eternals; but still. Fact is: The Showrunner found a weakness in Zabrit, a way to cancel its effects, and this is where you will play your part. My all-seeing eye, Konesans, was able to spot him leaving a public ferry, which was returning from Squa'osa only weeks before that incident. We would like you, Dross Hegraven, to keep your eyes open for us. It is not mandatory, but if possible, find out about the reason behind this impossible possibility.

And the third purpose: Dross Hegraven? You found the prison of the god of Space, of Chóros; a cocoon of unmatched beauty. With his position accounted, I have now the knowledge of the whereabouts of every banished god, but six. Those are still scattered across Prius. And as our influence is sadly quite restricted in the areas of the Squa'osa archipelago I was unable to search that place by rogue means. I would like, that you two keep an eye open for locating possible cocoons hidden somewhere within that tropical jungle of mystery.

Can I count on you?"

Dross and Raja looked at each other with a smile and took each other's arm. With pride in their eyes, they looked back at Terminus:

"This expedition will be a full success! Leave it to us, master Terminus."

"Excellent! The officials we will attend then when we have arrived in Scamall again, and then in six months, your expedition will be set in motion. This timeframe should provide you with enough time to prepare yourself and for the necessary teambuilding purposes. Dross? I want her to be fit and ready for leadership by the end of the year."

Terminus turned away from Dross and Raja and went over to his mother. With a sad voice, he whispered through a phalanx directly to her sensors:

"Thank you for everything, mother. Without you, this could have ended in a catastrophe. The day today was maybe, finally the necessary sign; this nightmare will be over soon. Just hold out a little more."

"I felt it as well, Terter. Your new brother might be an important key piece to finally let us all see light again in these dim times. The same goes for Raja. She is a raw diamond that still needs to find her place in the grand design. She knows sadly now more than she should know . . .please protect her until the time has come for Raja to spread her wings."

"I will, mother. I love you."

"I love you too."

With that said, everything was now ready. But an alien weight in his chest reminded him then of something; something Terminus brought down here, especially for E.V.0 to enjoy. Terminus pulled out the two jumbo-sized bottles of lubrication oil and placed them on the table next to his mother. He could see the face of his mother shining up upon seeing the treat for her cogs and motors, and she hugged him once more. Now he was set. Finally! Terminus prepared himself to leave, but he got immediately reminded by his annoyingly precise brain, that there was still one last message to deliver. Terminus called Dross over and signed him to sit down in front of him. Terminus took a small break to collect his memories, before telling Dross the message from Demiurg:

"Look, Dross, brother. I got to talk a bit with Demiurg while he fixed your soul and we might have talked the whole day solely bout you. My, no, our dad likes you very much. He felt the kindness resonating within your soul and followed closely your way of dealing with his presence. Demiurg was impressed and wanted me to tell you the following:

Unlike the demigods of the counsel, he felt for the first time, since he blessed Justitia, Notitia, Vigor and me a genuine loving connection. Demiurg told me that he is proud to be able to help you, Dross. Furthermore, he used his stand in the pantheon to provide you with the same blessings we have received aeons ago; to truly be children of a god. May I recite:

Dross Hegraven! By the power given to me by the god of gods, Prius and the gods of time, space and passage; Aetas, Chóros and Speclux, I will hereby grant you the blessings of the gods. You will be known from now on as Itino, the demigod of Curiosity. The other gods, wherever they might be, will be able to read this signature woven into your soul and will support you in your quest. I am thrilled to see, what your future will hold, child. Please visit me in 50 years, my son, and tell me about your story. Also give my father a second chance, please. He hadn't killed you out of malice. With your new blessings and body, the old man's presence will now be bearable for you. Listen to his teachings and use the knowledge provided to join Terminus, the demigod of Knowledge, to set things right again. The age of darkness will end soon, and you will play a crucial role in it."

And with that said Terminus ushered Dross to stand up, just to kneel in front of him speaking up with pride resonating within his interference:

"Welcome to the family, Dross, Itino; brother."

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