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Dross' thoughts were whirling around from all the information it had currently to process. So many foundations of his belief crumbled in front of his imaginary eyes in the last couple of hours. But more than everything Dross couldn't believe his ears and his mouth repeating the word he had heard so loud and crystal clear. The god of knowledge, the omniscient Terminus had just called this small and crudely crafted Eternal his mother? Sure . . .the eternal counsel openly claimed, that their immortality was resulting out of achieving the perfect harmony between their mechanical bodies and their formerly mortal souls without the usage of any magic. A technique that got lost in a cataclysmic event that dated back to year zero, where Prius got reshaped in its entirety by a catastrophe wiping out everything on the planet. There were no records from the so-called void age, only the four Eternals Vigor, Terminus, Justitia and Notitia were relics from that time. Relics, who veiled themselves in silence about their time in the void age, and the technology of creating stable Eternals, like they were, was to their access only. And if Terminus was calling E.V.0 mother, would that mean, that she was from the time before the year zero as well . . .was she the technology? Or the master engineer responsible for the creation of an Eternal. What exactly was E.V.0's role in the grand design of everything? 

Dross pulled down his helmet energetically; he desperately needed some fresh air to breath. He inspected the newcomer again, this time not through a fogged vizor. Who was she? - Why was she down here? Dross looked over at Raja, who was at least as overstrained as him. With a voice trembling in uncertainty, he questioned her, hoping for some aid:

"Raja? Please tell me that you can make any sense out of this situation. My head is about to overload with all those information raining down onto us. Who - What exactly is the eternal counsel? - And E.V.0? -"

Before being able to continue, Dross got interrupted by a shushing sound going out from the robot he just mentioned. E.V.0 pushed herself away from the wall she was leaning on, and started walking towards the group in such an elegant fashion Dross didn't know was even possible. Raja's acrobatic movements looked clumsy, like the first steps of a toddler, in comparison. The Eternal figuratively flew over the ground, focusing the strangers closely; one eye focused on Dross and the other on Raja:

"You do know how rude it is to talk in the third person to a conversation partner while trying to make wild assumptions about them. Just ask me directly, for Prius' sake. Besides . . .Terter? Why exactly have you ignored the clear orders of your sisters; Nobody is allowed down here. You know how dangerous it could be for those mortals if Notitia or Justitia would catch wind of this. You are playing with their lives . . .and as far as I can see their sanity as well. But that aside, come here, big boy and hug your mom. That might not be the frame I built for you, but that doesn't matter. I missed you so much, Terter."

Terminus picked E.V.0 carefully up and pressed the small woman against his chest, swaying around softly. Holding her now in a heartily hug, Terminus told back to her with a gentle yet determined voice:

"I missed you too, mummy.", he looked over to his companions, "But I had no choice regarding my watchers. You might be the only one in existence, who can save my precious sheep Dross Hegraven. Besides, this mortal might be a crucial piece to get this world to a state before X-Genesis happened."

"How so? I know that my engineering skills are still unmatched by anybody in existence but . . .", her eyes suddenly darkened a notch, "Oh . . .you came to me for a favour of 'that' kind. Of all beings on this blasted planet, you should know how I feel about the existence of those bastard children you call 'demigods'. I don't like it getting forced to create another child of mine. Being not even involved in the choosing of the soul of the mortal in question. So, you better give me a good reason, why this Dross would be worth it, or I doubt I will grant you my assistance in that."

E.V.0's voice was cold as steel as Terminus let her down again. Tapping with her metal foot, she waited for any valid reason, why she should get involved in Dross' rescue. From afar, she glanced over Dross and Raja, but as hers and Dross' eyes met, he felt a sudden wave of concern and hope erupting out of her metal body. Dross even sensed a slight note of affection as E.V.0's Heartlight on her belly blinked up, and her hostility was gone. Terminus, who was not spectating this scene, thought and then gave his mother a possible reason:

"Dross? Can you please get that pendant and show it to E.V.0?"

Reluctantly Dross reached into his left pocket to pull out the piece of Heaven; he was expecting the worst from even touching this cursed artefact with his bare paws. He was not disappointed, as the connection between Chóros and him immediately resumed when holding it up. His sudden presence was way more powerful down here and so overwhelming and painful that Dross flung the pendant screaming in pain across the room and fell to the ground cramping together. He was flickering in and out of existence and barely able to breathe. Raja was immediately at his side and treated his cramps with quick movements freeing his lung. Terminus caught the flying amulet in mid-air with his phalanxes and let it hover in front of E.V.0's eyes. Looking at the pendant with saddened dim eyes and then over to Dross, who was suffering because of it, she immediately realized what got played here:

"Chóros . . .his medallion; A piece of heaven . . .You were right, coming to me with Dross, Terminus. My foolish cousin's presence has gotten that poor soul quite good . . .yeah, Dross is done for. As far as I can see, I can give him four hours tops, and the panther will vanish into the void ripped gruesomely apart into fine aetherdust. But I can not save him from that fate alone. His soul started already to shimmer, and there is nothing 'I' can do to help him. Like this, I am unable to place it into a soul casket without losing grasp of Dross' soul. There is one way, however, and that depends entirely on you, Dross."

Dross couldn't believe, what was getting to his ears through the pain. What the hell could E.V.0 want from him? With shaky legs and the assistance of Raja, he stood up and retorted her view weak but bravely:

"Whatever . . .it takes. If it could save my life . . .I happily agree with whatever you want."

"Then come with me . . .alone."

E.V.0 was walking over towards Dross and offered him her shoulder. He switched his walking assistance and stumbled with her away through the hallway E.V.0 originally appeared in. And with that, they left Raja and Terminus behind.

Raja was worried beyond belief about Dross, and Terminus felt and saw that quite clearly. The silver giant sat down next to Raja and placed his hand on her head, patting her gently:

"I can fully understand that you don't feel very convinced, this sounded not exactly like a home-run.", he looked up to the pearl-white ceiling, "But believe me, when I say, that E.V.0 has already made her decision. He still has enough time for what is about to happen, so she took him with her for a chance she hadn't had since it all went downhill 5000 years ago."

"What do you mean, Terminus?". Raja's heart slowed down, but she was still worried, "What for a chance?"

"To get to know my future brother, silly!", Terminus laughed, "She despises all demigods, excluding Vapor, of the counsel because of a simple fact. She never got to know the people, who will take over her babies, her constructions and pilot them for all eternity. She felt betrayed to be forced by my sisters to continue growing her family with Demiurg, but without consent."

Terminus could hear the cogs turning in Raja's head, who was trying to make sense of the name he just dropped:

"Demiurg? I never heard of that name before. Who is that?"

"A true god. Not like us, but a god who was born as one; the god of creation. My father."

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Nov 18, 2020 23:18 by Morgan Biscup

I feel like Raja would be more surprised at the revalation that Dross was about to become an immortal?

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Nov 19, 2020 00:06 Private by Soulwing

The traditional way of ranking up to the state of an enlightened watcher is quite similar to that of an Eternal. It is essentially the same, but without them giving away the „secret“ to true immortality. An enlightened watcher is able to live in their robotic bodies for a thousand years, enough to satisfy once’s curiosity in the library on Konesans, the moon of Terminus, where his secret library is. Going there is a one way trip, at least in the current situation.

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.