The plaza of Four

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The plaza of the Four was proof of concept, that even in these times of constant progress, some value the teachings of the old masters remained. The cathedrals of the gods were built in ancient gothic fashion, inspired by the temples of Old-Scamall, sticking out like a sore thumb of this futuristic city. The eternal counsel had chosen to forbid building skyscrapers of any sort around the plaza to give those massive godly temples room to impress its pilgrims. Built with a chemical compound closely remembering of sandstone, yet way more durable and resistant against the atmospheric conditions, and ornated with streaks of greenish zabrit the sight from the outside alone was enough to inspire its pilgrims. Dross had nearly forgotten the beauty of this place of lost tradition kept alive. His whiskers were shivering in awe, and he couldn't help himself but bump Raja softly in the side:

"You know, Raja, if you get out of here to discover the world beyond the Eternals progressive grasp, you will come across many ancient temples and buildings built in this style and others. In my time travelling through Duvara and Stiria I have met so many interesting individuals and visited impressive places, built by our kind or by nature itself.", he looked to the sky with dreamy eyes, "I can only recommend giving your future expeditions the necessary time. No 'I use an airship to get there, skip all the interactions with the locals having only my goal in my eyes.' Doing this just spoils the meaning of our passion. You mentioned Squ'osa, haven't you?"

"Yes, Mister Dross! I heard of the wonders that happen in the jungle and wanted to dedicate my future research on the strange behaviour the atmosphere has on its inhabitants. It cancelling out many restrictions we have in other places resulting in strange hybrid humanoids sounds like such an interesting topic I would like to inspect closer. I met a few months back a visitor from the archipelago, a fuzzy kobold-caracal hybrid. Such a precious being!"

Dross was happy to hear his friend talking in such an interested fashion. A true spirit of a silent watcher. He chuckled, more a talkative watcher, but that is more than ok. Her innocent curiosity was just too adorable, and he couldn't help himself but caressing her white hair softly with his paws:

"That's the spirit, Raja! But now!", Dross inspected one of the cathedrals closer, "We should now check out the cathedral of knowledge looking if we can find the god of knowledge or at least one of his high priests of curiosity. And maybe a few of my former colleagues as well, wonder how they were doing in the past decades. Anyway." he now looked over to Raja again, who visibly couldn't contain herself anymore, "Let us find out what is the deal behind my strange pendant, as I am calling for Terminus."

The last words sounded off in Raja's ears. They made no sense in context, and she noticed a second voice who was warping these words with a darker second line. Not good, this wasn't good at all. Raja glanced around looking if anybody else heard that. As a second consciousness was a clear sign for magicians, those who spoke with a split tongue were living dangerously in the country, who viewed the arcane as something undesirable, even dangerously, clearly favouring Purists. Purists were those who haven't made a symbiotic connection with the arcane spirits at all. Purists kept their mind for their own. But the plaza was laced with traces of Zabrit, a metal, that takes away the powers of a sorcerer causing nausea and sickness. Dross wasn't experiencing any of that, so the Piece of Heaven was influencing him from the outside. Dross felt her suspicion rising, looking at her fairly confused:

"Is something with me?"

"No, not that. It is just that I thought . . .nevermind. Terminus. Yes, meeting up with him is what we should do now."

The pair continued getting across the enormous pentagonal plaza ignoring the cathedrals of Progress, Truth and Fierce aiming straight to the third in line, the temple, that acted at the same time as the gathering point for the silent watchers. Here, in that place, both got initiated into their passion, looking at things from a different view. The thirst for knowledge was what was bringing them to the place. Now Dross was returning with his very own knowledge, determined to please the Omniscient with his discoveries. They eventually closed in on the massive gateway of the cathedral, a richly ornated door, tall enough to let even the demigod of industry, Calces, wander in those sacred halls. A small deep-blue kobold in a white robe was hastily running across the entrance, just to slow down and walk with all the elegance the chubby lizard was able to bring forth. He was quickly rubbing his curved horns nervously with his scaled hands, trying to make them shine before placing his pompous self in front of the arrivals. The fact that he was only 90 cm in height made the situation slightly hilarious, and Dross was bringing up all his self-control not to start grinning. With a serious face he retorted the respectful bow of this servant of the church:

"Welcome traveller, good morning Raja!", the kobold was chanting with an unusually soft voice, "The church of knowledge is welcoming you. I am Eğilon, your humble assistant if you are having questions. Now speak up, stranger, who exactly honours these sacred halls with his wise presence?"

Dross reached into his breast -pocket, taking out an amulet in the size of a small hip flask. He was swinging around this tiny figure in front of the kobold eyes before putting it away again, answering respectfully:

"Salutations, brother Eğion. I am known as Dross Hegraven, the conqueror of Sepernius. A fellow Watcher, who is finally returning from his decades-long journey. -"

The kobolds red eyes flashed up in excitement upon realizing, who exactly was the visitor:

"Master Hegraven? You have finally returned! We already were worried your expedition would have fail - no matter - Lord terminus faith in our success was unbroken to this very day and now - now you have finally joined these halls once more. I am guessing you want an audience with the Omniscient?", Dross nodded, "Excellent! I will set all things in motion to inform our god as soon as possible. Please take a look around while I am away."

With that, the kobold ran off with his stubby legs trying to not fall over his way too huge robe his long tail wagging in excitement. Raja looked over to Dross with a big grin on her face:

"How does it feel to be a big deal, love? -Dross, I mean Dross.", she quickly looked away, continuing now more silent, "You only have to drop your name, and they know instantly, who you are. I am slightly envious, but only slightly."

Hearing her slip of the tongue, Dross felt a pleasant warmness in his chest. He leaned over, showing his pointy teeth in a mischievous grin: 

"It feels pretty good, love. I am honestly surprised that they even remember me at all. Always imagined a very boring return considering how many called my expedition plans crazy and suicidal. Well, they nearly were, if not for me."

Dross paused, looking in confusion down to his gifted pendant. It was as if he felt a feeling of someone being . . .proud? Full of itself? But it passed away before he was able to grasp more. And that darn flickering. He was again able to look through himself for this brief moment. That all began to start worrying him. What if the thing, the origin of the pendant had, caused this through its assistance? Is it contagious? Harmful? He sighed, one more thing to ask Terminus about. The voice of how called itself, Chóros, seemed to know his god in some strange way, so maybe he knew a bit about this as well. But all he was now able to be patient and wait to revisit the place he grew up in once more. He took the hand of the still blushing Raja and crossed the gateway with her into the complex.

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