Summertide Devotee - Background

The elvenari of Belwin who follow the Summertide faith hold deep reverence for the laws and teachings of Sorona, the goddess of wisdom, and her disciple Asir, goddess of life. As taught and prophesied, the creation Groman has been sent to save Dromaria.   As a Summertide devotee, you embrace a nature-focused religion that emphasizes respect for the land and all living beings. Your beliefs include recognizing the sacrifices made by the dragons in ending the Age of Horror, adhering to the Covenant to maintain balance, and remembering the malevolent acts of the evil forces of Ignatius, Ishkul, and the Shades of Soth.
Skill Proficiencies: Religion and one of your choice among Animal Handling, Nature, or Persuasion
Languages: Two of your choice
Equipment: A holy symbol, a bag of animal treats, a pen, a set of fine clothes, and a pouch containing 20 gp
Feature: Faithful Haven
Your unwavering dedication to the Summertide faith has earned you the respect and trust of its followers. When you seeking respite within a temple or a place of Summertide worship, you are welcomed and provided with everything you need for rest and recuperation. The followers of Summertide ask for nothing in return except a promise to uphold the teachings of Summertide and maintain the delicate balance of the natural world. If you take downtime during this time any costs incurred that are less than 25 gp are covered by the church, and you are spared from complications that might arise.   Suggested Characteristics
Those who have devoted their lives to the Summertide faith follow in the footsteps of gods such as Asir and Groman. Many of their ideals come from a belief in religion and its fundamental bearing on the world. Many of the flaws associated with Summertide reflect the same.  

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Summertide Status
  There are many official ranks within the Summertide Church, but most individual locations create their own titles to represent a person's special status within their parish. Here are a few titles you may have earned in your time devoted to the faith, although you are welcome to create your own as well.  

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