Port Hadim Building / Landmark in Dromaria | World Anvil

Port Hadim

For centuries, Port Hadim has been an important marina on Pathriam's eastern shore. Recently, a series of destructive storms destroyed over half of its piers. Nowadays, much effort and resources are being poured into reconstructing this important seaport to restore it to its former glory.   Throughout history, the port of Bastor was a bustling hub for both trade and naval endeavors. King Hadar Rath's navy was considered one of the greatest in the world while it operated here. Now, long after his reign, its fortifications have been lost to time and have sunk beneath sea level.   Today, the primary source of income for Port Hadim comes from trade. It is a major hub for ships coming in and out of Leng. A variety of cargo traverses the harbor daily including food, materials, and other commodities. With the influx of refugees from recent storms to the city, additional shipping has become more common in recent months. The Port Authority oversees all incoming traffic to guarantee that no illegal activities are taking place within its waters.
Bastor   Operated By
Aerin Estuary
Alma Estuary   Controlled By
Port Authority of Bastor

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