Morana Amna

In 6,048 DA the town of Esca was attacked by a vigilante group of hedge mages called “The Pathway Punks.” At the time Morana was only five, becoming an orphan to be raised by the surviving townsfolk. She spent the remainder of her childhood learning whatever dangerous magic she could, with only one goal: revenge.   When she was old enough to leave, Morana began to seek her vengeance. One by one she hunted each surviving member down until she was eventually caught by the Odelian Order. For her crimes, Morana was given a choice, a life of dedicated servitude and repentance in the Order or face lengthy imprisonment. She chose the Order, was given the Anethema Thornbite as punishment, and began official study under “The Tamed Oblivion,” Educator Mortis Wrynfield.   Morana was a good student, having a strong foundation in the arcane. Due to her early personal efforts using violent and murderous spells, she focused on how to defend against them. While many in the Order feared Morana was walking down an even more dangerous path, Educator Wrynfield cultivated her talents, showing her how to adapt them and better understand why the spells existed in the first place.   With a strong base in necromancy, Mortis pushed Morana to extremes, helping her walk the razor’s edge between light and dark. Twice she faced expulsion and imprisonment for her acts, and both times was able to prove her defense, tasking the others in the Order to better understand their more dangerous subjects. Morana learned every necromantic spell contained within the archives, seeking a path where they could be used for betterment instead of villainy.   Her lessons abruptly ended when Mortis was killed during the start of the Demon War. Morana was imprisoned for three years and faced horrific torture from her captors. Liberated by the Demon Lord Lucca’s defeat, Morana faced almost two years of recovery before coming back to New Blarek. Upon her return, Morana was promoted to Educator and raised to the Upper Shelf. Given the title “The Unholy Punisher,” Morana has taken the position her former teacher once held, overseeing illegal and restricted magic. Those who knew Morana before the war speak of how she has changed, now a quiet woman who stays in her offices within the Citadel Arcane.

Roleplaying Morana Amna

Personality Trait. "A spell on its own is merely ink and parchment, it is the will of the user that makes it a weapon."
Ideal. "Accountability. Intent can be lethal and should be punished just as severely."
Bond. "I am the iron will and the unflinching gaze of the Odelian Order."
Flaw. "I am a strong proponent of an eye for an eye, often dispensing cruel judgements."
22nd day of Ruby

Skin Tone
Scarred, pale

Maroon, neck length
47 lbs

Current Residence
New Blarek
Leader Of
Odelian Order
"If you have come here asking for Morana, you have made an error in judgment. You must believe me when I tell you that you do not want her brand of attention."  
~ Educator Mortis Wrynfield
"The Tamed Oblivion"

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