Dolle-Brassi Creed

Dolle-Brassi was raised in the hills of the Brokforge in the Thorn Territory. In his youth, “The Phantom Menace,” an Educator of the Odelian Order was stationed in Stryrakr and had a huge impact on Dol. The new magical education was instrumental in the region, transforming the nearby land and resources into far more plentiful supplies.   Seeing the impact a single Educator had on his community, Dolle-Brassi traveled to Blarek where he embraced a life of education and leadership. In the early years of his foray into politics, he became an ambassador between the Rakankrak’s of the Thorn Territory and the capital. Years of animosity began to fade and Dolle-Brassi’s influence grew.   When the Demon War struck, Dolle-Brassi was the sole surviving member of the Odelian Order to operate publicly. While the others were killed, captured, or fled, Dolle-Brassi stood his ground, commanding the nation’s meager forces from the Brokforge. As a master of illusion, Dolle-Brassi was never seen, sending copies of himself to skirmishes across Thorn.   In the events after the war Dolle-Brassi was the only returning member of the Upper Shelf. Most of his efforts since have been dedicated toward the capital city’s reconstruction and recreating a functioning government. With new members of the Odelian Order surrounding him, Dol has doubled down on his own plans to be the leader the city needs.

Roleplaying Dolle-Brassi Creed

Personality Trait. "No one knows if they are seeing me or an illusion, and I like it that way."
Ideal. "Agenda. I always know my purpose and how I plan to achieve it."
Bond. "My position is important and I will serve it to the best of my ability, even if it means doing it my own way."
Flaw. "I’m far too busy to deal with concepts like relaxation or joy."
18th day of Sapphire

Skin Tone
Tanned, wrinkled

Yellow green
Braided brown, long
148 lbs

Current Residence
New Blarek
Leader Of
Odelian Order
“You think the sand is running from the hourglass? I have yet to reveal my hand and know every card you’re holdin. I won’t need the tricks up my sleeve to contend with the likes of you.”  
~ Dolle-Brassi Creed
"The Masquerade"

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