Covenant Born - Background

You are among a group of dragonborn individuals who are either born or raised on the continent of Erimata, revered as a blessing from the dragons. As a Covenant Born, you hold a special status within your communities and are seen as natural leaders due to the honor bestowed upon your dragon heritage. People look to you for guidance, and your commands carry significant weight. Additionally, dragons actively seek to offer you guidance and assistance, recognizing your connection to their kind.
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Intimidation
Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher's Supplies
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A bottle of colored ink, an ink pen, a set of fine clothes, a pouch containing 30 gp
Feature: Born Leader
You harbor a natural talent for inspiring others to follow your lead. Whether through charisma, determination, or sheer force of will, you can rally people to work together toward a common goal. In situations where leadership is sought, people instinctively turn to you for guidance. Your commands carry significant weight and you can sway others to your point of view. Additionally, dragons, recognizing your connection to their kind, are inclined to offer you guidance or assistance when needed.
Suggested Characeristics
Covenant Born are influenced heavily by the dragons who surround them. Their life of politics, servitude, and faith affects how they act and their ideals. Their flaws often reflect their upbringing away from other societies.  
Parental Relationship
  Choose a dragon under which you serve, whether it is your parent or another dragon, and work with your GM to detail the nature of your relationship. The Dragons section of contains a list of famous dragons, although you are encouraged to create your own with your GM's guidance.   Do you serve their needs, using their power to get your own way? Are you a politician traveling nations? Are you a clerci serving the Covenant, following orders from above? Perhaps you are a scholar, searching for ancient artifacts lost to time? How you relate to your dragon is up to you.

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