Asher Clag

Embers in the town of Soot have been born beneath the ash of the Firepeaks for generations. Molded from the cinders of the volcano, Asher felt an immediate connection to the mountains in their youth. As a child Asher would often run away from home, determined to make the long trek to the highest peak. When they were finally able to express their desire, Asher wanted only one thing: to speak to the primal dragon Drosstemprus.   Asher’s parents took the journey, accompanied by the bravest citizens of Soot. When the embers arrived at the peak of Eminence, where the heat of the volcano was greatest, the dragon embraced Asher as a lifelong friend. Little is known about the connection between Asher and the dragon but it has defined both of their lives ever since.   In the wake of the Demon War the Odelian Order had need of Drosstemprus but found the primal unwilling to talk to them. Once they discovered Asher, the Order recruited them into their ranks, granting them the title “Oracle of Dust.” While responsibilities commonly call Asher to New Blarek, they spend much of their time in Soot with family, dealing with official business from home.   As a lava ember Asher is well versed in fire manipulation and has spent most of their life training with Drosstemprus to enhance their skills. While capable in a scrap, Asher prefers to use their skills in divination, perceiving the future in the flames. Asher works heavily with the farming Educators, aiding in predicting weather patterns and other normally unforeseen events.

Roleplaying Asher Clag

Personality Trait. "If you are in over your head, you are probably exactly where you need to be."
Ideal. "Determination. All you can do is try your best, you know?"
Bond. "My heart is always with my family, but I must serve the Odelian Order to ensure a safe and happy future for them."
Flaw. "I have a difficult time taking anything too seriously because its great to be alive!"
10th day of Diamond

Skin Tone
Fire red

Black strip
79 lbs

Current Residence
New Blarek
Leader Of
Odelian Order
"The ember are always pressed into service before we are prepared. It's up to us as individuals to rise to the occasion. Others would not call on you if they didn't require aid, and we are not the kind to withhold a helping hand."  
~Asher Clag
"Oracle of Dust"

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