All Goblins Day FtVV

Adventure Briefing

One week after All Goblins Day there are reports of giant chickens and other aggressive fowl terrorizing the countryside. The secret is a goblin named Professor Sza Linski, who has been conducting experiments with a Growth Ray. The goblin locals have embraced the change, quickly forming factions.   For the Players. Giant fowl have been attacking people across the countryside, and the Baron has hired you to find the source. Your search leads to the goblin city of Crammin.
Level Range: 3-4
Tags: Breadcrumbs, Mayhem, Poultry   Location: Crammin
Connected Elements: Goblins, All Goblins Day
Monsters: Giant Vulture, Owlbear, Mage, Flying Snake

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The Giant Birds

The birds include chickens, turkeys, and other fowl. Use Giant Vulture stats. They understand common but cannot speak.  
  • Behavior. Their aggression stems from inflated egos, not malice. Their size is proof of superiority. They will assert dominance over smaller creatures, except goblins.
  • Animal Handling. DC 12 Animal Handling. Avoid with food or by stoking their egos.
  • Eggs. The massive eggs are viewed by goblins as “holy.”

The Factions

Crammin has transformed into a strange new world. Goblins trade in giant feathers, patrol with drumstick clubs, and have split into factions, abandoning their old lives entirely. They believe this happened because of the wishbone broken on All Goblins Day. Rumor says the Vultures’ leader, Sister Chick, made the winning wish, though no one knows what it was.   The Gobblers
Leader: Snack
"A feast for the ages!"   The birds are unlimited food. They now catch, roast, eat, and repeat. They view Nuggets as waste and Vultures as nerds.  
    A Clue: The birds taste like ironwood and juniper.

The Nuggets
Leader: The Liver Broker
"Raise ‘em right!"

This is profit. They’re building coops and domesticating. They view the Gobblers as thieves and the Vultures as fools.  
    A Clue: Some of the merchandise is marked.

The Vultures
Leader: Sister Chick
"Glory to the new world!"   A cult that believes the birds are angels. They hold “bawkings,” to interpret decrees. They view everyone as heretics.  
    A Clue: The clucks speak of the "Great Machine.”


Medieval town overun by giant chickens and eggs. A bloody scene.
by Yury Nikifarau
Crammin is a patchwork of absurdity, but every cranny offers insight. The characters will need to interact with the locals and connect the pieces they’ve uncovered. The characters should be led to the hills in the northwest and discover Lil’Labs.

New Crammin Locations

The Feather Market. Gobblers trade roasted meat, giant feathers, and eggs. The area is filled with smoke and blood.  
  • A Clue: They have been scavenging juniper for the cooking pits. “The nutty ironwood flavor? They must eat it.”
  • Nature. Ironwood grows in the northwest hills.

Cluckspire Coop. A towering, rickety thing where the Nuggets guard their ‘livestock.’ Goblins are busy chasing big chicks.  
  • A Clue: A half-drawn map scribbled with ‘Bird Trails.’
  • Survival. This leads through the human district.

The Great Cock. A scrap-filled temple where the Vultures preach. The largest birds rest here, looking down on their flock.  
  • A Clue: Investigation reveals that the wishbone has no power to it and never did. Sister Chick’s wish was for a fish.
  • Persuasion. She has had real visions of a cave.

Running Afoul

Where the large houses exist, a bird gang now rules. Nests line the streets. When the characters enter, the birds attack.  
    A Clue: Bird legs are branded with a lightning symbol.
  • 1x Giant Turkey (Owlbear) Challenges the biggest foe.
  • 2x Giant Chickens (Giant Vulture) On roofs.
  • 4x Tiny Ducks (Flying Snake) Tiny ducks flit about. If one lands a hit, it steals an object from the target and leaves.

Lil’Labs & The Professor

The entrance is marked by a lightning symbol and hidden behind hastily placed defenses. The lab is in a cave with birds in stages of mutation. The Growth Ray is a machine on a raised platform.   Entrance Traps
  • Chicken Wire. Creatures larger than Small treat it as difficult terrain. DC 10 Acrobatics to avoid.
  • Repellant Mist. Herbs and chemicals spray from a crude nozzle. DC 12 CON save or Poisoned for 1 minute.
  • Encounter. Professor Sza Linski is muttering about how to fix everything. She refuses to surrender but isn’t destructive.
  • 1x Professor Sza Linski (Mage stats, tech flavor)
  • 1x Giant Turkey (Owlbear) Protective of Sza.
  • 1x Mutated Giant Chicken (Giant Vulture) On death, creatures in a 10 ft. radius are afflicted with Wild Magic
  Lair Actions
On init. 20 the Growth Ray causes an effect that lasts 1 round:  
  • Growth. Fowl increase 1 size category. STR Checks and Saves at Advantage and +1d4 damage.
  • Shrink. Characters make a DC 12 CON save or shrink 1 size category. STR Checks and Saves at Disadvantage and -1d4 damage.

Reference Page


Payment. 100 gp each and per diem of 25 gp.   Lil’Labs. Wand of Enlarge/Reduce, Potion of Healing, Scroll of Dominate Beast, Bagpipes, Poisoner’s Kit   Factions
If the characters helped a faction or gained Renown, they may gain the following rewards.   Gobblers. Giant Eggs. If characters collect giant eggs they may be able to breed and raise giant fowl themselves.   Nuggets. Bag of Devouring. They have been putting the gold in it, not knowing it is a Bag of Devouring, assuming the accountant from the day before ran off with the money.   Vultures. Feather Token: Swan Boat. Gifted by the most gracious of the giant birds.

Wand of Enlarge/Reduce

Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by a Spellcaster)   This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the Enlarge/Reduce spell (save DC 13) from it. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.   History. Made of metal and attached to an unknown power source, this wand is the remnants of Professor Sza Linski’s Growth Ray.

GM Advice

Crammin treats this like a sitcom. Everything will be back to the status quo when it is over. Embrace the silly.   The vibe is Mad Max meets Chicken Run.   Speak with Animals. If anyone can speak with animals, here are some traits that the fowl tend to have.
  • Turkeys. Self-important crime bosses. They challenge those who threaten their rule.
  • Chickens. Tough enforcers that strut with confidence, backing it up with intimidation.
  • Ducks. Quick-feathered street thugs, always looking to steal something and duck into hiding.
  • Other. Misfits. Play up their eccentricities.

All Goblins Day

6th of Sapphire. Goblins do not typically celebrate their own birthday, instead, everyone celebrates all goblin's birthdays on the same day, known as All Goblins Day. It is said this is the day Thurknot (goddess of goblins, survival, vengeance) was discovered by Lothor (god of forgiveness, justice, service) and saved. The day begins by breaking a wishbone in special thanks to Thurknot, saying grace before a giant feast and dancing.  
    Important Items: Wishbone
    Rituals: Breaking the wishbone, dancing, feasts
    Celebrated Locales: Not specific, wherever goblins are
Optional Rules
  • Goblins receive temporary hit points equal to their level at the start of the day.
  • Whoever wins the wishbone gets a +1 bonus to saving throws for 24 hours.

Wild Magic Table

Roll 1d6 , all results last 1 minute.   1. You must bawk when you talk.
2. Feathers sprout along your arms and legs. Fly speed 5 ft.
3. You are affected by the spell Spider Climb.
4. You turn bright yellow and shed light for 30 ft.
5. A 5ft. wide, 20-ft. deep pit opens under you.
6. You are trapped in a giant egg. AC 10, HP 5.


Dented metal with feather plumage and a mask that looks like a mouth. He is excitable, speaking in onomatopoeias. BOOM!   Roleplaying Snack
Personality Trait. “I only speak one to two-word sentences.”
Ideal. “Meat. I love living in a world made of meat.”
Bond. “More chickens means more goblins.”
Flaw. “I have forgotten my old life, only this matters now.”

The Liver Broker

A really old goblin with liver spots and missing a foot. She is an exceptional musician who has given that up for the birds.   Roleplaying The Liver Broker
Personality Trait. “More shenanigans in the chicken coop means more profits.”
Ideal. “Profits. The higher the better.”
Bond. “Being in charge means working harder.”
Flaw. “I keep forgetting I’m playing a role.”

Sister Chick

Yellow robes with red nun habit. She doesn’t understand how she got into the position she’s in, only that she pulled the wishbone and people started calling her a Messiah.   Roleplaying Sister Chick
Personality Trait. “I’m a go-with-the-flow kinda gobo.”
Ideal. “Easy Money. Usually, I cut purses. This is a better gig.”
Bond. “I take advantage where I can.”
Flaw. “I don’t understand what is going on and am playing along.”


Crammin Streets Map

Crammin Streets

Lil Labs Map


Written by Chuck & Drew
Cover art by Yury Nikifarau

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