Way of Fornada in Dromaria | World Anvil

Way of Fornada

A commander moves through a battlefield like the wind, reaping foes in their passing, the disciplined warrior knows exactly where to strike an opponent. Capable of pinpointing vulnerabilities for those around them, they strike together, pressing their enemy. Heroes who can turn an unassuming neighborhood against a fleeing mugger or stand against hordes of foes are among the monks who walk the Way of Fornada.   Fornada is the combination of the dwarven Stone Oaths and the martial mastery of Bakodo, uniting the ideals of teamwork and camaraderie, and elevating it to another level. Those who have mastered these techniques may choose to be part of a crowd or command a surging mob to devastating effect. Monks of the Way of Fornada are trained with this ability foremost in mind, all while making themselves and those around them more deadly in any fray.   Traditional Armory
Starting at 3rd level you gain proficiency in shields and war picks. The war pick counts as a monk weapon for you. When performing an unarmed strike you may do so with a shield that does your unarmed strike damage. You still benefit from your unarmored defense while wielding a shield.   Unified Position
Starting at 3rd level you have trained to hold a position against any odds. All friendly creatures within 5 feet of you are considered part of your unified position and may benefit from the following abilities:  
  • You can use your action and spend 1 ki point to grant yourself and friendly creatures within 5 feet of you blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn’t behind total cover, even if you’re blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you. The blindsight effect ends for a creature if it moves more than 5 feet away from you or after 1 minute.
  • If you or a friendly creature within 5 feet would be knocked prone or moved against their will, any creature in your unified position may use their reaction to negate the effect.
  Unified Fastness
Starting at 6th level you have trained to further aid your allies in battle, enabling them to move and defend along with you. The following abilities work on those in your unified position.  
  • When you use your Patient Defense feature friendly creatures within your unified position may also take the Dodge action as a reaction.
  • When you use your Step of the Wind feature friendly creatures within your unified position may use their reaction to move up to their speed. At the end of their movement, they must be within 5 feet of you.
  • As an action on your turn you may spend 2 ki points to grant each friendly creature within your unified position advantage on their attacks until the start of your next turn as long as they remain within 5 feet of an ally.
  Bolstered Mobility
Starting at 11th level you can move through allies with grace. Movement you use while within 5 feet of an ally does not count toward your move total.   Unified Retaliation
Starting at 11th level when a creature enters the reach of you or an ally within your unified position, it provokes an opportunity attack. You may choose yourself or an ally to take the attack as long as the creature is within reach.   Stronghold Formation
Starting at 17th level you have become a beacon of Fornada, enabling everyone around you to their fullest potential.  
  • Friendly creatures within 10 feet of you gain the benefits of your unified position.
  • Creatures within your unified position gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.
  • When you use your flurry of blows you may spend up to 1 ki point for each ally within your unified position and take an additional unarmed attack for the amount spent.
Way of Fornada Features
3rd Traditional Armory, Unified Position
6th Unified Fastness
11th Bolstered Mobility, Unified Retaliation
17th Stronghold Formation

Daisy Pennyday
  Daisy Pennyday embodies the stoic, inward-focused teachings of Bako and the unity-driven message of the Stone Oaths. These conflicting ideals combine to form her drive and focus, bringing the world the Way of Fornada. This practice has long been associated with the dwarves and their culture, but even Daisy herself encourages everyone to help her revitalize the teachings.   The Calling and how it manifests within an individual is a personal experience that only they can understand. Daisy has traveled the world seeking others, showing them that Fornada is a shared Calling, a passion others can experience together. She inspires ingenuity, paves the road for others to succeed, and works for the greater whole.   The practice of Fornada has long been associated with dwarves, but is by no means restricted to them. Anyone who fights alongside their comrades will better themselves and therefore each other. Like Daisy you will have to choose how your Calling manifests and what it is you pursue. The Way of Fornada offers unity, but it also offers the chance to find oneself within the embrace of others.

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