
"Such foolish men, reckless and naive. You ventured here with your kin, and your brother has committed the very transgression I implored you all to avoid. Foolhardy! You then dared to attempt his revival, as though your fledgling grasp on resurrection could take root here, on my territory.   This world, Athantoss, is under my dominion, the cycle of life and death inexorably tied to my existence. Here, every demise is a conduit, channeling energy into the system; not a single death is wasted. All serve Athantoss, all serve Hadim Krazier.   Your futile endeavor to resurrect him has grievously ruptured his soul, binding it in a limbo between life and death. In your ignorance, you've not saved him, but damned him to an existence far worse than mere oblivion."  
~ Hadim Krazier
From "The Journey" by Matunas Tormontear


In the silent solitude of Athantoss, Krazier, the dreaded goddess of revenge, tyranny, and undeath, rules supreme. Drawing power from her world, she stands as an immortal sentinel, guarding her against unwelcome incursion. To learn of Krazier is to venture into the shadowed realms of revenge and necromancy. Her legacy on Dromaria is one stained with blood and hate, a testament to her cruelty against both dragons and mortals.   Though Krazier herself never touched Dromaria soil, her influence was wielded through her notorious offspring, Polurn, Gaides, and Lucca. Each left their own indelible mark of suffering and conflict on the world, their sins echoing the harsh tenets of their mother's faith. The bitterness caused by these tragic events is forever entwined with Krazier's name, her legacy a patchwork of their deeds, painted with resentment and dread.   Most practices associated with Krazier have been outlawed, with opposition to her taking a prominent place in the course of history. Yet, there remain those who seek the dark power she offers, treasuring her texts as priceless relics embodying hatred and tyranny. Her faith continues to attract followers, whispers of her teachings fueling the desires of those with hearts full of vengeance and domination.  

Modern Depiction

Krazier, though never physically seen on Dromaria, has a face familiar to all. Handed down from the Ancestors, her slender form, red topknot, bare shaved head, and grey robes have been etched into Dromarian consciousness. A symbol of danger and malice, her likeness has remained unchanged throughout the ages, with modern representations mirroring ancient ancestral artwork.  

Tenets of Krazier

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The strong are destined to rule the weak, exerting their will without compromise.
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Undeath is a natural extension of life's cycle, not an aberration to be feared.
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Revenge against those who harm or oppose you is a sacred right.
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Hatred is a potent motivator, serving as your unerring guide.
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Dragons, mortal's arch-enemies, must be eradicated at all costs.

Krazier Worshiping Adventurers

To be a Krazier worshiper is to be a pariah amongst adventurers, facing persecution, exile, or even death. The few who endure are no mere adventurers. They are commanders of undead armies, usurpers of kingdoms, dragon slayers, and masters of men. Bearing the cross of universal disdain, Krazier's followers worship in secret or brazenly declare war as unapologetic tyrants.
Goddess of Revenge, Tyranny, & Undeath

Why would you choose this faith?
  Choosing the path of Krazier is not for the faint of heart, but those who feel a deep-seated rage against the established order or a desire to command the forbidden forces of undeath may find themselves drawn towards her.   Called "The Illbred," her vilified followers are recognized for their raw power, uncaring of societal judgment, and thirst for revenge. This faith attracts clerics, fighters, paladins, sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards especially those who bear a grudge against the world, those who've suffered great loss, or those fascinated with the dominion over life and death.
Holy Symbol
  Known as the Sacrificitium Noctis or the Nightoffering, this holy symbol depicts a star within a spell circle, holding a flayed man at its center. While its primary use is to warn of nearby undead, cultists and necromancers may have hidden tattoos or amulets of the symbol as a testament to their dark devotion.   Open display of the symbol on Erimata results in a swift death penalty, due to the universal loathing the dragons bear towards Krazier and her teachings.
Associated Religions
  Krazier is not followed as a part of any major religions. All Illumination faiths treat her as a great evil to caution and avoid. The Covenant stands in direct opposition to Krazier's teachings at all times.

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