Forbidden Tongues

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but a Power Word can kill you. Not all noises should be uttered equally. Dromaria, as with many TTRPG worlds, contains a variety of languages. In this article, we are not here to discuss Common or Elvish. Instead, we will whisper words that are illegal, taboo, and dangerous; let us whet our forbidden tongues.

What Are Forbidden Tongues?

Language is more than communication, it is tied to ancient magic and dangerous powers. Speaking can break barriers between worlds, summon forces, or unleash disasters. Other languages, less frowned upon, are embraced by the seedier elements of society and used cautiously away from flapping lips.   Banned words on Earth are typically uncouth or offensive and we sometimes forget that it carries such power. Words are potent forces that shape reality. Now, include magic and remember: when dealing with languages, one wrong word can be fatal.

"The devil's lips seek succor."

~ Words of Warning

In the Beginning
  D&D has created languages that apply to their content, becoming a standard across much of the genre. While we will use specific examples, such as Abyssal, the logic remains the same with any unsound speech.
Dromaria   The basics of language in Dromaria are covered in Chapter One of Dromaria: The Covenant.


Languages like Infernal, Abyssal, and Deep Speech are commonly outlawed due to their connection to forsaken entities and dangerous magic.  
  • Infernal. The speech of devils, bound to dark powers. Speaking it risks invoking infernal forces and sinister pacts.
  • Abyssal. A language of chaos, used by demons. Its words can summon destructive entities or cause havoc.
  • Deep Speech. Tied to eldritch horrors, it threatens the sanity of anyone who tries to understand it.


Not all languages are forbidden by law, but some are considered taboo and only used under hushed breaths or secret writings. These methods of communication carry social stigmas due to their intrusive or manipulative nature.  
  • Thieves’ Cant. A coded language used by criminals, designed to conceal illicit activity.
    Forbidden Tongues Picture
  • Telepathy. Capable of crossing personal boundaries, especially when used to invade private thoughts. In some cases, its exploitative methods include mental advertising in daily life or dreams.
  • Ritual & Arcane. Words like these carry power, impacting society in a number unknown ways. Casual use can draw suspicion, especially when crossing new boundaries.
  • Undercommon. Known for its association with seedy taverns and shadowy dealings, Undercommon is spoken in the dark places of the world. Despite its grim reputation, it remains a practical tool for communication between diverse groups. Its widespread use keeps it from being entirely shunned. The language itself is rough and unrefined, a patchwork of different tongues mashed together to bridge gaps between those who live on the fringes. It is seen as the language of the monstrous and outcast.



Languages such as Celestial and Draconic are not forbidden, but their power is not meant for casual use. These words carry enough raw energy to burn a soul from the cycle or stain the land with irreversible consequences. Spells that originate from these sources may be safeguarded, requiring trials of ability and character before becoming entrusted to mortals. While these languages may be widely spoken in some regions, most view them with caution, aware that their use will draw attention from the benevolent and the wicked alike   Celestial
Celestial is the language of the divine, spoken by holy beings. Never intended for mortal use, it has become a fundamental part of divine magic across numerous faiths. Associated with song and poetic phrases, Celestial is spoken cautiously and with reverence even by the most devout. The Upiryrials (Aasimar) of Dromaria are commonly associated with creation and godhood, meant only for the righteous to hear.  
  • Risk. Those who speak and write Celestial without favor from on high or a studied mind, are likely to attract unwanted attention. The language carries divine authority and misuse can lead to divine retribution.
Over the centuries, Draconic has seeped into common use through magic schools and the global influence of the Covenant faith. The language is the foundation for many spells and incantations. It is intrinsically linked to the arcane and is known across space and time.  
  • Pure Draconic. Despite its common use in magic, the true, ancient form of Draconic is vastly more dangerous. Speaking pure Draconic goes beyond knowledge, wielding raw energy and essence. Mortals who attempt this risk their lives, as the words themselves can destroy those who lack the discipline to control them. Someone who fails may find themselves unable to comprehend magic anymore or simply vanish into dust.

Power of Words
  Traditionally language is used more as a mechanical tool than a narrative in TTRPGs. If the scroll is in Primordial, you need to know how to speak it or you are out of luck. The door says “Speak friend and enter,” so you better know Elvish. Words carry weight and with that power. Don’t underestimate the risks that come from understanding a forbidden phrase.   Spells such as Tongues or Comprehend Languages allow characters to understand that which is otherwise beyond their grasp. While useful, these spells should not come without risk.  
  • Mental Strain. Attempting to comprehend that which you can’t, may overwhelm the mind. Characters may suffer from madness, hallucinations, or terrifying visions after encountering these words. The greater the understanding, the greater the risk.
  • Curses & Corruption. Tied to ancient powers, forbidden tongues are fraught with hidden meanings, misunderstood by mortals. Characters may find themselves marked by dark forces or bound to sinister pacts merely by speaking a syllable.
  • Unwanted Attention. The effects of spewing unfathomable verbiage can draw the ire of the unknown. A character could accidentally summon demons from a rift between dimensions or raise the dead at a funeral.
  • Enforcement. Different societies handle legal issues differently, but any that forbid languages understand their significance. Characters may be arrested, exiled, or silenced during their stay for speaking badly out of turn.

  The Order of the Veil is a secretive organization dedicated to protecting Dromaria from threats beyond the material plane. Their vigilance extends to the enforcement of forbidden languages, ensuring that dangerous words never unleash catastrophic consequences. The group does not typically intervene when forbidden tongues are spoken casually or minor infractions occur.   Their attention is drawn when using languages like Infernal, Abyssal, or Deep Speech, which pose a real threat to the world. If uttering these words risks opening planar rifts, summoning dangerous entities, or causing mass destruction, the Order will act swiftly, often without revealing themselves.   While other groups may be more forgiving, the Order is known for its zero-tolerance policy when individuals threaten the fabric of reality. They remain in the shadows, observing those who toy with such dangerous words and will not hesitate to remove a threat before it escalates.   Covenant-bound disciples and even dragons share a similar stance, ensuring that those who invoke forbidden tongues are quickly silenced.

Written by Chuck & Drew
Amarantha Cull art by Kati Drinkwine.


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