Cressa Tidestride in Dromaria | World Anvil

Cressa Tidestride

Cressa Tidestride unexpectedly found her Calling on the surface, serving in the Order of the Veil. As a Triton of Flotsodom, she spent her entire life underwater. There she studied as an explorer, fulfilling her youth traveling the vastness of Dromaria’s oceans. Blessed by Narwel with an eidetic memory, Cressa became a cartographer, mapping places thought lost to time. As her education progressed, Narwel continued to grant Cressa boons and she enrolled as a cleric in the goddess’s service.   When the Tritons returned to the surface, Cressa was eager to set out. She walked onto the beaches of Don Shou and was overcome with a feeling of foresight. Cressa sat and prayed, remaining for four days and nights, unmoving in the sand. On the fifth day, an elvenari woman named Orphea Lenswa found Cressa, and she woke from her prayer.   Orphea was a member of the Order of the Veil and in her Cressa found a new purpose. They made the trip to Stonehome and Cressa joined the Order, eager to assist however she could. Her skills were invaluable and the druids harnessed them frequently, a prized new member to serve the world.   Her elusive goddess spoke with the young triton regularly. Narwel had long been considered an anomaly by the Order of the Veil, and with Cressa they could learn and observe. In the Order’s eagerness to maintain Cressa, she has been elevated quickly, considered one of their most protected assets.

Roleplaying Cressa Tidestride

Personality Trait. "There is so much I don’t know and haven't seen, so I'm trying to take it one step at a time."
Ideal. "Charity. My abilities are Narwel's gift to Dromaria and I give them freely."
Bond. "Assisting the Order of the Veil is my Calling."
Flaw. "I have been known to be naïve, as much of this new world is strange to me."
9th day of Sapphire

Skin Tone
Glowing blue with lightning

Electric blue
106 lbs

Current Residence
"It felt impossible, seeking meaning in the sun. Mystery and fear had gripped us all. In Narwel’s embrace we found our way and a world we had forgotten was ours once more."  
~ Cressa Tidestride

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