The Spearheads

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Two so-called Arcadian Automatons were standing on the roof of an armoured imported heavy-duty truck having all hands full trying to hold back the masses eager to gain one of the rations the Spearheads prepared for their district. They were reasonably stressed but regardless emitting a happy and compassionate aura. The siblings felt that Lanstein and her partner were enjoying this quite a bit. It was especially clear, as their whole operation was footed on a voluntary desire to ease the life of those who either got theirs ruined by the war with Scorzosa or were born into poverty.

The automatons were a sight to behold, they couldn't look more bewildering, yet their aura was quite soothing. The so-called 'Freezers', a subspecies of the Arcadian Automaton, looked like a mechanized variant of a human-like skeleton with metal ribs, ulna and radius; a delicate and skinny stick-like corpus with a helmet-like face. In the centre of their ribcage was set the jewel heart of the freezer; the core of their power. 

Power over the energetic water they were created from. Each freezer encased itself after its creation by the Veil in an amorphous flesh-like shell giving the thin frame a meaty body to complete the view. A body made out of water; the water they have complete control over.

The automaton Bianca recognized before as Lanstein had currently a whole body full of work to do. She was kneeling on the roof, seemingly inactive, only giving her aquatic body its full attention. Countless azure blue gel-like water tendrils slinked through the air in fluent motions. They each took a ration out of the truck and provided the waiting crowd with bundles of food. At the end of the day, everybody present would have their very own ration to enjoy.

While that all happened was the other automaton sitting on the engine hood of the truck holding a book in her hand. An enormous line of people lined up eager to talk with her. She was seemingly taking orders on what they should cook for the following days as well as noting down possible illnesses spreading or necessary operations that needed to get done. She looked distressed, the glowing blue eyes behind her metal skull glowing nervously, but she continued to lend an ear to the lizards of Leaston's slum regardless of what she had to witness. 

It is astounding how timid this gathering appears to be. Nobody is trying to gain multiple rations, everybody is following the rules despite there being none. It is like a mutual understanding that nobody should bite those who care when nobody else does. The Spearheads are the folk heroes of the slums; there are even songs written about them we will surely hear sooner or later this week. But they seem quite occupied, so we should just play along until Lanstein has some time to spare and get ourselves a good meal.

The day advanced, and the cluster of hungry people diminished further and further. As Lanstein had assured them to have kept their rations reserved, neither of the Peritls tried to get their food as soon as possible. The hours advanced, and the sun went down; it was now evening. 

With the last sunray leaving the clearing, the truck parked in, Denton suddenly started cursing silently to himself.

"Are you happy now, you red glowing bane of my existence? My skin is smouldering, and my scales are hotter than your surface. But were you able to subdue me? No! I won today, and I will, again and again; day after day. You are nothing, and I am everything!"

They were now the last remaining in the place, and the automatons finally came over to greet the siblings holding two rations in their icy hands. Lanstein waltzed over, her amorphous water body now fully rebuilt into one and greeted Bianca. But when she wanted to greet Denton as well, she suddenly stopped in shock trading appalled glances with her Spearsister and Bianca.

"By all that is holy, Mr Peritl ... you didn't have waited since I called you over like this? That smell -are you burning? What the heck did you do to your body!? You risk the worst standing so unprotected in the sun, where is y-"

Bianca gave Lanstein a tired wink of the paw sighing audibly.

"Don't even try to reason with my brother; he is way too prideful for his own good. Believe me! I tried!"

The motionless mask that was Lanstein's face, a medieval-inspired metal helmet with chromatic metal braids held at a 45° angle by a portion of her water body forming azure crystal hair, was full of life. The shimmering purplish-blue eyes in the void behind the skull's eye sockets shimmered in a mixture of fright and admiration. Regardless, the anger of a medic having to treat a delirious patient shimmered even further in the deep dark eyes.

"If that is the case ... alright. But allow me to at least ease the pain and close the wounds, young kobold."

"Young? I am 24 ... fine, do as you pl- gurgle

Hearing the words of consent, the liquid body of Lanstein latched out and flew around Denton, swallowing him whole. Denton tried to protest as he got drowned only to realize that he could breathe in the liquid body of the freezer. Even more so could Bianca see how his burning body cooled down and the pain reflecting in his eyes slowly vanished. He was healing.

Yeah, brother, this is the reason Lanstein called me master before. I would have preferred another way of introducing that if I am honest. I changed the structure of her liquid body, enhancing it with my healing abilities. Allowing her to use her amorphic body not only for harm but benefit as well. I wonder how many lives she has saved in my name; I should ask her later.

While Denton was still encased in his liquid restoration pod, the other freezer decided to build herself up to her full size in front of Bianca, standing stiff like a soldier. Bianca didn't know what the automaton was planning, so she was quite surprised when she suddenly bowed her head in front of her, hands folded into a triangle. After returning her the full size, the robot relaxed her body and spoke in a tongue, that could only be described as a violin, which got somehow played deep underwater. It was soothing yet bewildering, and all that was underlined with a digital tune.

"We haven't met before, Dr Peritl, but I am honoured to finally talk face to face to one of the biggest benefactors of the Spearheads. You have our gratitude for allowing field medic Lanstein to save more lives than any of my partners could count."

Taken by surprise by this sudden burst of admiration from this stranger, Bianca couldn't help herself but blush, hearing the praise.

"B-but I am no d-doctor ... what did Lanstein tell about me? To whom do I have the pleasure either way?"

Now it was the automaton's turn to fluster; she seemingly didn't intend to screw up this greeting with the very first sentence. The glowing blue eyes behind this crowned metal skull dimmed considerably, and the ice covering her forehead started sweating and melting.

"I-I am sorry, I assumed - such a great healer and ... such." A metallic interference cut the stuttering short, as she took a deep sizzling breath. "Thilarie - my name is Thilarie, Mrs Peritl. I am the leader of the Spearheads, the Speartip. I-I wanted to meet the person Lanstein won't stop admiring. And that in person. A-and here I am now. Nice to meet you!

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