A fourth Sun at the Horizon

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It was a period of silence that followed the words of Marshal Fide. Silence and heavy steps as the silent shadow seemingly changed his position in the room he was currently in; he was on the move. A few seconds passed, and the lizardy voice of the demihuman filled out the command centre once more, a silent cackling as the prologue to his speech:

"Bright as ever, I like that. Yes. To get to the Ivory Jack, we need a large-scale distraction. One such enormous that it will weaken the concentration of that gravity mage. Neither I, nor Opalclaw, can match his might in a fair fight. I will get rid of the kobol-" 

"NO!", the eyes of the frilled lizard widen as bloodlust takes over his reserved attitude, "You will only provide me with the position of the two. If you assassinate them directly - the repercussions could be grave. No, their demise will be ... mhmm ... a tragic casualty. Also, I need your partner's assassination capabilities for your end of the bargain. There is one being in Nemthi that could let your operation fail. One specific target has to die tonight. Make sure to end their's and your target's life and I will take care of getting rid of any traces you might leave behind. You understand?"

Narxis remained silent on the other end of the conversation until numerous pieces of intel appeared on the marshal's screens. M.I.L.L.E.R. quickly went through all the pieces of information, compiling them into a handy three-sentence summary for his master to skip through:

The distraction requested by silent shadow Narxis has to include the following targets: Leaston, the Palace of Unity and the hotel 'Silver Streak'. After the operation's conclusion, the public funeral of Ambassador Edmund Sean Larx, who will die through the distraction, should take place. The distraction should happen tonight to ensure that nothing about the cancer cure will get leaked into the public eye.

Marshal Fide nodded at the message awaiting a spoken answer from his partner in crime to confirm his conditions while caressing the crimson button in his palm. Then Narxis spoke again.

"Send me the target, my associate will make sure to dispose of them while I confront my rendezvous for tonight. The shadows will follow the kobolds, keeping you informed of the position of your primary goal." Pause. "You mentioned that you have an idea for a distraction? Anything I should be aware of?"

The lizard grinned dangerously and raised his booming voice laughing deeply. So deep that even the wolf sitting at the table below him could hear his laughter.

"Get rid of both your targets and then immediately leave the city to the west coast. You don't want to visit East-Nemthi tonight, trust me on that.", a dark smirk, "I mean - unless you want to witness the Crimson Sun illuminating the night. But you don't want to, Narxis, do you?"

A mighty gulp. That was all Marshal Fide heard before the line got cut and the symbol vanished from his screen. His mentioning of the military codeword 'sun' was enough to make the shadow understand the intentions of the general field marshal. A small beep of his A.I. confirmed that a secure mailway to the silent shadow had been erected, and the attention of Marshal Fide shifted back to the scared wolf below. His egg chair turned around, and the bloodlust facade of the marshal caused the engineer to shrink down in frightful respect. The teal lizard descended and looked at Mr Bigsby, ordering him to remove the ear mufflers with a wave of his iron hand. He looked up to his superior, daring to initiate the upcoming discussion and attempting to show his guts despite the marshal's fine snout smelling his fear.

"I-I am assuming good news, Marshal Fide?"

The marshal smiled, oddly gently even. Caressing the crimson button, he then sat down on the maltreated table, pushing it slightly to the engineer. The whole paradox of him looking jovial after having spoken with literal assassins sent shivers down the large wolf, and he gulped. The lizard showed his teeth pointing at the button.

"You know what this button means, Mr Bigsby? Please, recite what you said before, help me remember."

The wolf's eyes widened to full moons, sweat running down the collar of his uniform. The marshal's sudden mocking interest in the button could mean ...no. Mr Bigsby took the button carefully and nodded slowly.

"This button, sir. The crimson button sends a silent command to all captains of the behemoth airships associated with Project Icarus. To immediately report to you, my leader, confirming that they began preparing these tools of war to follow your and your command alone. T-"

"What can you tell me about operation 'Evening Sun', Mr Bigsby?", the lizard was now playing with his subordinate, giving him hints, "What happened there?"

The wolf readjusted his collar, looking into the emerald eyes of his leader, not believing what he just said. Marshal Fide knew that he probably would now question himself, why exactly he mentioned the all-out war against Rubeus 3000 years ago. One of the very few 'sun' level war operations Etherium had ever committed.

"O-operation evening sun, the first ever invasion of a foreign country with firepower enough to - you don't mean this conv-"

"Yes, exactly! Mr Bigsby!", the lizard brushed along his scaly beard, "No, the Mr is not adequate...Captain Bigsby. Will you do me the favor and initiate operation 'Crimson Sun' for me?"

Marshal Fide was able to see a chromatic array of emotions running at a fast pace through the freshly promoted wolf, his fluffy ears twitching nervously, not believing what he just heard. A dark smile widened on his face, as he was toying with his subordinate. he was asking him to initiate an operation worthy to get written down in the history books. That his name will be mentioned in the same breath as the initiators of the infamous operations 'desert sun', 'evening sun' and 'drowned sun'. These were the three wars where Etherium used all behemoth-grade airships in its arsenal to let hellfire rain down on its enemies. And he would be responsible for the fourth sun rising over the horizon. A backbreaking responsibility that might result in nightmare fuel for the rest of his replaceable life.

"I-I was supposed to bring you the button, my marshal. I wasn't expecting to be the one pressing it. Alright..." The wolf showed guts, how admirable. "If you want me to initiate the crimson sun, may you first tell me who our target might be? I am now fully representing project Icarus and I should be aware of that detail. Which country is in our crosshair? Who betrayed Etherium?"

The dark glare softened up as the marshal realized that the guts of Captain Bigsby hardened to steel in the process of him talking to his superior. The more he talked to him, the more respect the fresh captain managed to harness from the lizard. He grinned and decided to play around a bit more with the greyish-blue subordinate of his at the other side of the table.

"Generally speaking...the world. You are only speaking to me as your superior because the Radiant failed in his quest. My predecessor had only the noblest intentions working his whole life toward a singular goal. World peace.", he coughed, "Or at least a brief period of open borders. But you know how that played out. How the representatives of the world attended the peace conference with the dark intentions to weaken Etherium once and for all assassinating our highest. Their vile intentions were to make a statement ending the Radiant's and many other important personalities' lives. It was a bloody party leaving my predecessor no choice but to lay down his title as the marshal of peace, making way for me to rise to the top. It is in my sacred duty to restore the Etherium to the place it rightfully belongs. We are the nation chosen by the gods of Prius, the Eternal Counsel. We are destined to rule! And not to be the doormat of the nations of the world. And if that vile planet needs an example that we still have teeth, the crimson sun shall illuminate their doubtful minds!"

The scaled lizard looked down at the huge mammal, expecting him to cower or at least be intimidated by his zealously. But he was surprised that that was not the case as his blue eyes glimmered back to him, shining bright with pride.

"An example it shall be, my marshal. Let the crimson sun dictate your greatness. I don't care against whom we shall send our fleets of fire and death. Captain Lesley Bigsby reporting for duty!"

And, with that said, Captain Bigsby pressed down on the button, alarming all members of Project Icarus to begin their preparation. But, as he did as such, Marshal Fide felt an odd bloodlust overtaking the former engineer. Respect was still being shown, true, but he was cocky. At that moment, in that position of power, as he initiated the operation, the wolf saw himself as an equal to his superior. Unacceptable! A dry smile widened in consequence on the lizard's face with the grim intention to cut Bigsby's growing pride back to size.

"Operation Crimson Sun will hail down on Nemthi tonight, in precisely 9 hours and 23 minutes. You will be under the direct commandment of my most trusted commander. Field Commander Belladonna Blight will lead the operation and you the ships. I will inform the members of Project Icarus of your promotion. They shall know that you will carry out my will. Don't disappoint me." 

The Marshal grinned even wider, watching the wolf in a state of fluctuating growth. Yes, he will be responsible for what will happen later today, but he will not be the first person the 'Crimson Sun' would get associated with. Eventually, he stood up and performed a deep bow.

"It shall be done, General Field Marshal Ingratus Fide. Tonight the Crimson Sun will illuminate Nemthi in your righteous red will." 


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