Those who decide

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At the exact moment, when Denton was passing Axl's portal, he suddenly felt a nausea attack hitting him, causing the kobold to lose the entire strength in his body, briefly hanging limp from the arm of Thilarie. But the automaton was only minimally concerned; she probably saw that happening already countless times. Tendrils lashed out of her body catching the kobold and preventing his fall binding Denton gently against her hip until he recovered:

"Normally, we wouldn't take a direct gate to the top, but we had today due to us being late. And a sudden atmosphere change of over a thousand meters between entry and exit can cause your current condition. But I think ... yeah, it will pass now."

Bianca stepped through the portal as well, immediately laying her hand on Denton's head. She was sending a sizzling healing pulse through his body without asking for his consent, still pricked regarding him rejecting her aid. As fast as the nausea attack arrived as quickly it went away, and strength returned to Denton's body:

"I know I should have respected your decision from before, but bro ... we are now in front of our future. We need you in your best form, so I repaired your strained legs as well. Thank me later."

The scenery earned an amused snickering from Lanstein's side, who was admiring the feistiness of her master, giving her a hidden thumbs-up. Denton felt well again, much to his dismay. Bianca's power grew exponentially, he noticed with a flicker of admiration growing in his belly. A few months ago, this would have needed a few minutes to even begin with the healing process, and now she just ... overloads his whole body granting him a brief healing factor. But he knew that she shouldn't have done that. Looking at the olive kobold, he saw her panting noticeably; she was spending abundant amounts of her energy trying to live up to Lanstein's expectations. Denton stood up and disconnected himself from his freezer friend walking over to Bianca and giving her cheek a quick boop with his snout:

"I thank you now, Bianca. And please, take it easy. I feel that you are overstraining yourself with these healing overcharges. So please, think of yourself as well. You can heal me, but I can't heal you, sister. Remember that, please. I don't want to see you putting yourself in harm, just to ease my pain."

Bianca felt ashamed getting called out like that by her brother but was thankful that he decided to whisper it to her discreetly. She nodded, blushing in embarrassment, scraping tensely over the marble floor with her pearl-white clawed feet. She gave her brother a friendly nudge and tried to regain an uptight and self-assured posture shaking off her bad mood regarding the carbunclo. She, who didn't follow them through the gate, was now standing on the other side of the portal with Axl at her side and greeted them one last time with a deep bow. Then the kobold closed the portal opening by generating two tiny ones with his fingers swirling in circles. The very last thing the group heard of that unlikely duo was how Ganya asked the red kobold if he even did the homework she gave him to complete regarding his weak speech pattern. A question Axl answered with a powerless grunt and a hopeful:

"We do now, ma'am?"

The carbunclo ruffled his scaly head playfully and gifted him an oddly heartily grin. Bianca felt, that there was more happening between these two, but her thoughts got cut short as soon as the portal closed. Different people appeared now behind the freshly gone portal, walking behind the gate towards them. Their impressive presence immediately drew her full attention.


Bianca looked upwards, trying to grasp the whole of the two large individuals now standing before the group. The man on her left she was able to identify without issues. A largely grown lamia with blinding clean silver scales covering his entire nearly naked body. The Silver King was only wearing a richly ornamented tunic covering half of his scaled chest, as well as his lower body down to the beginning of his long tail. Additionally, he wore countless pieces of body jewellery with emeralds embedded into them- granting him an appearance not unlike the Argentum armours down in the basement. The King had his arms crossed, his blade-like phalanxes neatly assorted to form a single sword aimed down to the ground. He slithered across the smooth marble, talking with the other individual walking beside him. Bianca was unsure what kind of species that man even was. She was able to spot patches of scales running along his smooth fleshy cheeks of his. Other than these scales and him missing his ears having lizard-like openings instead, which were decorating his side, he looked just like a human or elf, like it was depicted in her anatomy books. Was he one of these demi-humans her books mentioned here and there? And what was the deal with his shoulder? They looked wrong, and oddly bulky and the demi-human had not two arms to argue with but three whole pairs with two looking similar to the metallic arms of her automaton friends. One pair appeared bulky with massive hands and joints, the other flimsy like a surgeon's claw.

As the pair drew closer she heard the familiar sizzling voice of her king filling up the entrance hall.

"(...) I understand your reasoning, ambass~sador Larx, and I am deeply s~sorry for what happened in Etherium all these years~s ago. But we live in the here and now. Everybody who had their hands~s in the ass~sassination attempt at the world-peace gala got punished for their crimes~s. Everyone got now locked up for good. We tireless~sly work towards~s reigniting our good relations~s with Etherium to unify our nations~s once more against our common enemy: S~scorzosa."

Ambassador Larx looked with piercing eyes up to the silver lamia, seemingly unhappy with the answer. One of his skinny robot arms took the brim of his black head and pushed it further into his toned face.

"Sir So'teyo van Almmond ... you know it as well as I do. The divine Eternal Counsel - no, the whole of Etherium knows who truly was responsible for Nemthi's part in betraying my country's attempts to open all the borders of the world for the first time since 2000 years. We want the Ivory Jack: The counsel wants to see Gâteau Au'piere on trial, and Justitia is restless. If he is innocent, has he nothing to fear. The goddess of law is righteous and infallible."

It was only then that the pair finally noticed the newcomers. Four shortstacks, who were looking like lost sheep, standing alone in front of the conference room. The King immediately recognized the Spearheads and gave the ambassador an apologizing look.

"I have heard your conditions~s, Larx and I will try to once more reason with the Jack. We can continue in two hours~s; I have a meeting to attend, and my guests~s are on time."

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