The frost has lifted from the fields
and early summer's moonlight yields:
A dewy carpet 'pon the ground
as we sit the campfire 'round.
Deep inside the forest's night,
cast in eerie shadow-light
Summer Campers stir with glee
amongst their spooky family!
If you're like me, then you look for any excuse you can to work a little bit of the spooky, the creepy, the mysterious and unexplained into your world. After all, everybody loves a good story about a monster under the bed, things that go bump in the night, or that weird thing that disappeared into the bushes.
Claim this badge when you submit one (or more) Summer Camp eligible article that also features information about:
This is an honor-system badge, I won't be checking. But I think it's a fun little extra challenge, especially if you're building a spooky world or just like telling ghost stories.
Created by Haly the Moonlight Bard. Snag this with: [imgblock:5648735] or [img:5648735] and drop a link in the comments so I can like your work!