The Favour (Story 1 4/6)

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Furor wrote a few notes down until he stopped in motion thinking. The rhythmic tapping of his pen echoed through the cave. After a long second, he laid the pen down looking at Dross with an eyebrow of him risen in question:

"Mister Dross, I have one quick question. You want a sample? Of what kind? I need specific instructions as the timeframe couldn't be slimmer. Dragos are very asked; she could already be gone before the end of the day . . . shipped out of the country awaiting a life of servitude. I only hope, that her future master will be a generous one...", Dross felt that Furor took this way more personally than he would have liked; his professional attitude was slipping, "What exactly do you need? A skin sample? A chunk of flesh? Or just a scale?"

Instead of immediately answering, Dross reached into his coat once more. Earlier today he removed one of the genetic discs out of his transformation selection tool. The tool, that got currently hidden under the skin and fur of his left arm. Dross pulled the small disc out and placed it on the desk. He sadly realized way too late how weird the disc could look for people other than him. The eyebrows of Furor rose even further when he trying to make out, what Dross just placed there:

"Is...that a motherboard? What exactly am I supposed to do with such a highly technologized gadget? What even is its intended purpose? Please explain."

"No, Furor, not a motherboard; this is an experimental analyzer", Dross bit his lip slightly trying to come up with with a satisfactory explanation,

"Please let me explain its function."

Dross took the disc and turned it around to its backside pointing at four tiny lamps, who were shining in dim red light:

"I need a minuscule sample of her blood, a bit tissue, a salvia sample and a hair. Considering that a Dragos doesn't possess any body-hair . . . a sample of her horns should suffice. After all, are both made out of keratin. This contraption got built to aid you in preserving the samples. Do you see these red glowing lamps?-"

"Let me guess. They will turn green if I have gathered enough?"

Dross grinned, E.V.0's invention was surprisingly easy to explain without revealing its intended purpose. He silently thanked her for the given user-friendliness:

"Precisely! This smart analyzer tells you that way when you have gathered enough. Every lamp got connected to one of these storing devices on the other side. The containers open automatically when you hold the correct sample over the integrated sensor. Let me demonstrate it."

The disc got protected by a transparent box, which Dross removed by slightly squeezing the disc. It cracked open and revealed the inner workings. Everything, but the openings to the containers, got protected by a layer of coolant gel. Dross angled his thumb and hovered his furred knuckle over the corresponding box. The cover slid back and revealed a tiny row of teeth; a miniaturistic shredder. Dross immediately retreated to avoid triggering the process, which would render the disc useless; he had only removed one and to gather another one from his wrist, Dross would be forced to transform back into his Eternal self. Satisfied with the demonstration Dross closed the disc again and pushed it towards Furors end of the desk:

"The analyzer needs only a small amount of material to be of use for the corresponding machinery. It will refuse to take more samples than necessary. After feeding the disc with all four components all that is left to finish the harvest is pressing the imbued button in the midst of the check lights on the other side. The disc will then seal itself up, and the task will be done."

"Seems simple enough.", Furor picked up the disc inspecting it the last time from both sides before letting it vanish in a pocket of his black coat,

"Consider it done. However..."

He wasn't convincing enough; Dross knew that after seeing the scrutinizing look on Furor's face. He set up his most professional face asking:

"Yes? Anything left to discuss?"

"I am curious. You mentioned that this sample will help you in protecting your, I assume, girlfriend? I can't think of any possible usage on how such a disc can aid against the world out there? Some kind of weapon?", Furor's eyes lightened up in curiosity, "Has it something to do with their exceptionally potent blast breath?"

"Y-yes. Something in that regard.", Dross quickly decided to roll with Furor's guess, "I am, however, not allowed to tell for what exactly; I have taken an oath."

Furor glinted at Dross with a brief piercing stare before his usual visage returned. Dross could feel that Furor was not satisfied with the answer, but decided to let the situation pass. He reached into the pocket of his wide coat; a heavy silver chain dangled out of it, connected to a button further up his collar. A silver-plated book appeared, and Dross could make out many magically glowing strokes scattered across the backside. None of them looked as if they got scraped into the book; they rather seemed to over the surface. Furor carefully placed the book on the desk; the attached chain rattled in a high tune as it impacted the surface. Dross could now make out the cover. He gulped audibly. The panther immediately knew, why Furor compared making a contract with him to a gamble.

That book was unique; it was part of a series of soul-bound literature crafted by a legendary binder millennia ago, the binders name, however, got sadly lost in time. Dross had read much about the legends attached to these books in the cathedral's library. And even more about all their mythical wielders, who were using them in the past. Just as described in the comprehension; that book before him looked oddly alive. An unnatural wind was distorting the pages; it seemed as if the lecture was breathing. Or were it only his imagination adding stuff towards the quite realistic glowing eyes of the skull imbued into the cover, who was tracking his face with a hungry look. Dross let out a fascinated and slightly scared gasp:

"The mythical book of debts!? YOU are the current wielder of such a powerful relic? Now I understand why you were talking about using open favours . . . Tell me just one thing. How many?"

Furor let out a cold laugh without changing his neutral expression:

"More than enough. You see, I don't take money for my aid. Most are taking my aid gratefully, as I won't cost them even one single, pitiful dime. I am the blade of the poor and a joker of the rich. My work has influenced our world already in many ways, and many people are in my debt. Mortals and gods alike, I am quite asked. You see, Dross.", Furor leant forward, he looked now oddly sinister and sent a cold shiver down Dross' spine, "Let me tell you my mantra. I will not forget. Never. My clients can ask anything from me, and I will get my hands dirty for them, and they get that by only writing their name two to five times into the book of debts. Binding favours I can cash in at any time, wherever and whenever I want. And I can assure you; I will not go easy on those who request the unspeakable. The moral compass of those particular clients is surprisingly brittle. They will do anything I request from them when it is my turn. And yes, you heard right, I have even temporary power over a few of the Eternal Counsel."

The dark shade over his eyes vanished, his grimace softened; a genuine smile appeared on Furor's face:

"But rest assured, my dear Dross, your request couldn't be more harmless. You don't have to fear me commanding you into doing illegal actions. A guardian of knowledge is pretty handy to have access towards. So . . . For the low price of only three signatures in the book, will you get from me exactly what you desire. I would have charged only two, but I sadly have to raise it, as it will require me using up a quite valuable debt to get Ettora to gain me access to the Drago in question."

The Wildcard rose his robotic hand and held it up outstretched offering his open hand; he tilted his head slightly, and a small smile planted itself on the human's face.

"Do we have a deal?"



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Feb 4, 2021 03:25 by Morgan Biscup

The picture at the end of this chapter is just perfect.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Feb 4, 2021 07:06 by Soulwing

Hehehe :P

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.