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G's Repair and Workshop The Fortune's Glint

In the world of Mortora

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The Fortune's Glint

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Jack, a goblin, Scratches one of his long green ears as he waits for his so-called Market Bay doors to open on his ship, The Fortune’s Glint. As he does one more quick glance around to make sure his various wares he wanted to pawn of today were in the best spot in the modified cargo bay and more importantly both of his security are where they are supposed to be. Raziael a…uh…now that he thinks about it, he can’t really pinpoint a race but so far he does what jacks pays him to do so that’s all that really matters. Raziael is a relatively tall seemingly Human male wearing…well wearing a rather dapper suit, ok he has taste but some rough customers show up and suits don’t stop bullets. The reason jack thinks seemingly is he swears Raziael’s hair is a little black to be normal and there is always this dull ‘fire’ burning in his eyes. Best not to stare to long. The bay door stalls as a whirling sound is heard. A female voice says, “Dam door!” and a thud is heard as Jack turns to see the towering Bone Elf kick the door making it start opening again. The elf turns back to jack “Jack! Fix that dam servo!” Jack rubs the back of his head somewhat regretting getting the bone elf those custom weapons and armor at the moment. Expensive yes but it makes her look like a living mech when suited up. Helps keep theft down…though maybe it’s a little too intimidating. “Listen Dragil. I could fix that but…well we got other bays we could retrofit into other merchant bays and well your stro….” Dragil cuts him off “Next time I’ll throw your precious desk at it instead of kicking” Jack exclaims “WOAH WOAH. All right, I’ll fix the servo. Just leave the desk out of it. Threaten my kids too why don’t ya. Geez.” Raziael choosing now to say something “I thought you didn’t have kids?” “Not the point! Besides this desk helped me make enough to hire you all and get this ship off the ground. Without it we are done for!”

A few hours later…Customers are wondering around the bay. Busier then he thought but that’s only ever a good thing. Jack straightens up “Ah hello sir anything I can help you with?” a rather gruff looking orc responds “I have been hired to some big brains survey a jungle planet. I’m one of the muscle. I’m thinking of getting a new axe and perhaps looking into something to better seal my shotgun against the environment.” Jack rubs his chin. “Hmm…Jungle huh? What star does the system have?” “What does that matter?” “Well for example Vul Rubber tends to make the best seals but Red Star systems tend to develop systems with atmospheres that break it down pretty quick then some cheaper alternatives.” “Ah…in that case a blue star.” “Blue huh? Ya Vul Rubber for the gas seals…and…perhaps goblite for the covers. What is the shotgun?” “A M3C type 2.” “Ah real good up close that one is. One second sir” a bit later and Jack comes back with an orc sized axe, shotgun upgrades, and a small container of something. The orc says, “I didn’t ask for polish.” Jack responds “Correct but blue star jungle worlds have some rather aggressive humidity and can eat all kinds of metal real quick. This here tub has polish made from plants native to Darkion. Make sure you use it on all your metal equipment to help keep it in working order. OH except bronze. That stuff won’t need it.” The orc smirks “Well you seem to know quite a bit about this kind of thing” “Well I deal in all kinds of wears and I do my best to make sure I know what I can about it and what different clientele might need to know.”

Near the end of the day Jack is securing things when a stranger walks up to the bay which gets jacks attention “hey buddy we are closed now I get to let my guards , and me, rest…” Jack is grabbed by his neck and lifted up and pinned to the wall. The figures hood falls revealing a cybernetically enhanced human “Woah pal calm down. I’m sure we can work something out” if he gets out of this guards stay on duty till the dam doors are up from now on. The human says “I’m sick of you goblins thinking you can get away with ripping honest folk off. You stubby green bastards don’t deserve the coin” “oh of course your one of this ‘goblins only know greed’ crowd. What's the matter? To scared to be prejudiced against a bigger race? Gonna pick on someone small?” OK yeah insults aren’t normally the best way to go in these situations but in Jacks experience you can’t reason with these people. So better to make them not think clearly instead. “You little bastard” the cyborg reals back for a punch and jack closes his eyes and waits for the pain…that doesn’t come? He opens one eye…oh thank the gods. The cyborg’s other arm is grabbed by a bored Raziel. “Hey what the hell? Let go? You don’t even have any mods how can I not move my arm” Raziel sighs “Look human. I normally wouldn’t intervene but he is my boss and I get to live on the ship. Hard deal to pass up” suddenly jack is dropped as the cyborg lands in his knees in pain. The fire in Raziel's eyes more intense then normal squeezing the arm of the cyborg. “Now I suggest you scram before the other guard gets here. She may not let you leave in one piece.” Raziel lets go as the cyborg runs. Okay so Raziel is diffently not human.

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