In the world of Emynea

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In Their Shadows (Prose)

Ongoing 35438 1 0 188681

In a world defined by elemental influence and scarred by the whims of their fallen gods, humanity believes they now follow their own path. The Kingdom of Accia seeks to spread their influence across all of Emynea, holding the fate of three continents within their palm already and showing little sign of slowing their conquest. Yet, beneath the surface another hand is at work. A hand which seeks the revival of the Erlithmanil, the elements themselves.
  Tia was raised outside of this kingdom's influence but her tranquil albeit lonesome lifestyle is ripped away under the threat of war. On the brink of death, Tia is ensnared and irrevocably tethered to darkness. She must navigate the pressures and expectations of an unexpected position, forced to conceal what she has become amid the trappings of nobility. Shadowed by a childhood of ostracization, Tia fights to forge real connections as she travels and trains alongside her peers in preparation for their inevitable military service. Tia and her cohorts struggle to define themselves amid the shadows of expectation, reputation and potential.

PS: This manuscript is best viewed on desktop/desktop mode. Want a more visual and creative medium for this story? An illustrated version, using the many unique features world anvil offers for articles, can be found in the world of Emynea or you can click here: In Their Shadows Summary and Chapters