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Far Whisper Five Lives Unbound Tour of Debt Two Eyes in the grasp of Fate

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Two Eyes in the grasp of Fate

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Gold, gold and even more gold. The shiny metal was as prevalent as ever in the most important buildings of their society. Two Eyes of the Infinite Cosmos let his gaze wander over the golden ornaments which were decorating the hall. Two enormous statues of Iterator Seven Red Suns acted as archways, welcoming the pious to the nave, the starting point of every pilgrimage in the Basilica.

The nave was an open space that was built in advance to the entire remaining structure. The octagonal room featured a gigantic door at every wall, decorated with the symbol of the respective negated Karmic Vice. The door straight across the entrance depicted in a blue symbol the negated sin of War and Pain; The first Iterator of the House of Forgiveness, the Guardian of Peace, Bloodless Promise.

The two doors next to the Gate of Peace were both leading to the purposed god of the religion, representing the House of Forgiveness in its entirety: Seven Red Suns. Their gates were decorated with the orange-red symbol of the seven suns, which was also the official symbol of the House.

Three of the remaining doors led to the towers of already active shrines, the Guardians of Chasity, Abstinence and Oblivion. The last door, which still was still a solid wall the last time he visited the Basilica, was now under active construction, finally adding the last Capital Virtue to the megastructure, completing the project of multiple lifetimes after all, the future Guardian of Solitude.

Eyes knew quite well what that could mean. The Iterator in charge would be opposed by the task of experimenting on Sin and Virtue alike, as understanding of Solitude would come in tandem with researching Companionship. He, however, was unsure how they would combine these opposites into one coherent plan. But the construction of that Iterator was not his duty after all, so he paid not much more thought to that oxymoron.


The Ancient walked over the black and white tiled marble floor and towards the left gate, which would lead to Seven Red Suns‘ central spire. He was already expected, as the door guardian made way for his person the moment they noticed his presence.

The huge gates were for the most part only decoration. The guardian led Eyes to the right end of the archway and to a smaller embedded door, which allowed him to pass the nave and enter the dimly lit spiral stairway. The path to the seat of the leader of the House of Forgiveness was purposefully put into perpetual darkness. To enhance the gleaming effect of the drowned-in-sunlight Altar of Forgiveness; the audience place of the High Priestess.


I do not look forward to once again talking to her. Her presence is as divine as it is oppressing. High Priestess Facets of Fate, Scattered Fable is a figure one would never want to encounter in a private matter. Well, this would mark my second time I am afraid. First to gain the House’s support for Far Whisper and now … I guess proof of my still standing faith in their doctrines? You got that, Eyes. Whisper did so much for you already, now it is your turn to confirm her faith in you. You got this!


After a few excruciating long moments of climbing endless stairs, with Eyes only barely able to see his bandaged feet connecting with the marble, he finally was able to spot the oh-so-familiar flickering orange light of the Altar in the distance. His pace advanced to a slightly faster step as he took the final stairs towards the welcoming glow of salvation.

It was as if he passed an invisible barrier as suddenly all darkness vanished, and gleaming light flooded his vision. Temporarily blinded by the daylight he heard the numb sounds of a person standing up from a kneeled position, the person’s mask clanging against the metal shoulder pads. It was her, he immediately noticed. Fate was preparing herself to welcome her follower, assuming the position of authority.

„Two Eyes of the Infinite Cosmos! High Architect and Administrator of Far Whisper, Leader of the House of Chemistry, Count of three living blocks, Counsellor of twenty. We have been citing you to our doorsteps to judge over the development of your revels in the Karmic Vice of Companionship. With an Iterator no less. You grew soft to your desire to realize Far Whisper. We heard about you having abandoned the doctrines of activation, and listened to reports of your spinelessness and your clinging desire to stay at that Iterator’s side as Administrator. You disappoint us … and you disgust me!“


Eyes swallowed as he heard the lines spoken, he knew that Fate didn’t summon him to have idle chitchats. He felt his mangled hands clenching, the pain in his equally mangled feet sickening him to the core. He did so much to gain the House’s favour, and did things to his body to prove his claim. But nothing mattered in the end. His blindness changed to a red fog tinting his vision. He felt anger bellowing up in his guts. Anger he only reluctantly swallowed down.

Eyes looked at the High Priestess with a gaze of reclaimed calmness, his eyes looking past her, past the mask, directly into her eternally obscured eyes. He was glad that Fate couldn’t see his reactions, her fancy mask having blinded her voluntarily, to abstain her from any visual stimuli.


“It is my honour to stand once again in front of you, High Priestess Facets of Fate, Scattered Fable. I regretfully notice that words of my actions reached your ears, and shifted to more extreme depictions of the only truth.

I am happy to announce that Far Whisper has focused the last four major cycles on the task of repaying all my most generous Benefactors. The last Benefactor remaining is however the House of Forgiveness. I, Two Eyes of the Infinite Cosmos, hereby ask what I could do, that is in my power, to allow you to look past my sins and allow me to repent.”


Eyes felt the situation shifting in his favour. Apparently, his answer was sufficient enough to allow Fate to look past her initial anger. She widened her arms and pointed to a prepared table at the foot of her altar. Her soft, yet commanding voice chimed through the echoing tower.


“If it is the wish of you to repent, Two Eyes of the Infinite Cosmos, there is actually one way to do as such. Please, take a look for yourself. We are sure you will find the offer most alluring.”


An offer to save his status and repent in the eyes of the High Priestess? Eyes was cautiously optimistic with that unlikely prospect as he stepped closer to the flat part of the altar, a table-like construct, which was currently filled to the brim with blueprints and sheets of varying obstructions to master. The first thing Eyes noticed was a name. A name written in azure-blue letters; their edges obscured with a reddish glow. He read it out loud, a hint of excitement in his voice.


“These are the blueprints of the new Iterator of the House of Forgiveness! Shifting Gales. The Guardian of Solitude, researcher of the Karmic Vice of Companionship. I … feel honoured to have been chosen to prove my worth by constructing another divine Iterator.”


“We urge you to read the details, Eyes. A celebration held prematurely will inevitably bite back. Go on.”


Eyes blinked at that remark. His gaze returned to the blueprints, bandaged hands brushing the papers aside and diving into the construction details of Shifting Gales. The Architect swallowed as his eyes met with the construction details. The desired functionalities of the Iterator, the Void Acid pump and most and for all the fundings he would work with. He groaned silently in frustration and looked back up to Fate, his eyes crackling with electricity.


“I-Is that a test, High Priestess? The House can’t be serious with anything written in here!? With these amounts of funding, I couldn’t even construct a Generation 1 Iterator. Why have you chosen that island to host Shifting Gales? Why do these plans insist on not using the ocean as the source of coolant water? And what in the name of the Void is meant here with t-“


“Shush!” Fate shunned him with the wave of her hand. “These are the genuine plans for the experiment Shifting Gales, blessed by the House itself.”


“I just don’t understand! It only takes a gaze at the plans to ensure that there is no redundancy present to allow an Iterator in these building conditions to stay functional for extended periods. And … what is that with a rail system? The whole concept of allowing the puppet to move around in the entire Superstructure only further lowers their already diminished funding abilities. Nothing here makes sense. This has to be a test.

A-Alright. I get it. You are upset with the fact that I treat Far Whisper like one of ours. This whole setup can only be written that way to test my willingness to remove my personal bonds from the project. The Guardian of Solitude should not have a companionship-seeking Architect. But … disregarding the fact that this can only be a test of faith. What would be the use of such an unusual Iterator?”


“The House is not in the mood for jokes, Architect. Everything you lay your eyes on has been already signed and blessed by all participating Houses. Our Benefactors await construction of Shifting Gales with impatience.”


“With all due respect, High Priestess! Are you serious!?”


Eyes wildly gesticulated all over the respectless blueprints disregarding her blindness. The plans were an act of dishonour and a clear abuse of the Iterator program. Nothing in the sheets made sense to him.


“In that case … I respectfully decline my participation in that disrespectful project. I won’t create a doomed and toiled with faux-goddess! I will take any kind of punishment necessary to remove myself from that project.”


“As you so desire, Two Eyes of the Infinite Cosmos.

As punishment for having glimpsed in our plans and disrespected them in the utmost grave manner we only see one possibility to repent.

Give up your claim on Far Whisper. You won’t need it anymore. The Void Sea is hungry for the hopeless. As you made your decision and denied us your cooperation will we seize control over your precious Iterator and redo everything. New puppet, new personality core, new purpose. And you, Eyes, you have seen too much. I command you to take a bath!”


Eyes couldn't believe his ears. What did she proclaim? He didn’t care that much about the prospect of ascending, after all, that was the goal of each Ancient. But the threat she had spoken out in conjunction with it was something entirely different. She would do what!? Reset everything he worked for? Remove Far Whisper, trash everything that made her her and replace her with a different person. That was just too cruel of her for him to ever accept.

The Ancient built himself up and lowered his voice in respectful defiance. She was pulling the strings, that was always the case. The House of Forgiveness was one of the closest allies to the House of Strings after all. He knew that this was no empty threat.

“I can’t possibly accept these conditions in any situation, High Priestess Fate. Far Whisper does not deserve to burn for my inability to appease the Virtue of Solitude.

Fine! You want me to take over the construction of Shifting Gales. I will do that. Under one condition.”


“You are not in the position to lay out conditions for the Forgiveness of the House. But we are feeling generous, so if you may. State your intention, humour us.”


“Humour…” Eyes gritted his teeth, he had to present a solid offer. “The building plans mention two sources of Benefactors of conflicting ideas. While I feel appalled by the desires of the more powerful group, I request only one thing. I will do as desired, but I want full freedom over the constructions requested by the lesser group.”


Fate waltzed closer to the stairway and took the steps down, her walk as surefooted as if she would not be voluntarily blinded. She didn’t answer until she stopped right in front of Eyes, her non-gaze looking past him, over his head. She was in comparison to him a giant, easily one entire head taller … although most of that was the fault of the mask.


“…Granted. We will leave the desires of the Field of Virtue to your jurisdiction, Two Eyes of the Infinite Cosmos. We however expect a full realization of the Field of Sin, with no derivations from the initial plan.

You better don't grow attached to that Iterator as well. Because we won’t take back our urge for Ascension. You have time until the completion of Shifting Gales to cleanse your soul and shed yourself from any Vices that could hold you back. The day Shifting Gales will go online, the Void Sea will await your arrival. And the Iterator Far Whisper will not be harmed. Are these conditions to your satisfaction?”


“They are. My eternal gratitude, High Priestess.”


A small victory. At least in that sense, he could influence this crime against existence to a small extent. Full jurisdiction over the Field of Virtue could allow him to at least partially influence the inevitable fate of an Iterator built on an acid sea. However small that influence might turn out to be was, however, an entirely different question. He dug himself a grave, but he could still decide to not turn his fate into a mass grave. Swallowing his disgust with the House of Forgiveness could save Far Whisper and assure Shifting Gales an existence in relative leisure … probably.

Administrator Eyes was behaving strangely after the point of his return from Sunpeak. Far Whisper was able to bring him to the point of sharing his new project with her. He was chosen to construct Shifting Gales. The neighbouring Iterator to Approaching Sky’s position? Wasn't that good news? Why then Whisper had the feeling that Eyes was more than unhappy with the prospect? No matter what she asked, he only answered with his inability to share anything. The project was in such a degree secretive, that Eyes couldn’t even tell her about the meeting with Fate in the first place.


Discussions with Lives led to her partially understanding the strange shift in the kind Ancient. Lives’ experience with the intrigues of their parents led her to believe that he was put under a contract via force. The House of Forgiveness seemingly had way more powerful means of applying pressure than any other of her Benefactors. Whisper felt the anxiety creeping up her immortal spine. Even with her near-omnipotent mind of a supercomputer, she was unable to fathom the possible reasons for Eyes to act that strangely.


Over the following major cycles, the Ancient’s behaviour to Whisper didn’t get better at all. As he retreated more and more out of her bubble, only visiting her when he had to. Every time he was around her, he acted absent-mindedly and kept his mask up at all times. Sometimes Whisper’s superior audio sensors picked up vibrations she interpreted as suppressed momentary periods of weeping. Whisper wanted to comfort her friend, but he rejected her offer of companionship.

It didn’t take her superior mind to figure out the intentions behind it. And Whisper was scared regarding the implications of his efforts to appease the Karmic Virtues. It all made sense to her. His malnourished state, his growing distance from her. The growing emptiness in his formerly sparking of energy eyes.

Two Eyes of the Infinite Cosmos was preparing himself to ascend.



Far Whisper, Five Lives Unbound, Approaching Sky

AS: The constant deliveries of construction materials came to a halt 15 cycles ago.

AS: The probability is high, that project Shifting Gales is about to be completed.


FW: Thank you, Sky, for keeping us updated.

FW: You haven’t by chance seen my Administrator passing your Can?


AS: The sack of bones? Yes, he made himself a home in one of my laboratories.

AS: Doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink. My vital scans show a severe case of malnutrition.


FLU: A bit more respect please, we are talking about our friend after all.


AS: Not my friend. Only a colleague.


FW: Something is up with Shifting Gales. The House of Chemistry is missing its head.

FW: Eyes was known for being obsessed with Void Fluid Chemistry.

FW: Now … his laboratory is abandoned. My contact in the House told me of his glaring absence. I am concerned.


FLU: I hope he knows what he is doing.



Cycle 1327.112. Eyes dreaded the dawn of the day. As it would be his last. Project Shifting Gales was finished, and everything was according to the specifications of the House of Forgiveness. The Benefactors of Sin and Virtue were all pleased by his efforts in making that regretful project a reality. But Eyes did the best he could to assure at least a small light in the grimdark reality that was this Iterator.

He was standing in the Core of Shifting Gales. Surrounded by the Benefactors, but also High Priestess Fate, who decided to accommodate that special day of them. Oh, what a special day that would be. He gritted his teeth and felt his dried-up lips screaming for water, for any kind of liquid salvation.

The activation of Shifting Gales went smooth … too smooth. He got through the whole asking mantra without any interruption. Eyes glimpsed at the status screen. He witnessed the attempts of the painfully weak Iterator to break the code Whisper managed in far less than a microsecond. Without success. His heart clenched together, able to read the unheard voice of Shifting Gales.


That is not me! Someone else is talking, using my voice! Help … please somebody help!


How poetic. Eyes sighed inwards as his gaze wandered over to High Priestess Facets of Fate, Scattered Fable. She was murmuring with representatives of both groups. Eyes was unable to make up the words they had spoken, but he knew they both were pleased by the results.


Such a weak barrier can keep you at bay, Shifting Gales. I apologize in the name of everything that is left and can be holy to me. I did my best to make your processing power as good as I could. But with the funds I had available for ‘you’, I couldn’t even put you on par with a Generation 1 Iterator. This barrier is impenetrable. You sadly are easy to be manipulated and tinkered with. I just hope that your Administrator and your Mechanics will be gentle with you.

Well, you still have an easy job here, Gales. Oh Guardian of Recluse. At least … I think you will find friends. Far Whisper surely already has her eyes on you. Five Lives Unbound as well. Not to mention your senior Approaching Sky. I think I managed to purpose a nice personality core for you to iterate with. Not that you can with all that, what you are lacking. I … am sorry, Gales.


“Architect Two Eyes of the Infinite Cosmos. Please follow us.”


“I won’t even be around to see Shifting Gales getting freed manually? ... It might be for the best. Where are we heading to, Fate?”


“For you still High Priestess Fate. You know of the final aspect of our agreement.”


Fate and Eyes left the Core and took a long walk to the currently still-empty city of Shifting Gales. Given the specifics Eyes had to work with, the insides of Shifting Gales’ superstructure were easily walkable and subjected to normal gravity levels. He looked up to the right corner of the corridor and observed the only marvel this doomed structure had for itself.

It was the only prospect that brought joy to this respectless project, ignoring its further-reaching implications. Shifting Gales’ puppet was not confined to her Core alone. Nearly every corner of the entire Superstructure and a huge part of the prefabricated city was connected to her railway system. The arm-umbilical of her puppet would be able to drive to every spot she desired, and the personal gravity field could keep her especially small puppet suspended, and that even out in the city in zero gravity.

Eyes was proud of the fact that he managed to convince the Benefactors of Sin to subdivide a considerable amount of funds to that project, which meant that he could reinforce the rails, strengthen the gravity generator and add a few further functionalities that might prove useful for the mockery of an Iterator. After they had all left, that is.


Well, I will be the first to move on. I wish you the best, Gales. Don’t let the House dictate your existence too much. Be resilient. You will need it. You both. You all.




Far Whisper, Shifting Gales

FW: Took a bit. Lives had her issues connecting your Can to the grid.

FW: Welcome, Shifting Gales! I was awaiting your awakening for quite a while.


SG: It is my utmost pleasure to meet you, Far Whisper.

SG: I already enjoyed getting to know my Senior Approaching Sky. He recommended you to me for the more … let’s say empathetic questions.


FW: Of course he would.~

FW: You can relay all your questions, worries and desires to talk to me.

FW: But let me first ask one question.

FW: How is our Administrator doing?


SG: Our? Your Administrator is Countless Chimes, a Circle of Rocks as well?


FW: Wait … not Two Eyes of the Infinite Cosmos? But … where is he then?


SG: I am afraid that name is not in my database. Should I know him?


FW: Y-

Far Whisper disconnected.


A sudden pain spread in Whisper’s throat, as the pearl brooch sent out an array of liberated error signals through her body. Her connection to Gales was shattered, and her puppet briefly spasmed out of control. Then … it was over, went as quickly as it came over her.

Whisper grabbed the Pearl and removed it from the socket in her throat, where it was embedded. Looking at it still proved to be a matter of sheer impossibility, but somehow the vision had fewer error messages than the first time when she had faced Eyes’ gift.


Why are you acting up? Did something happen? … Oh, you react to that query? Let’s see.

I can make out one line of code. No, it is a condition. A fulfilled condition; one of the many locks keeping me out of the pearl. What?! No! That can’t be. There must be a mistake! E-Eyes. Why!? N-Not even a goodbye? That can’t be your end! This is not right!

No … N … O !!!!


Condition 1 Fulfilled: Two Eyes of the Infinite Cosmos has left the Cycle.






EM: An Unknown Object appeared in the Memory Accelerator. The giant object is not tangible, but visible under Void-Sensitive Overseer filters.

EM: The Invasive Object does not disrupt the flow of Memories. NO MAINTENANCE IS REQUIRED.

EM: A Continuous Observation of the golden Interference is however advised.




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