A Dream in Pink

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Hope was the definition of a chance, a way out of the mess induced by her creator. Did she notice the sign in the right way? What was done couldn’t be undone … or could it?

Irradiant turned around to Spearmaster, ignoring the spat-on Iterator fully, who had started by now to beep lowly to the projection of Suns. She tilted her head and started signing to the purple Slugcat.


‘Hope? But you said I could never be near anyone? Where could there be hope?’


‘Irradiant … There is one chance to reverse your condition. An option I never had. Suns created me, intending to grant me an easy path to ascension once I fulfilled the reason for my existence. But I remained, because I had no interest in leaving my friend behind; They need me.

But I talked with Suns about you. You were created to actively mutate and adapt, a canvas that can be formed into the Slugcat perfect for the task-‘


‘Actively mutate … does that mean I can change my colour to pink after all?’


Spears smiled with their eyes, their snout sniffing in amusement. They placed a paw on Irradiant’s shoulder and nodded … slowly. A bit unsure she realized.


‘That depends. Approaching Sky has given us a fairly strict time frame. The faster you learn and will be ready for your rescue mission, the more changes your creator can still bestow on you. As far as I understood, the mutagenic reactivity ceases completely once you are an adult. After that, you will be stuck with your set of skills at that time. You understand?’


‘That means … If I learn fast and quick, I can be pink! … And hug you, Spears!’


‘Yes, and yes. Although we have already lost quite a bit of time. Luckily, you were a quick learner of my language, regardless. That will make things easier from now on.

Now … is there anything you want to know about the mission you got procured for?’


What do I want to know? So much is changing. Sky had a reason for creating me. That Shifting Gales Iterator Spears mentioned … I exist to save her? It is a noble reason and … I feel bad for having caused so much distraction and lack of progress. Nobody should suffer …

And that is interesting. So, nothing he bestowed on me is permanent? If I get this over with quickly, I can become who I want to be. … Although, I do like my skills. Not that much the fact that I can’t hug the real Spears, however. I have enough time to think about that.


‘I … Tell me about Shifting Gales! She must be very important to Sky if he bothers himself with me for her sake. Doesn’t strike me as if he really enjoys being my father.’


‘Shifting Gales is quite the curious case, little Irradiant. I am here because of her and you. Suns joined the rescue party because she played a role in my existence and due to … reasons I do not want to elaborate further on. I was raised with the aid of Gales’ research!’


‘Sounds like quite the famous Iterator!’


Irradiant’s eyes glowed up with the power of two miniature suns. She was tasked with rescuing someone very important. She felt her ego inflating and her will strengthening.

Spears tilted their head; they didn’t appear to agree that much.


‘From what I gathered when exploring her tower in Sunpeak, the city on top of my creator, that is not quite the case. She is part of my creator’s ancient religion, one of the five Iterators who researched the Virtues. Gales was created to figure out the Virtue of Isolation. You can … imagine what that means, can't you?’


‘Hm … I didn’t see her in the funny-looking glowing screens. The image from before was the first time. … Isolation … She can’t talk with her friends? Or does she not want to?’


‘She certainly does. Luckily, Suns still possessed one of the ancient talking devices that did not require what she had lost. They chat daily. But her existence is cut off from anybody else. And to add to the situation, let me ask you a question, small Irradiant. Why do you think you were made acid-proof?’


‘To handle my own abilities? I did notice that my spit can dissolve various materials. I should be immune against my own stuff, should I?’


‘Yes, and no. Your abilities are only side projects of a bigger whole. You were made acid-proof to such a radioactive-glowing degree to survive your trip to Shifting Gales. Imagine having your acidic saliva in your body while not being immune against it.’


‘I … do not want to imagine that.


Irradiant put extra emphasis on the last word, fearing that this informative conversation would lead to the conclusion she already had taken from Spears’ gestures. Gales and she were much alike, having acidic abilities … or conditions. But that friendly-looking Iterator was not made immune against it. She did see what her saliva did to rocks, dirt, and plants. She had a good idea what that friend of her creator was going through.

The green-glowing Slugcat took a deep breath and nodded, her eyes glowing with determination. She didn’t know that unknown Iterator, but she had an idea about the situation she was in. And, on top of that, Spears confirmed to her that these two … gods … didn’t want her to do bad things. Saving someone was nice, something she could get behind.


‘How much time do we have?’


‘Enough to train you to be ready for your mission, little one.’

They slowed down, letting their shoulders slump down.

‘Not enough to make you as ready as I want you to be. I can teach you some aspects of survival that way, but I can only train you inside Sky’s heart. You will have to apply the things I taught yourself.

Coming over is no option. Suns told me it would take me a major cycle to visit Sky’s facility … at least. We don’t have that much time. Also, I would melt next to you, but that is another issue.’


There were not many options for Irradiant to consider. And getting taught by such an imposing, yet friendly-looking Slugcat didn’t sound half-bad. She had now a reason to follow orders, and a pink interest she craved to fulfil. She grabbed the projected hands of Spears and looked up to them.


“Wraa! Wawa!” – ‘Teach me! You, not him!


A bratty smirk widened on Irradiant’s face as she enjoyed the reluctant acceptance of Spearmaster, robbed of all possibilities to answer, left only with the ability to nod. Which they did, happily. She would be a handful, but she was aware that the older kin very much took awareness of that. After all … oh yes! They could communicate with the ‘gods’.

Irradiant let go of Spears’ hands and returned to their respectful gesture language.


‘You can talk to them. Can you tell my creator that he should pay more attention to me? I am the project that will save his friend. I want to feel like that. Seen. Can you do that for me?’


‘Of course. I am already asking Suns as we speak. I am connected to their mind; we can think together. … Suns will try their best, your creator is quite stubborn and … huh … has a reputation for quickly losing interest in projects after they leave the first phase. Weird.’


‘That explains much. Maybe … he does not do it on purpose? … Tell Suns that I said sorry for spitting on him. He did deserve it, however.’


‘Will do.’



Approaching Sky observed the discussion between the two Slugcats with forced interest. He did receive a quite direct verbal enema from Seven Red Suns about his lack of compassion, which felt not unlike the many discussions he had with Looks to the Moon when the ‘Meeting of Six’ had just been established under Five Lives Unbound before Far Whisper became the Seventh addition to their group.

Even back then, thanks to their Coordinator, Lives, with only the first-generation Iterators of this part of the continent having talked together. Even back then they kept calling him out for his lack of commitment. And yet … he somehow enjoyed Moon’s passion in boosting his non-existent drive for glory. She, of course, never accomplished anything meaningful, but took pride in getting him to think about himself.

A necessary role, voided by Moon’s tragic fate, Suns was now filling in to keep his focus on track. He would never mention it out loud, but he appreciated such a partner in his eternal life to keep him on track.

It took a few decacycles of calm and collected observation of the two Slugcats, who at that point met daily for their training lessons until he finally felt something different. Something new. Was that pride bellowing up deep in his facility? Pride for his creation, for Irradiant.


During one cycle, Spearmaster and his glowing creation were performing wall jumps with astounding precision and speed. His little roommate was doing her best to utilize the freshly mutated leg muscle growth to the best of her capabilities. Sky felt that odd sensation once more and, this time, he acted on it.

He observed their training for a few more laps, when he suddenly lowered his frame in the expected angle of Irradiant’s wall pounce, and blocked her descent that way. She had no other choice but to land in his outstretched arms. Sky recalled the section in Gales’ book, that animals do appreciate a gesture of love, and so he reiterated the described movement and closed his arms around the Slugcat, hugging her.

Sky lowered his voice, to not harm Irradiant’s sensitive ears, however locked his eyes on the projection of Spearmaster, acknowledging their presence as his translator and her trainer.


“My words of emotions may be hollow, but I do feel an alien feeling of what I assume to be pride when watching you train. You are making great progress, Irradiant. I … am proud of you.

And I forgive you for your screaming for attention. As you try and commit to saving my dear protegee, I shall attempt to take Suns’ words to my mechanical heart and nurture my interest in your growth. I can’t promise too much, change is a slow process when one is as ancient as I am, but I will try. And, if you are fast with your training, I can even fulfil your desire for a colour change to Whisper-tones, even if I like your green for obvious reasons.


Moon would be proud of these words, wouldn’t she, Spearmaster?

Can you tell Irradiant what I said?”


Sky felt a bit of unease in his position. To his surprise, Irradiant accepted the proposed hug and dug her small head in his robe. He noticed he would have to push her away soon to not ruin his garb, but he stressed the timeframe to the maximum possible for her … and his … sake.

Even without a maw to express their touched amusement, Sky was able to feel the gaze of the purple Slugcat on his metal skin, boring past the resistant tissue. Sky knew that Suns would take notice of his moment of uncharacteristic weakness not soon after.

If Moon still were to be around, she would take her amusement on that strange development of his. He finally began to understand why Lives was so taken aback by her accident. So … that was the feeling of dearly missing someone who he took for granted. He made a mental notice to apologize to his Coordinator the next time they would chat together. Maybe even encouraging her to revitalize the Meeting of Seven … now Six. The other group admins were surely worried sick about the lack of over-regional connections.


Spearmaster nodded and took Irradiant out of his offering hands before she would ruin his precious garb. After a few seconds, he let out a deep sigh of defeat.


Suns will tell Gales. Suns … will … tell  … Gales …


Direct Message – Chat System 1.0 – 1694.766

Seven Red Suns, Shifting Gales

SG: I am happy that Sky finally opened himself up to *anything*. I wish I could see that.

SG: Thank you for all these updates on Irradiant, Suns, they really help me to stay sane.


SRS: Don’t mention it. And yes, she is a sweetheart. Spearmaster can’t stop swooning over her feats in the back of my mind.

SRS: You should hear them. They sound like a proud parent. So adorable!


SG: I can imagine. Your little hero is doing us all, them included, a huge favour.

SG: Can you please hug them in my name?


SRS: … and done.~ Oh, Spears asks me how are you holding up?

SRS: How is the situation with the Scavengers?


SG: Fascinating, to say the least! My Overseer feeds me with very informative videos regarding their language, behaviour, and beliefs.

SG: I have been following Breaker’s quest for a bit already to spread the word of the Mechanical Goddess.


SRS: Are you speaking to the Scavengers?


SG: Afraid not. My Overseers are unable to project my feed without an intact communication system. All I can do is watch and listen as well as order my Overseer to nod or shake its head.

SG: It is, however, quite interesting, now that I studied their language for a bit. Their language is rough … and causes my vents to smoke if I try speaking … but it is surprisingly advanced.

SG: I await Breaker’s return soon, hopefully with more … can’t write that … come on … things that divide issues from healthy tissue.


SRS: I understand. Is it bad?


SG: The second visit of Breaker solved some of the pressing issues, yes.

SG: But my loss of control in the same cycle caused new issues.

SG: Turns out that when your immune system is, for the most part, compromised, cracks will not heal, but widen.

SG: I need Breaker’s expertise to keep me on my legs.



SRS: I wish I could help you more.


SG: Actually … you can.

SG: This will take an entire cycle to type out as we have no access to file or image transmission.

SG: But I have made the first research results with the Quantum Communicator Breaker got for me.

SG: I would like you to share these with Five Lives Unbound for evaluation.

SG: Maybe, just maybe, she has an idea how to circumvent the location dependency.

SG: I will start typing. Have a good one, Suns.~


SRS: I will get to it after returning from Spears’ training session. Can’t get enough of my champion sharing their fascinating knowledge.

SRS: You can count on me.


A quantum communicator? What a fascinating piece of technology of the Ancients you found there, Shifting Gales. It is too good to be true. No latency, and no data limitation. A dream of communication in these degrading times. However, the nature of quantum entanglement rendered it a useless technology for us, who were bound to a location. The corresponding quantum, entangled to the place of the first device, could be located anywhere but in the Heart of another Iterator. Hence why that technology only worked to scout out locations for new Superstructures to expand the reign of the House of Letters.

It is a useless technology when looked at in a void. But there is a chance. Eliminate the location dependency, and it actually could be our future. To counteract the rusted future we approach.

And a secure way of communication for my more secretive peers.

The Guardian of Isolation, researching a tool to allow us Iterators to embrace Company. How blissfully ironic. My last High Priestess, Facets of Fate, Scattered Fable, would be livid if she could catch wind of that.

And I would enjoy seeing her being utterly speechless of anger. 


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