Ambrose Loxley Progress Report

Ambrose is struck by a Fey Mood.

Story: Year of Christmas Past

374 words

Chat History: Alea x Oliver 1

312 words


437 words

YoCP Episode 23:

187 words

Scene: Magne POV

785 words


342 words

Test: That Story

445 words


438 words

Alea's Circle

78 words

Ambrose Loxley Progress so far

27611 words 276.11% completed!

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A bohemian misanthrope writing of worlds both better and worse, but definitely fictional to break from the mundanity of our world.

Interests & Hobbies

You'll notice a lot of artwork on my worlds that looks too flawed to be AI, and I did that. I used to draw a lot as a kid, but only now am I trying to really improve my skill.

In fact I have my chubby little fingers in a lot of creative pies, because the next hype is always just around the corner, where I start doing something excessively for some months before leaving it possibly forever.

I have a piano, where I play and sing a lot of classics - Trying to expand my Jim Steinman repertoire.

Tabletop Roleplaying is a big time stealer. I am in perhaps too many groups, and I'm trying to cut back a bit, but man, creating and acting out a character is awesome sauce.

Favorite Movies

I love me some good sci-fi action if the setting is interesting. I love the Mad Max setting - Under The Thunderdome and Fury Road are both awesome!
Well done fantasy. The Lord of The Rings are amazing pictures.
A stunning dystopian cyberpunk setting - Robocop, Starship Troopers, Blade Runner, Alien, you name it.
Musicals. Many of them. I love a classic 'convey feelings through some amazing song' moments. Must be my 90's disney upbringing.

Favorite TV Series

Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Arcane, The Midnight Gospel, Sherlock, Trailer Park Boys

Favorite Books

Watchmen, The Shining, The Heroin Diaries

Favorite Games

The Fallout Series, Crusader Kings, Civilization, Minecraft, the old Assassin's Creed games, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, Fire Emblem Three Houses

Latest Loved work

Saiorean Phoenix Crafting

Winter's Call

Rite of Torpor

Juran Celebrations of Endurance

Cravoka, Celebration of Dancing



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