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StrixCattus Progress Report

Zou Nym-Shoɾon, Sky Pirate

Zou Nym-Shoɾon was a sky pirate captain in the early 900s 3C.

866 words

Sky Piracy

Exactly what it says on the tin—mostly. Piracy within the Sea of Air.

825 words


Volatils are the oldest mortal species of Deus, who possess the unique power of flight.

874 words

Sea of Fire

With intense heat rising from its lava depths, the Sea of Fire is hostile to all foreign life.

487 words

Index of Gods

A list providing an at-a-glance overview of all gods mentioned elsewhere.

737 words

The Third Realm

The Third Realm is the world of the dead. Only the gods know what lies within it, and they aren't telling.

1197 words

Sea of Land

The Sea of Land comprises a set of barren, mountainous continents mirroring the form of Deus.

621 words


Velsen have the hind legs of a pawed horse and an ingrained cultural connection to the stars.

756 words

Divine Burn

Divine Burn is a dangerous condition resulting from overuse of divine energy.

1382 words

StrixCattus Progress so far

7745 words 77.45% completed!

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